- AbortBox(refer object BaseString, refer ...)
- Beep(void)
- BeginWaitCursor(void)
- BmpFromResource(object String, ...)
- BringProcessToTop
- ConfirmationBox(refer object BaseString, refer ...)
- EnableProcessClose(boolean)
- EndWaitCursor(void)
- ErrorBox(refer object BaseString, refer ...)
- GetKeyState(number)
- GetMonitorDepths(void)
- GetMonitorRects(void)
- GetScreenDepth(void)
- GetScreenSize(void)
- GetSysColor(int)
- InformationBox(refer object BaseString, refer ...)
- InvalidateScreen(void)
- IsWaitCursor(void)
- IsWndOpen(int)
- MessageBox(refer object BaseString, refer object BaseString, int, refer ...)
- PIR(void)
- PIR::FromSpecSym
- PIR::GetID
- PIR::GetStr
- PIR::ToSpecSym
- QuestionBox(refer object BaseString, refer ...)
- SetProcessTitle(object BaseString)
- ShowProcessButton(boolean)
- StopBox(refer object BaseString, refer ...)
- StoreWndPlacement(int, ...)
- XmlParser::CodeAttrValueString
- XmlParser::DecodeAttrValueString
#module root.system.parsers
Comments filter of the // ... and /* ... */ types that supports nested
and intersected comments.
Creates a comments filter.
Базовый класс для органов управления типа custom.
param hnd;
Устанавливает объект, который будет получать уведомления от данного органа
hnd Указатель на объект, у которого должны вызываться методы.
The GCaret class represents objects, each of which is a window caret. An
application may create only one GCaret class object, since the caret is a
shareable system resource.
param width, height, wnd;
Creates the window caret.
width The caret width in logical units.
height The caret height in logical units.
wnd The window for which the caret must be created.
This method creates the caret of the specified size for the specified window.
The current caret is destroyed, no matter in which window it is situated. An
application may create only one GCaret class object, since the caret is a
shareable system resource. The caret should be created when the window receives
the input focus or is activated. The caret should be destroyed when the window
loses the input focus or is deactivated. Initially the caret is invisible. To
make the caret visible an application should call the GCaret::Show method.
Retrieves the window caret position.
Returns a two element vector. The first element is the x-coordinate of the caret
position. The second element is the y-coordinate of the caret position.
The caret position is always considered in the coordinates of the window client
Makes the caret invisible on the screen.
Param x, y;
Sets the window caret position.
x x-coordinate of the caret position.
y y-coordinate of the caret position.
The caret position is always considered in the coordinates of the window client
Shows the window caret on the screen in its current position.
Destroys the window caret.
Since the caret is a shareable system resource, it should be destroyed by an
application when the window loses the input focus or is deactivated.
The GColoDialogf class represents objects that are standard color selection
dialog windows.
param parentWnd;
Creates a standard color selection dialog window.
ParentWnd The parent window.
This method form creates an object that matches a standard dialog window with a
parent. The window does not exist in the system before the GColorDialog::Open
method is called. This allows an application to call additional methods that set
the window state before it is opened.
Creates a standard color selection dialog window.
This method form creates an object that matches a standard top level dialog
window. The window does not exist in the system before the GColorDialog::Open
method is called. This allows an application to call additional methods that set
the window state before it is opened.
Creates an object-matching window in the system.
Returns the color (ColorRef class object) selected by the user. If the user has
pressed the Cancel button, the method returns nothing.
When this method is called the control is not returned by the sytem until the
window is closed by the user.
param color;
Selcts a color among the available colors of the color selection dialog window.
color The color that must be selected in the window before it is created.
param caption;
Sets the standard color selection dialog window caption
caption Text to be placed into the window caption.
Destroys a standard color selection dialog window.
The GComboBox class represents objects associated with controls of a list box
combined with the edit box type (a combo box).
param str;
Adds an item to the list.
str A string to add.
This method adds a string to the end of the list, if the list is unsorted. If
the list is sorted, then the string is inserted into it and then the list is
param strs;
Adds a group of elements to the list.
str A vector of strings to add.
This method adds a string to the end of the list, if the list is unsorted. If
the list is sorted, then the string is inserted into it and then the list is
param state;
Shows the list in the droppoed down or collapsed view.
state TRUE if the list must drop down. FALSE if the list must collapse.
This method works only for drop-down list boxes.
param str;
Searches for the list item
str A string to find.
Returns the index of the list item found. The method returns nothing, if there
is no item to find in the list.
This method searches for the first item matching the string specified. The
search is not case sensitive.
#rus См. конструктор со вторым параметром типа GWnd.
param id, wnd;
Creates an object associated with a list.
id List identifier.
wnd The list-owning window.
The method associates an object with the list that must already exist in the
Retrieves the number of items in the list.
Returns the number of items in the list. This value is greater by one than the
last item index (indexes are zero-based).
Retrieves the selected list item in the index form.
Returns the index of the selected list item. The method returns nothing, if no
list item is selected.
param index;
Retrieves the list item.
index Index of the list item that is to be retrieved.
Returns a string corresponding to the list item.
Retrieves the text in the edit box.
Returns a string corresponding to the text in the edit box.
Retrieves the position of the selected text portion in the edit box.
Returns a vector, which consists of the starting and the ending positions of the
selected text portion in the edit box.
param str, index;
Inserts an item into the specified position in the list.
str A string to insert.
index Index of the list position, into which the string is to be inserted. If
this argument equals -1, then the string is added to the end of the list.
This method inserts a string into the specified position. No sorting takes
place, even if the list is sorted.
param numChars;
Sets the limit for the length of the text that a user may enter into the edit
numChars Length (in bytes) of the text that a user may enter into the edit
box. If this argument value is 0, then the default text length is set.
This method limits only the text that a user may enter. It doesn't limit the
text that is already in the edit box or is set with the GComboBox::SetText
param index;
Removes an item from the list.
index Index of the element to be removed.
This method form removes the item with the specified index.
param str;
Removes an item from the list.
str The string to be removed.
This method form removes the first item that matches the string specified.
Removes all the items from the list and all the text from the edit box.
param state;
Toggles the text overwrite mode.
state TRUE if the text overwrite mode must be swiched on. FALSE if the text
overwrite mode must be swiched off.
param str, index;
Sets the list item.
str A string that is to be set.
index Index of the list string, that is to be set.
param str;
Sets the text in the edit box
str The string that is to be set.
If an application calls this method for a list, that has a modifiable edit box,
then the str argument must be equal to one of the strings from the list or to an
empty string.
param beginCharIndex, endCharIndex;
Selects a part of the text in the edit box.
beginCharIndex The starting position of the selected part.
endCharIndex The ending position of the selected part.
If the beginCharIndex argument value is 0, and the endCharIndex argument value
is -1 then the selection of the text is removed.
Destroys an object associated with the list.
The GContextMenu class represents objects associated with the window context
param wnd;
Creates an object associated with the window context menu.
wnd The window owning the context menu.
This method associates the object with the context menu that the window owns.
This menu is the top level context menu for the window. The menu must already
exist in the system.
The Gcontrol class represents objects associated with controls. This class
serves as a base class for other classes, which represent controls of concrete
types (e.g. for the GListBox class, which represents a list box). Therefore, it
creating objects of GControl class is not meaningful.
Retrieves the control identifier.
Returns the integer identifier.
Retrieves the parent window, which owns the control.
Returns a pointer to a GWnd type object, which is a parent window.
param wnd, id, notifyCode;
A handler of an event, which occured in the control due to default handling of
the WND_COMMAND event, which is sent to the the control-owning window.
wnd The control-owning window.
id The control identifier.
notifyCode Notification code.
Returns -1 if default handling is required.
In the GControl class this method generates a new command event with the number
equal to CMD_FIRST + id and the same wnd, id and notifyCode arguments.
Therefore, if an application needs to overwrite this method in a derived class,
it must call the method of the base class from there. In the GControl class this
method returns the value, which the handler of the generated command event
The control popup hint access object.
The user may create an object of this class, then create the hint with the
GToolTip::Create method and manipulate with the hint through the methods of the
object, created with specification of the control identifier, until the hint is
not destroyed with the GToolTip::Delete method.
param id, wnd;
Creates the window control popup hint access object.
id The window control identifier.
wnd The window.
Орган управления типа custom.
В классе определены следующие поля:
ParentWnd Указатель на родительское окно.
RescaleFromDef Вектор из двух чисел, являющихся
коэффициентами преобразования соответственно
x- и y-координаты из системы координат по
умолчанию в текущую систему координат.
InitPos Начальная позиция для метода Open.
InitSize Начальный размер для метода Open.
ID Системный идентификатор, который метод Open
должен установить.
param parentWnd;
Создает орган управления типа custom.
parentWnd Родительское окно.
До вызова метода Open орган управления в системе не существует.
Это позволяет приложению после создания объекта установить
его начальное состояние.
Получает системный идентификатор.
Возвращает целое значение, идентифицирующее открытое окно в системе.
param attrName, attrValue;
Устанавливает атрибут окна из ресурса. Данный метод вызывается только,
если окно создано из ресурса типа custom (см. класс PIRCustomControl).
attrName Имя атрибута.
attrValue Значение атрибута.
Метод вызывается после создания объекта, но до открытия окна.
В данном классе метод просто присваивает значение attrValue в поле с
именем, совпадающим с attrName, за исключением следующих атрибутов:
FgColor, BgColor, Font.
В производном классе можно переопределить данный метод, чтобы вызывать
какой-то код вместо присвоения поля.
param x, y;
Устанавливает позицию.
x x-координата.
y y-координата.
param widht, height;
Устанавливает размер.
width Ширина.
height Высота.
This is a list combined with a string editing control that meets the
string representation of date.
For more information see the GDateControl class description.
param id, wnd, [format, is2DigitYear];
#rus Создает объект, ассоциированный со списком, комбинированным
#rus с органом редактирования.
#rus id Идентификатор списка.
#rus wnd Окно, владеющее списком.
#rus format Формат представления даты. Может быть равен
#rus "DMY" - представление в виде DD/MM/YYYY или
#rus "MDY" - представление в виде MM/DD/YYYY или
#rus "YMD" - представление в виде YYYY/MM/DD.
#rus Если не задано, то используется формат
#rus представления даты по умолчанию.
#rus is2DigitYear Если равно TRUE, то пользователь вводит год в
#rus виде двух цифр. Если не задано, то пользователь
#rus вводит год в виде четырех цифр.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Метод связывает объект со списком, который должен
#rus существовать в системе.
This is an abstract control that works with a string representation
of date.
This is an abstract class and it is designed for deriving certain
controls from the current class and from any descendant of the
GControl class (for instance, from the GEdit class).
param text, isComplete;
Checks the text for the date representation accordance.
text Text.
isComplete Specifies whether to treat this text as completed.
Returns TRUE if the text if text meets date representation, FALSE if not.
param is2DigitYear;
#rus Создает объект. Используется формат представления даты по умолчанию.
#rus is2DigitYear Если равно TRUE, то пользователь вводит год в
#rus виде двух цифр.
param format;
Creates an object.
format Date representation format. It can be equal to
"DMY" - DD/MM/YYYY representation or
"MDY" - MM/DD/YYYY representation .
param format, is2DigitYear;
#rus Создает объект.
#rus format Формат представления даты. Может быть равен
#rus "DMY" - представление в виде DD/MM/YYYY или
#rus "MDY" - представление в виде MM/DD/YYYY или
#rus "YMD" - представление в виде YYYY/MM/DD.
#rus is2DigitYear Если равно TRUE, то пользователь вводит год в
#rus виде двух цифр.
#rus Создает объект. Используется формат представления даты по умолчанию.
This is a string editing control that meets the string representation
of date.
For more information see the GDateControl class description.
param id, wnd, [format, is2DigitYear];
#rus Создает объект, ассоциированный с органом редактирования.
#rus id Идентификатор органа редактирования.
#rus wnd Окно, владеющее органом редактирования.
#rus format Формат представления даты. Может быть равен
#rus "DMY" - представление в виде DD/MM/YYYY или
#rus "MDY" - представление в виде MM/DD/YYYY или
#rus "YMD" - представление в виде YYYY/MM/DD.
#rus Если не задано, то используется формат
#rus представления даты по умолчанию.
#rus is2DigitYear Если равно TRUE, то пользователь вводит год в
#rus виде двух цифр. Если не задано, то пользователь
#rus вводит год в виде четырех цифр.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Метод связывает объект с органом редактирования, который должен
#rus существовать в системе.
Орган редактирования даты.
- GDatePicker(refer object GWnd)
- Get(void)
- Open(void)
- Set(refer any)
- SetRange(refer any, refer any)
- ~GDatePicker(void)
This is a dialog of a common type for servicing relatively simple
modal dialogs.
- GDialog(object String, object Vector, object Vector, object Vector, refer object GWnd)
- GDialog(object String, object Vector, object Vector, object Vector, refer object GWnd, object String)
- SetMessageHandler(int, func)
- SetSetupFunc(refer func)
param Template, InData, IDE, ExitCode, Parent;
Creates a dialog of a common type.
Template Dialog resource name.
InData Vector of initial field values in the following
represenatation<<id, ...>>, as in the GWnd::SetItems.
IDE Vector of field identifiers from where the final
values are obtained.
ExitCode Vector of codes which are used for closing a dialog.
Parent Parent window.
After completion of a dialog work there is a vector in the Data field
which contains field values enumerated in the IDE parameter. If the
IDE parameter represents as empty vector then the Data field contains
values enumerated in the InData parameter.
param Template, InData, IDE, ExitCode, Parent, LibName;
Creates a dialog of a common type. Resources are obtained from a
Template Dialog resource name.
InData Vector of initial field values in the following
represenatation <<id, ...>>, as in the GWnd::SetItems.
IDE Vector of field identifiers from where the final
values are obtained.
ExitCode Vector of codes which are used for closing a dialog.
Parent Parent window.
LibName Library name.
After completion of a dialog work there is a vector in the Data field
which contains field values enumerated in the IDE parameter. If the
IDE parameter represents as empty vector then the Data field contains
values enumerated in the InData parameter.
param id, hnd;
Sets a command event handler.
id Identifier of the control for which a handler
should be set.
hnd Handler.
The handler specified via the hnd parameter should represent a function that receives the following parameters:
id Control identifier of the int type.
notifyCode Notification code of the int type.
wnd Window of the refer object GDialog type.
param setupFunc;
Sets a function that is executed on the window opening.
setupFunc Function that receives the following parameters:
wnd Form of the refer object Form type.
This is a window that supports the drag-and-drop protocol.
The current realization supports the drag-and-drop protocol not
only between windows of one application but also between windows
of different applications.
Creates a window that supports the drag-and-drop protocol .
For more information see the GWnd::GWnd.
Gets dragging type.
This method returns dragging type if dragging is being performed.
This method returns nothing if there is no dragging.
Available Dragging types include:
DRAG_MOVE Objects moving.
DRAG_COPY Objects copying.
DRAG_NODROP Barring on objects moving/copying.
param v;
Notifies a window that objects has now copies according to the
drag-and-drop protocol.
v Vector that contains pointers to the objects
that were copied.
The v parameter has the following type: <<ptr1, ptr2, ... >>, where
the ptr1, ptr2, ... elements represent object pointers.
An application has to override this method to ascertain about copying
of the objects pointers to which are passed by the v parameter.
This method does nothing in this class
param v;
Notifies a window about objects creation according to the
drag-and-drop protocol.
v Vector that contains pointers to the objects
to be created and new object locations.
The v parameter has the following type: << <<ptr1, rect1>>, <<ptr2,
rect2>>, ... >>, where the ptr1, ptr2, ... elements represent object
pointers and the rect1, rect2, ... elements represent objects of the
RECT class that set objects location within the window client region.
An application has to override this method to create objects that are
the copies of objects whose pointer are passed in the v parameter and
set new object locations at that.
The application should not change the objects to which the v parameter points.
This method does nothing in this class
param v;
Notifies a window about objects deletion according to the
drag-and-drop protocol.
v Vector that contains pointers to the objects
to be deleted.
The v parameter has the following type: <<ptr1, ptr2, ... >>, where the ptr1, ptr2, ... elements represent object pointers.
An application has to override this method to delete objects whose
pointer are passed in the v parameter.
This method does nothing in this class
param pt, rects;
Notifies a window dragging operation.
pt Point on the window client region where a mouse is
rects Location of frames (on the window client region)
that demonstrate objects dragging process.
Represents a vector of the RECT type objects.
An application can change these objects in order to
control frame locations.
Returns dragging type (see Comments).
Available Dragging types include:
DRAG_MOVE Objects moving.
DRAG_COPY Objects copying.
DRAG_NODROP Barring on objects moving/copying.
DRAG_ABORT Dragging termination (as of the left mouse button is
EMPTY Default.
Default dragging type means the following:
1. Objects dragging, if a mouse is in the window client region of a certain class and Ctrl button is depressed.
2. Objects copying, if a mouse is in the window client region of a certain class and Ctrl button is pressed .
3. Barring on objects moving/copying, if a mouse is any other place.
The rects parameter contains object locations as if a user has ended
dragging at the moment of method calling.
An application has to override this method to set dragging type
different from the default one or to adjust dragging object locations.
This method does nothing in this class that is the default dragging type is set and object locations are not changed.
param pt;
Notifies a window about objects availability and their locations to start dragging operation.
pt Point on the window client region where a user
pressed the left mouse button.
Returns a vector that contains pointers to the objects to be dragged
and object locations. This method returns nothing if an application
does not need to drag any object.
An application has to override this method to find application objects
that correspond to the pt parameter value and return the << <<ptr1,
rect1>>, <<ptr2, rect2>>, ... >> vector where the ptr1, ptr2, ...
elements represent object pointers and the rect1, rect2,
... elements represent objects of the RECT class that set objects
location within the window client region.
The dragged objects should meet the serialization capabilities.
This method does nothing in this class that is does not require
param v;
Notifies a window about objects moving according to the
drag-and-drop protocol.
v Vector that contains pointers to the objects
to be moved and new object locations.
The v parameter has the following type: << <<ptr1, rect1>>, <<ptr2,
rect2>>, ... >>, where the ptr1, ptr2, ... elements represent object
pointers and the rect1, rect2, ... elements represent objects of the
RECT class that set objects location within the window client region.
An application has to override this method to move objects whose
pointer are passed in the v parameter by setting new object locations.
This method does nothing in this class
Sets the precision of dragging start: mouse displacement after
pressing and holding left button necessary to begin dragging.
delta Displacement which is set in pixels.
After creation of an object of this type the displacement is equal to 0 that is each mouse movement when left button is pressed and held results in dragging start.
The GEdit class represents objects, associated with edit boxes.
param charIndex;
Retrieves the line index of the character from the edit box.
charIndex Index of the character, which line index must be retrieved. If this
argument equals -1, then the current character is considered, i.e. the character
at which position the caret is placed.
Returns the line index of the character, i.e. the number of lines from the
beginning of the edit box to the character specified.
If any text is selected copies the selection into the system clipboard
#rus См. конструктор со вторым параметром типа GWnd.
param id, wnd;
Creates an object associated with an edit box.
id An identifier of the edit box.
wnd A window owning the edit box.
This method associates an object with the edit box, that must already exist in
the system.
param lineIndex;
Retrieves a line from the edit box.
lineIndex Index of the line to retrieve. If this argument equals -1, then the
current line is considered, i.e. the line containing the caret.
Returns the line matching the specified index without return characters at the
Retrieves the number of lines in the edit box. Returns the number of lines in
the edit box. This value is greater by one than the index of the last line
(indexes are zero-based). If there is no text in the edit box, then 1 is
param lineIndex;
Retrieves the line length of the edit box.
lineIndex Index of the line which length is to be retrieved. If the argument
equals -1, then the current line is considered, i.e. the line which contains the
Returns the length of the line matching the specified index without return
characters at the end.
Checks if the edit box contents was modified. Returns a boolean value. TRUE if
the edit box contents was modified. FALSE if not.
System supports for an edit box an internal flag of modification of its
contents. Thif flag is removed after the edit box is created or after the
GEdit::SetText is called. Any modification of the text in the edit box sets the
flag. An application may remove the flag by calling the GEdit::SetModifyState
Retrieves the position of the selected text portion in the edit box.
Returns a vector containing the starting and the ending positions of the
selected text portion in the edit box.
Retrieves the text in the edit box. Returns a string matching the text in the
edit box.
Retrieves the length of the text in the edit box. Returns the length of the text
in the edit box.
Retrieves the index of the topmost visible line of the edit box.
Returns the index of the topmost visible line of the edit box.
param newStr;
Inserts text instead of the selected text portion.
newStr A string to insert.
To replace all the text in the edit box the GEdit::SetText method should be
used. If the selection is absent in the edit box, then the text is inserted into
the cursor position.
param numChars;
Limits the length of the text the user may enter into the edit box.
numChars Length in bytes of the text the user may enter into the edit box. If
this argument equals 0, then the default text length is set.
This method limits only the text the user may enter. It doesn't limit the text
that already was in the edit box or the text which is set with the
GEdit::SetText method.
Retrieves the character index of the line from the edit box.
lineIndex Index of the line, which character index must be retrieved. If this
argument equals -1, then the current line is considered, i.e. the line
containing the caret.
Returns the character index of the line, i.e. the number of characters from the
beginning of the edit box to the line specified.
If there is any text in the system clipboard, pastes it instead of the selction.
param numLines, numChars;
Scrolls the text in the edit box.
numLines Specifies the number of lines to scroll vertically. This argument may
be negative for scrolling upwards.
numChars Specifies the number of characters to scroll horizontally. This
argument may be negative for scrolling leftwards.
This method is sensible only for a multiline edit box.
param charIndex;
Sets the caret position in the edit box.
charIndex The caret position in the edit box.
When this method is called the selection is removed from the text.
param state;
Sets or removes the flag of modification of the edit box contents.
state TRUE if the modification flag should be set. FALSE if it should be
See the GEdit::GetModifyState method comments.
param state;
Sets or removes the text overwrite mode.
state TRUE if the text overwrite mode must be set. FALSE if the text overwrite
mode must be removed.
param state;
Sets or removes the readonly state of the edit box.
state TRUE if the readonly state must be set. FALSE if the readonly state must
be removed.
param beginCharIndex, endCharIndex;
Selects a part of the text in the edit box.
beginCharIndex The starting position of the selected text part.
endCharIndex The ending position of the selected text part.
When this method is called, the caret is shifted to the position specified in
the endCharIndex argument. If the beginCharIndex argument equals -1, then the
text selection is removed without changing the caret position. If the the
endCharIndex argument equals -1, then the text is selected from the position
specified in the beginCharIndex argument to the end of the text and the caret is
shifted to the end of the text. When this method is called the control is
scrolled so that the selected text portion is visible.
param beginCharIndex, endCharIndex, isNoScroll;
Selects a part of the text in the edit box.
beginCharIndex The starting position of the selected text part.
endCharIndex The ending position of the selected text part.
isNoScroll TRUE if the control must not be scrolled so that the selected part
is visible, FALSE if it must be scrolled.
When this method is called, the caret is shifted to the position specified in
the endCharIndex argument. If the beginCharIndex argument equals -1, then the
text selection is removed without changing the caret position. If the the
endCharIndex argument equals -1, then the text is selected from the position
specified in the beginCharIndex argument to the end of the text and the caret is
shifted to the end of the text. This method form is sensible only for a
multiline edit box, since the isNoScroll argument is ignored in a single line
edit box.
param width;
Sets the width of the tab character.
width The width of the tab character.
If an application has called this method, then the tab character is mapped to
the edit box as skipping of number of characters specified in the width
argument. This method is sencible only for a multiline edit box.
param str;
Sets the text in the edit box.
str A string to set.
Destroys an object associated with an edit box.
The GFileDialog class represents objects which are standard file selection
dialog windows. The GOpenDialog and GSaveDialog derived classes represent a file
open and file save stsndard dialogs respectively. An application may create
objects only of GOpenDialog and GSaveDialog classes, since the GFileDialog class
has only an exception raising constructor.
The class has the following fields specified:
Filter The filter index (one based).
Allows multiple file selection in the window.
Creates a window matching the object in the system.
Returns a path to the file the user has chosen, if the window allows only single
file selection, or a vector of paths the files the user has chosen, if the
window allows selection of multiple files. If the user has clicked the cancel
button, then this method returns nothing.
When this method is called the control is not returned until the user closes the
param index;
Select a filter from the list of filters of a standard file selection dialog
index Index of the filter (one based), that must be selected in the window
before it is created.
param caption;
Sets a standard file selection dialog window caption.
caption The text to place into a window caption.
Destroys a standard file selection dialog window.
The GFontDialog class represents objects which are standard font selection
dialog windows.
param faceName, size, attr;
Creates a standard font selection dialog window. Font parameters are: name
(e.g., System), style (e.g., bold), vertical size, efect (e.g., underline) and
faceName Font name.
size Font vertical size in 1/72's of inch.
attr Font attributes.
This method form creates an object correspondong to a standard top level dialog
window. The attr argument is a combination of the following values:
FT_BOLD Bold font style.
FT_ITALIC Italic font style.
FT_UNDERLINE Underlined font.
FT_STRIKEOUT Striked out font.
The window does not exist in the system before the GFontDialog::Open method is
called. This allows an application to call additional methods that set the
window state before it is opened.
param faceName, size, attr, parentWnd;
Creates a standard font selection dialog window. Font parameters are: name
(e.g., System), style (e.g., bold), vertical size, efect (e.g., underline) and
faceName Font name.
size Font vertical size in 1/72's of inch.
attr Font attributes.
This method form creates an object correspondong to a standard dialog window
with a parent. The attr argument is a combination of the following values:
FT_BOLD Bold font style.
FT_ITALIC Italic font style.
FT_UNDERLINE Underlined font.
FT_STRIKEOUT Striked out font.
The window does not exist in the system before the GFontDialog::Open method is
called. This allows an application to call additional methods that set the
window state before it is opened.
Creates a window matching the object in the system.
Returns a vector of five items, which are user-chosen font parameters. If the
user has clicked the Cancel button, then the method returns nothing.
The first element of the returned vector is a string which contains the font
name. The second element is a floating-point decimal - the font vertical size in
1/72's of inch. The third element is a whole number - the font attribute (see
GFontDialog::GFontDialog comments). The fourth is a ColorRef class object - the
font color. The fifth is whole number - code of the font character set (for
Unocode fonts supporting Wndows 95 and WindowsNT). When this method is called
the control is not returned until the user closes the window.
param charSet;
Selects a charset among the available charsets of the font selection dialog
charSet Charset code.
param color;
Selects a color among the available colors of the font selection dialog window.
color Font color that must be selected in the window before it is created.
param caption;
Sets the standard font selection dialog window caption
caption Text to be placed into the window caption.
Destroys a standard font selection dialog window.
The GListBox class represents objects associated with list box type controls.
param str;
Adds an element to the list box.
str A string that is to be added.
This method adds the string to the end of the list box, if the list box is
unsorted. If the list is sorted, then the string is added to the list box and
then the list box is sorted.
param strs;
Adds a group of elements to the list box.
strs A vector of strings that are to be added.
This method adds a string to the end of the list box, if the list box is
unsorted. If the list is sorted, then the string is added to the list box and
then the list box is sorted.
param str;
Searches for a list item.
str A string to find.
Returns the index of the list item found. The method returns nothing, if there
is no item that is to be found in the list.
This method searches for the first item coinciding with the string specified.
The search is not case sensitive.
#rus См. конструктор со вторым параметром типа GWnd.
param id, wnd;
Creates an object associated with a list box.
id List box identifier.
wnd The window owning the list box.
This method associates an object with the list box that must already exist in
the system.
Returns the caret position, i.e. an element, containing the focus rectangle.
This element may be selected or may be not.
Returns the caret position. The method returns 0, if there are no elements in
the list.
Retrieves the number of items in the list box.
Returns the number of items in the list box. This value is greater than the last
element index by one (indexes are zero-based).
Retrieves the selected list items in the index form. Returns the index of the
selected list item, if this is a single selection list box, or a vector of
indexes of selected items, if this is a multiple selection list box. The method
returns nothing, if no element is selected in the list box.
param index;
Retrieves the list box element.
index The index of the list box element that is to be retrieved.
Returns a string, matching the list box element.
Retrieves the selected list items in the string form. Returns the string of the
selected list item. The method returns nothing, if no item is selected in the
list box.
Retrieves the index of the topmost visible list item.
Returns the index of the topmost visible list item.
param str, index;
Inserts an element into the given position in the list.
str A string that is to be inserted.
index Index of the list position where the string is to be inserted. If this
argument equals -1, then the string is added to the end of the list.
This method inserts a string into the specified position. Even if the list box
is sorted, no sorting takes place.
param index;
Removes an item from the list box.
Index An index of the list item which is to be removed.
This method form removes an item with the specified index.
param str;
Removes an item from the list box.
str A string which is to be removed.
This method form removes the first item coinciding with the string specified.
Removes all the elements from the list box.
param index;
Sets the caret position, i.e. an element, containing the focus rectangle. This
element may be selected or may be not.
index Index of the list element, for which the caret is to be set.
param index;
Sets the selection of the list item. The item is specified in the index form.
index Index of the item for which the selection is to be set.
This method sets the selection for an item and scrolls the list to ensure that
the item is visible, if necessary. The selection is removed from the previously
seelcted elements. If -1 is specified as the index argument value, then the
selection is reset and the edit box is cleared.
param index, isSelect;
Sets or removes the selection of the list item. The item is specified in the
index form.
index Index of the item for which the selection is to be set or removed.
isSelect A boolean value. TRUE if the selection is to be set. FALSE if the
selection is to be removed.
This method form sets or removes the selection of an item and scrolls the list
(in case of setting the selection) to ensure that the item is visible, if
necessary. The selection is not removed from the previously selected elements.
This method form may be called only for multiple selection list boxes. If -1 is
specified as the index argument value, then the selection is set or removed for
all the list box items, depending on the isSelect argument value.
param str, index;
Sets an element in the list box
str A string that must be set.
index The index of the list box line, which must be set.
param str;
Sets the selection of the list item. The item is specified in the string form.
str String from the list for which the selection is to be set.
This method sets or removes the selection for the first item with the specified
string. This method form sets the selection for an item and scrolls the list to
ensure that the item is visible, if necessary. The selection is removed from the
previously selected item.
param str, isSelect;
Sets or removes the selection of the list item. The item is specified in the
string form.
str String of the item for which the selection is to be set or removed.
isSelect A boolean value. TRUE if the selection is to be set. FALSE if the
selection is to be removed.
This method sets or removes the selection for the first item with the specified
string. This method form sets or removes the selection of an item and scrolls
the list (in case of setting the selection) to ensure that the item is visible,
if necessary. The selection is not removed from the previously selected
elements. This method form may be called only for multiple selection list boxes.
Destroys an object associated with the list box.
The GMenu class represents objects associated with the window menu.
- BreakItem(int, boolean)
- BreakItemByPos(int, boolean)
- CheckItem(int, boolean)
- CheckItemByPos(int, boolean)
- EnableItem(int, boolean)
- EnableItemByPos(int, boolean)
- EnableWString(boolean)
- FindItem(int)
- FindItem(refer object BaseString)
- GMenu(copy)
- GMenu(int, refer object GMenu)
- GMenu(object String)
- GMenu(object String, object String)
- GMenu(refer object GWnd)
- GMenu(void)
- GetID(void)
- GetItemCount(void)
- GetItemStr(int)
- GetRsc(void)
- InsertItem(int, empty)
- InsertItem(int, int, refer object BaseString)
- InsertItem(int, int, refer object GMenu, refer object BaseString)
- InsertItem(int, refer object GMenu, refer object BaseString)
- InsertItem(int, refer object PIRInlineMenu)
- InsertItem(int, refer object PIRMenuItem)
- InsertItem(int, refer object PIRSubMenu)
- InsertSeparator(int)
- IsItem(int)
- Popup(number, number)
- Popup(number, number, refer object GWnd)
- PopupBelowItem(int, refer object GWnd)
- RemoveItem(int)
- ShowItem(int, refer object String, boolean)
- ~GMenu(void)
param id, state;
Brings the menu item to the new line (new column) or connects the menu item with
the preceding one according to the identifier value.
id Menu item identifier.
state TRUE if the menu item must be brought to the new line (in case of a
horisontal menu) or to the new column (in case of a vertical menu). FALSE if
the item must be connected with the preceding one.
An application must pass as the id argument value an identifier, which is unique
among all the menu items. This manipulating with any level menu item by calling
this method for a top level menu.
param pos, state;
Brings the menu item to the new line (new column) or connects the menu item with
the preceding one according to the position value.
pos Menu or menu item position.
state TRUE if the menu item must be brought to the new line (in case of a
horisontal menu) or to the new column (in case of a vertical menu). FALSE if
thte item must be connected with the preceding one.
This method allows manipulating with a menu or a menu item only at the level of
the menu itself.
param id, state;
Adds or removes a label for the item according to the identifier value.
id Menu item identifier.
state TRUE if a label must be added. FALSE if a label must be removed.
An application must pass as the id argument value an identifier, which is unique
among all the menu items. This allows adding or removing a label for any level
menu by calling this method for a top level menu. A top level menu item cannot
be labeled. To add or remove a label for an entire menu an application must use
the GMenu::CheckItemByPos method.
param pos, state;
Adds or removes a label for the item according to the position value.
pos Menu position or menu item position.
state TRUE if a label must be added. FALSE if a label must be removed.
This method allows adding or removing a label for a menu or menu item only at
the level of the menu itself. A top level menu item cannot be labeled.
param id, state;
Enables or disables the menu item according to the identifier value.
id Menu item identifier.
state TRUE if the item must be enabled, FALSE if the item must be disabled.
An application must pass as the id argument value an identifier, which is unique
among all the menu items. This allows enabling or disabling any level menu item
by calling this method for a top level menu. To enable or disable an entire menu
an application must use the GMenu::EnableItemByPos method.
param pos, state;
Enables or disables the menu item according to the position value.
pos Menu position or menu item position.
state TRUE if the item must be enabled, FALSE if the item must be disabled.
This method allows enabling or disabling a menu or a menu item only at the level
of the menu itself.
param id;
Searches for a menu item with the specified identifier.
id The identifier that must be specified in the required menu item.
Returns the position of the first menu item found where the specified identifier
is set. The method returns nothing if the menu item with the specified
identifier does not exist.
param text;
Searches for a menu or a menu item with the specified text.
text The text that the required menu or menu item must contain.
Returns the position of the first menu or menu item found, that contain the text
specified. The method returns nothing if the menu or menu item with the
specified text does not exist.
param pos, parentMenu;
Creates an object associated with the menu. The menu is owned by another menu
(parent menu).
pos Position of the menu in the parent menu.
parentMenu The parent menu.
This method form associates an object with the menu owned by another menu
(parent menu). The pos argument specifies the position of the menu in the parent
menu (it is zero-based). The menu must already exist in the system.
param name;
Creates an object associated with the menu. It does not belong anywhere.
name Menu name in the resources.
This method form creates the menu from the resources of the executable.
param name, libName;
Creates an object associated with the menu. It does not belong anywhere.
name Menu name in the resources.
libName Name of the library from which the resources are taken.
This method form creates the menu from the resources of the library specified in
the libName argument. If the libName argument equals an empty string, then the
resources are taken from the executable.
param wnd;
Creates an object associated with the menu. The menu is owned by a window.
wnd A window owning the menu.
This method form associates an object with the menu owned by the window. Such a
menu is the upper level menu for the window. The menu must already exist in the
Creates an object associated with the menu. It does not belong anywhere.
This method form creates an empty menu.
Retrieves the number of items in the menu. Returns the number of items in the
param pos;
Retrieves the text from the menu or menu item.
pos Position of the menu or menu item.
Returns a string.
param pos, id, text;
Inserts a menu item.
pos Position of the menu item, before which the new item is to be inserted.
id Identifier of the menu item to be inserted.
text Text of the menu item to be inserted.
An application may insert into the menu only a menu which is not inserted into
another menu. A menu may be already inserted due to the following reasons:
1. The menu was created as an object associated with an existing menu; and the
menu was not removed from its owner with the Gmenu::RemoveItem method.
2. The menu was created as an object associated with no existing menu; and the
menu was inserted into some owner with the GMenu::InsertItem method.
Therefore, an application can insert the menu using the following ways:
1. Create an object associated with an existing menu; remove it from its owner
with the GMenu::RemoveItem method; insert the menu into a new menu (probably,
with a new text).
2. Create an object associated with no existing menu; insert the menu into a
If an application specifies -1 as the pos argument value, then the menu or the
menu item is inserted into the end of a menu.
param pos, menu, text;
Inserts a menu item.
pos Position of the menu item, before which the new item is to be inserted.
menu The menu to be inserted.
text Text of the menu to be inserted.
An application may insert into the menu only a menu which is not inserted into
another menu. A menu may be already inserted due to the following reasons:
1.The menu was created as an object associated with an existing menu; and the
menu was not removed from its owner with the Gmenu::RemoveItem method.
2.The menu was created as an object associated with no existing menu; and the
menu was inserted into some owner with the GMenu::InsertItem method.
Therefore, an application can insert the menu using the following ways:
1. Create an object associated with an existing menu; remove it from its owner
with the GMenu::RemoveItem method; insert the menu into a new menu (probably,
with a new text).
2. Create an object associated with no existing menu; insert the menu into a
If an application specifies -1 as the pos argument value, then the menu or the
menu item is inserted into the end of a menu.
param pos;
Inserts a seperator.
pos Position of the menu item before which the separator is to be inserted.
param id;
Checks if the menu contains a specific item.
id Menu item identifier.
Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the menu contains the item with the specified
identifier. FALSE if it doesn't.
param x, y, owner;
Shows the menu in the form of a popup menu.
x The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the popup menu.
y The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the popup menu.
owner The window that owns the menu and receives all the events from it.
param id, owner;
Shows the menu in the form of a popup menu in the position below the window
id Identifier of the control below which the menu must be shown.
owner The window that owns the menu and receives all the events from it.
param pos;
Removes a menu or a menu item
pos Position of the menu or menu item which must be removed.
If an application removes a menu, then a menu loses its owner and may be
inserted into another menu.
метод прячет и показывает элементы меню
Destroys an object associated with the menu.
This is a modal window with tabs as in the office organizer.
param templateName;
Creates a modal window with top level tabs.
templateName Dialog template name in resources.
param templateName, libName;
Creates a modal window with top level tabs.
Resources are obtained from a library.
templateName Dialog template name in resources.
libName Library name from which the resources are obtained.
param templateName, parentWnd;
#rus Создает модальное окно с закладками.
#rus templateName Имя шаблона диалога в ресурсах.
#rus parentWnd Родительское окно.
param templateName, parentWnd, libName;
Creates a modal window with tabs.
Resources are obtained from a library.
templateName Dialog template name in resources.
parentWnd Parent window.
libName Library name from which the resources are obtained.
The GmodalWnd class represents objects, which are basic modal windows.
param retCode;
Destroys the modal window, corresponding to the object in the system.
retCode The return code, which is then returned by the GModalWnd::Open method.
This method form closes the window with the return code specified in the retCode
argument. If an application needs to close the window in the IDCLOSE, IDOK or
IDCANCEL button handler, and it does not call the default handler, then it must
call this method with the retCode parameter equal to the button identifier. This
is true for the handlers of other buttons, in which the window is closed, too.
Otherwise an application will not be able to determine, which button click made
the window close. Destroying the window does not mean calling the object
destructor. This allows an application to retrieve the object's final state
after the window is closed.
Destroys the modal window, corresponding to the object in the system.
This method form closes the window with the IDCANCEL return code. If an
application needs to close the window in the IDCLOSE, IDOK or IDCANCEL button
handler, and it does not call the default handler, then it must call this method
with the retCode parameter equal to the button identifier. This is true for the
handlers of other buttons, in which the window is closed, too. Otherwise an
application will not be able to determine, which button click made the window
close. Destroying the window does not mean calling the object destructor. This
allows an application to retrieve the object's final state after the window is
param templateName;
Creates a basic modal GUI window.
templateName The dialog template name in the resources.
This method form creates an object, corresponding to the top level modal window.
Before a call to the GModalWnd::Open method, the window does not exist in the
system. This allows an application to specify the initial state of an object
after it is created.
param templateName, libName;
Creates a basic modal GUI window.
templateName The dialog template name in the resources.
libName The name of the library, from which the resources are taken.
This method form also creates an object, corresponding to the top level modal
window. However, in this case the resources are taken from the library,
specified in the libName argument, not from the executable. If the libName
argument equals an empty string, the resources are taken from the executable.
Before a call to the GModalWnd::Open method, the window does not exist in the
system. This allows an application to specify the initial state of an object
after it is created.
param templateName, parentWnd;
Creates a basic modal GUI window.
templateName The dialog template name in the resources.
parentWnd The parent window.
This method form creates an object, corresponding to the modal window with a
parent. Before a call to the GModalWnd::Open method, the window does not exist
in the system. This allows an application to specify the initial state of an
object after it is created.
param templateName, parentWnd, libName;
Creates a basic modal GUI window.
templateName The dialog template name in the resources.
parentWnd The parent window.
libName The name of the library, from which the resources are taken.
This method form also creates an object, corresponding to the modal window with
a parent. However, in this case the resources are taken from the library,
specified in the libName argument, not from the executable. If the libName
argument equals an empty string, the resources are taken from the executable.
Before a call to the GModalWnd::Open method, the window does not exist in the
system. This allows an application to specify the initial state of an object
after it is created.
param parentWnd;
Creates a basic modal GUI window.
parentWnd The parent window.
This method form also creates an object, corresponding to the modal window with
a parent. However, in this case a predefined dialog template is used with
default visual parameters (a popup invisible window with a system menu,
minimization and maximization buttons and zero position coordinates). Before a
call to the GModalWnd::Open method, the window does not exist in the system.
This allows an application to specify the initial state of an object after it is
Creates a basic modal GUI window.
This method form also creates an object, corresponding to the top level modal
window. However, in this case a predefined dialog template is used with default
visual parameters (a popup invisible window with a system menu, minimization
and maximization buttons and zero position coordinates). Before a call to the
GModalWnd::Open method, the window does not exist in the system. This allows an
application to specify the initial state of an object after it is created.
param id, notifyCode;
A handler of the command event from the Cancel button.
id The control identifier. Is equal to IDCANCEL.
notifyCode Notification Code.
Returns -1, if the default handling is required.
On contrary to the GWnd class, where this method does nothing, in the GModalWnd
class this method closes the window. If an application needs to close the
window, it mus either overwrite this method and return -1 in it, or close the
window explicitly in the rewritten method by calling the GModalWnd::Close method
with the retCode argument equal to to IDCANCEL. Otherwise an application will
not be able to determine, which button click made the window close.
param id, notifyCode;
A handler of the command event from the OK button.
id The control identifier. Is equal to IDOK.
notifyCode Notification Code.
Returns -1, if the default handling is required.
On contrary to the GWnd class, where this method does nothing, in the GModalWnd
class this method closes the window. If an application needs to close the
window, it mus either overwrite this method and return -1 in it, or close the
window explicitly in the rewritten method by calling the GModalWnd::Close method
with the retCode argument equal to to IDOK. Otherwise an application will not be
able to determine, which button click made the window close.
Creates a modal window corresponding to the object in the system. Returns the
modal window return code.
If an application calls the default handler of the IDCLOSE, IDOK or IDCANCEL
buttons, then the window is closed in that handler and the return code, that is
equal to IDCLOSE, IDOK or IDCANCEL, is returned. If an application calls the
GModalWnd::Close method with no arguments, then the IDCANCEL return code is
returned. If an application calls the GModalWnd::Close method with an argument,
then the return code matching the argument (usually, it is the identifier of the
button which made the window close) is returned. When this method is called, the
system will not return the control before a user closes the window.
This is a list combined with a string editing control that meets the
string representation of currency.
For more information see the GMoneyControl class description.
param id, wnd, [isEuro];
#rus Создает объект, ассоциированный со списком, комбинированным
#rus с органом редактирования.
#rus id Идентификатор списка.
#rus wnd Окно, владеющее списком.
#rus isEuro Формат представления денежной суммы. Может быть
#rus равен TRUE - представление в европейской нотации
#rus (1.234,56) или FALSE - представление в
#rus американской нотации (1,234.56). Если не задано,
#rus то используется формат представления денежной суммы
#rus по умолчанию.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Метод связывает объект со списком, который должен
#rus существовать в системе.
This is an abstract control that works with a string representation
of currency.
This is an abstract class and it is designed for deriving certain
controls from the current class and from any descendant of the
GControl class (for instance, from the GEdit class).
param isEuro;
Creates an object.
isEuro Currency representation format. It can be equal
to TRUE - European notation representation
(1.234,56) or FALSE - American notation
representation (1,234.56).
#rus Создает объект. Используется формат представления денежной
#rus суммы по умолчанию.
This is a string editing control that meets the string representation
of amount.
For more information see the GMoneyControl class description.
param id, wnd, [isEuro];
#rus Создает объект, ассоциированный с органом редактирования.
#rus id Идентификатор органа редактирования.
#rus wnd Окно, владеющее органом редактирования.
#rus isEuro Формат представления денежной суммы. Может быть
#rus равен TRUE - представление в европейской нотации
#rus (1.234,56) или FALSE - представление в
#rus американской нотации (1,234.56). Если не задано,
#rus то используется формат представления денежной суммы
#rus по умолчанию.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Метод связывает объект с органом редактирования, который должен
#rus существовать в системе.
The GOpenDialog class represents objects which are standard file open dialog
param defExt, fileName, filterList;
Creates a standard file open dialog window.
defExt Default file extension. If the user hasn't specified the file extension
in the edit box, then the extension specified in the defExt argument is
automatically added to the file name.
fileName The file name that must appear in the edit box.
filterList A string specifying a list of filters (see comments).
This method form creates an object which matches a standard top level dialog
window. Before a call to the GFileDialog::Open method the window does not exist
in the system. This allows an application to call additional methods which set
the window sate before it is opened. The filterList argument is used to define
the elements of the list, which filters files by extension. This argument is a
string made up of substrings divided with the '|' character. Each pair of
substrings specifies a filter: the first substring defines the filter
description, which appears in the list, the second substring sets the meaning of
the filter itself. If the filter List argument equals an empty string, then the
window uses a list with one filter for all files.
param defExt, fileName, filterList, parentWnd;
Creates a standard file open dialog window.
defExt Default file extension. If the user hasn't specified the file extension
in the edit box, then the extension specified in the defExt argument is
automatically added to the file name.
fileName The file name that must appear in the edit box.
filterList A string specifying a list of filters (see comments).
parentWnd The parent window.
This method form creates an object which matches a standard dialog window with a
parent. Before a call to the GFileDialog::Open method the window does not exist
in the system. This allows an application to call additional methods which set
the window sate before it is opened. The filterList argument is used to define
the elements of the list, which filters files by extension. This argument is a
string made up of substrings divided with the '|' character. Each pair of
substrings specifies a filter: the first substring defines the filter
description, which appears in the list, the second substring sets the meaning of
the filter itself. If the filter List argument equals an empty string, then the
window uses a list with one filter for all files.
GradioGroup class represents objects associated with groups of buttons with
dependant fixation. Amonng the buttons with dependant fixation from the same
group only one button can be pressed. When a user clicks on an unpressed button,
the button that was pressed at that moment becomes unpressed.
#rus См. конструктор со вторым параметром типа GWnd.
param id, wnd;
Creates an object associated with a group of buttons with dependant fixation.
id The identifier of the control, which is the beginning of the group.
wnd The window that owns the group.
This method associates the object with the group, which starting control must
already exist in the system.
Retrieves the number of buttons in the group group of buttons with dependant
fixation. Returns the number of buttons.
Retrieves the identifiers of the buttons from the group of buttons with
dependant fixation. Returns a vector of identifiers.
Retrieves the pressed button for the group of buttons with dependant fixation.
Returns the index of the pressed button in the group. Returns nothing, if no
button is pressed.
Presses a button for the group of buttons with dependant fixation.
index The index of the button which must be pressed.
If -1 is specified as the argument value, then all the buttons in the group
become unpressed.
Destroys an object associated with a group of buttons with dependant fixation.
This is a list combined with a string editing control that meets the
regular expression.
For more information see the GRegExprControl class description.
Checks the text within a control for the regular expression accordance.
text Text.
isComplete Specifies whether to treat this text as completed.
Returns TRUE if the text if text meets regular expression, FALSE if not.
param id, wnd, expr;
Creates an object which is associated with a list combined with an
editing control.
id List identifier.
wnd Window (list owner).
expr Regular expression.
This method binds an object to a list which must exist in the
A regular expression is defined in the format which is recognized
by the LexScanner class. For instance, the following regular expression can be defined via an application to enter a phone number into a control:
#rus См. GComboBox::SetText.
This is an abstract control that works with a string that meets the
regular expression. By default, a string which is not completely typed
is automatically added with characters that are uniquely defined in
the regular expression.
This is an abstract class and it is designed for deriving certain
controls from the current class and from any descendant of the
GControl class (for instance, from the GEdit class).
param text, isComplete;
Checks the text for the regular expression accordance.
text Text.
isComplete Specifies whether to treat this text as completed.
Returns TRUE if the text if text meets regular expression, FALSE if not.
param text, isComplete;
#rus Проверяет текст на соответствие регулярному выражению.
#rus text Текст.
#rus isComplete Рассматривать ли текст, как законченный.
#rus Возвращает TRUE - текст удовлетворяет, FALSE - текст не
#rus удовлетворяет.
param expr;
Creates an object.
expr Regular expression.
A regular expression is defined in the format which is recognized
by the LexScanner class. For instance, the following regular expression can be defined via an application to enter a phone number into a control:
param toContinue;
Sets/discards the mode when the typed string is automatically is
automatically filled with the characters that are uniquely defined
in the regular expression.
toContinue TRUE - enables the mode (by default),
FALSE - discards the mode.
This is a string editing control that meets the regular expression.
For more information see the GRegExprControl class description.
Checks the text within a control for the regular expression accordance.
text Text.
isComplete Specifies whether to treat this text as completed.
Returns TRUE if the text if text meets regular expression, FALSE if not.
param id, wnd, expr;
Creates an object which is associated with an editing control.
id Editing control identifier.
wnd Window (editing control owner).
expr Regular expression.
This method binds an object to an editing control which must exist
in the system.
A regular expression is defined in the format which is recognized
by the LexScanner class. For instance, the following regular expression can be defined via an application to enter a phone number into a control:
#rus См. GEdit::Insert.
#rus См. GEdit::SetText.
The GSaveDialog class represents objects which are standard file save dialog
param defExt, fileName, filterList;
Creates a standard file save dialog window.
defExt Default file extension. If the user hasn't specified the file extension
in the edit box, then the extension specified in the defExt argument is
automatically added to the file name.
fileName The file name that must appear in the edit box.
filterList A string specifying a list of filters (see comments).
See the GOpenDialog::GOpenDialog method comments.
param defExt, fileName, filterList, parentWnd;
Creates a standard file save dialog window.
defExt Default file extension. If the user hasn't specified the file extension
in the edit box, then the extension specified in the defExt argument is
automatically added to the file name.
fileName The file name that must appear in the edit box.
filterList A string specifying a list of filters (see comments).
parentWnd The parent window.
See the GOpenDialog::GOpenDialog method comments.
The GstdDialog class represents objects that are standard dialog windows. If a
window is implemented in the system windowing environment (e.g. a file selection
window), then it is a descendant only of this class. If the window is
implemented in the GUI (e.g., a list item selection window), then it is a
descendant as of this class, as of the GWnd class.
param helpFunc;
Sets the help handler for a standard dialog window.
helpFunc A function that must be called when the "Help" button is clicked by
the user.
If this method of the object has been called, then the "Help" button will appear
after the window is opened. If this method has not been called, then there will
be no such button.
This is a dialog of a common type with tabs.
For more information see the Dialog::Dialog.
For more information see the Dialog::Dialog.
This is a window with tabs as in the office organizer.
Objects of a current class are included in the object of the GTabWnd class.
param state;
Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input to a window. When the
window is disabled then it ignores mouse and keyboard press.
When the window is enabled then it processes all input.
state Boolean value. TRUE if the window should be enabled.
FALSE if it should be disabled.
In contrast to the GWnd::Enable method this method forbids toggling to the certain tab.
param templateName, tabWnd, libName;
Creates a tab.
templateName Dialog template name in resources.
tabWnd Parent window with tabs.
libName Library name from which the resources are obtained.
For more information see the comments to the GTabWnd::AddTabs method.
This is a window with tabs as in the office organizer.
- AddTabs(object Vector)
- AllowEvent(int)
- DivideIntoLevels(refer object Vector)
- EnableItem(int, boolean)
- EnableItems(refer object Vector, boolean)
- EnableWString(int, any)
- FindTab(refer object BaseString)
- ForbidEvent(int)
- GTabWnd(object String)
- GTabWnd(object String, object String)
- GTabWnd(object String, refer object GWnd)
- GTabWnd(object String, refer object GWnd, object String)
- GetCount(void)
- GetCustomControl(int)
- GetFreeRect(void)
- GetItem(int)
- GetItemFocus(void)
- GetItemRsc(int)
- GetItems(refer object Vector)
- GetSel(void)
- GetTab(number)
- HideItem(int)
- InsertTabs(object Vector, number)
- IsItem(int)
- OnSelTab(int)
- RemoveTabs(object Vector)
- RemoveTabs(void)
- SelTab(int)
- SetFreeRect(int)
- SetFreeRect(int, int)
- SetItem(refer object Vector)
- SetItemBgColor(int, refer object ColorRef)
- SetItemFgColor(int, refer object ColorRef)
- SetItemFocus(int)
- SetItemFont(int, object String, number, int)
- SetItemFont(int, object String, number, int, int)
- SetItems(refer object Vector)
- ShowItem(int)
param tabs;
Adds a tab to a window by adding it to the end of the tab list.
tabs Vector of elements, each of them defines a separate
tab. Each element in turn represents a vector that
consists of two up to 4 elements. The first element
represents tab template name in resources. The
second element of this pair is the text that is
displayed on the button activating the tab.
The third (optional) element is the name of the
library from which the tab template is obtained.
If it is equal to an empty string then the tab
template is acquired form an application.
The fourth (optional) element is the name of the
GTabItem class or derived class whose object will be
a tab.
The given method can be called both for the existing window and for
the which is not opened yet. It allows an application to define
necessary tabs before calling the GTabWnd::Open method.
Each tab template in resources should describe invisible window
without a frame and a caption. If the template is defined in the
Windows Resources system it must be of the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style.
The template of the window of GTabWnd class may contain controls that
are visible independently on a tab selection.
By default, tabs are placed to the left and over controls (controls
without identifier are not considered in resources ).
An application can redefine such behavior by overriding the
GTabWnd::GetFreeRect method.
For more information see the GWnd::AllowEvent method
param levels;
#rus Разделяет кнопки выбора закладок по уровням.
#rus levels Вектор индексов закладок, которые являются первыми на втором,
#rus третьем и т.д. этажах. Если равно пустому вектору, кнопки
#rus выбора закладок располагаются в один ярус с возможностью
#rus прокрутки.
For more information see the GWnd::EnableItem method.
For more information see the GWnd::EnableItems method.
For more information see the GWnd::EnableWString method.
param str;
Searches a tab.
str Name of the tab to be found.
This name is placed on the button activating
the tab.
Returns the number of the tab with the specified name.
This method returns nothing if such tab does not exist.
For more information see the GWnd::ForbidEvent method
param templateName;
Creates a window with top level tabs.
templateName Dialog template name in resources.
param templateName, libName;
Creates a window with top level tabs. Resources are obtained from a
templateName Dialog template name in resources.
libName Library name from which the resources are obtained.
param templateName, parentWnd;
Creates a window with tabs.
templateName Dialog template name in resources.
parentWnd Parent window.
param templateName, parentWnd, libName;
Creates a window with tabs. Resources are obtained from a library.
templateName Dialog template name in resources.
parentWnd Parent window.
libName Library name from which the resources are obtained.
Gets the number of tabs.
Returns the number of tabs.
#rus См. метод GWnd::GetCustomControl(int).
Gets the rectangle region free from controls of the window that
contains tabs. The tabs will be placed within this region with some
indentation. Returns a rectangle that defines region free from
By default, the region free from controls is equal to the largest region whose top-left corner is equal to (0, 0) and which does not contain controls (controls without identifier are not considered in
resources). Application can override this method to change such
For more information see the GWnd::GetItem method.
For more information see the GWnd::GetItemFocus method
For more information see the GWnd::GetItemRsc method
For more information see the GWnd::GetItems method.
Gets the selected tab.
Returns the index of the selected tab.
This method returns nothing if there are no tabs in the window.
param num;
Gets a tab.
num The index of the tab to get.
Returns a reference to an object of the GTabItem class
which is the window presenting a tab.
If an application has to refer to a tab and the GTabWnd::SetItem and
etc. are not sufficient then it is possible to get a reference to the
window presenting a tab and call this window methods.
If the application can do with the stated methods then it should call
them for the window that contains tabs.
For more information see the GWnd::HideItem method.
param tabs, index;
Adds a tab to a window by adding it to the certain position within the
tab list.
tabs Vector of elements, each of them defines a separate
tab. Each element in turn represents a vector that
consists of two up to 4 elements. The first element
represents tab template name in resources. The
second element of this pair is the text that is
displayed on the button activating the tab.
The third (optional) element is the name of the
library from which the tab template is obtained.
If it is equal to an empty string then the tab
template is acquired form an application.
The fourth (optional) element is the name of the
GTabItem class or derived class whose object will be
a tab.
index Index of the tab before which new tabs are inserted.
If it points to the position after the last tab then
new tabs are inserted to the end of the tab list.
The given method can be called both for the existing window and for
the which is not opened yet. It allows an application to define
necessary tabs before calling the GTabWnd::Open method.
Each tab template in resources should describe invisible window
without a frame and a caption. If the template is defined in the
Windows Resources system it must be of the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style.
The template of the window of GTabWnd class may contain controls that
are visible independently on a tab selection.
By default, tabs are placed to the left and over controls (controls
without identifier are not considered in resources).
An application can redefine such behavior by overriding the
GTabWnd::GetFreeRect method.
For more information see the GWnd::IsItem method.
param num;
#rus Метод, вызываемый при выборе пользователем закладки в окне.
#rus num Индекс закладки.
#rus Комментарии
#rus В данном классе метод ничего не делает.
param indexes;
Removes tabs from a window.
indexes Vector of the tab numbers to be removed.
The given method can be called both for the existing window and for
the which is not opened yet. It allows an application to define
necessary tabs before calling the GTabWnd::Open method.
#rus Удаляет все закладки из окна.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Данный метод можно вызывать как для существующего окна, так и
#rus для окна, которое еще не открыто. Это позволяет приложению
#rus удалить все закладки до вызова метода GTabWnd::Open.
param num;
Selects a tab in a window.
num Tab index.
The given method can be called both for the existing window and for
the which is not opened yet. It allows an application to define
necessary tabs before calling the GTabWnd::Open method.
param id;
#rus Устанавливает орган управления, внутри которого должны
#rus размещаться закладки.
#rus id Идентификатор органа управления.
#rus Комментарии
#rus По умолчанию область, свободная от органов управления,
#rus равна наибольшей области, левый-верхний угол которой равен
#rus (0, 0) и не включающей органы управления (органы без
#rus идентификатора в ресурсах не рассматриваются). Если
#rus приложению надо изменить такое поведение, оно должно сделать
#rus одно из двух:
#rus 1) переопределить метод GTabWnd::GetFreeRect;
#rus 2) вызвать данный метод, передав ему идентификатор органа
#rus управления, внутри которого должны размещаться закладки (в
#rus ресурсах его можно сделать невидимым).
param id, margin;
#rus Устанавливает орган управления, внутри которого должны
#rus размещаться закладки.
#rus id Идентификатор органа управления.
#rus margin Отступ от области, занимаемой органом управления,
#rus используемый при вычислении области, занимаемой
#rus закладками.
#rus Комментарии
#rus По умолчанию область, свободная от органов управления,
#rus равна наибольшей области, левый-верхний угол которой равен
#rus (0, 0) и не включающей органы управления (органы без
#rus идентификатора в ресурсах не рассматриваются). Если
#rus приложению надо изменить такое поведение, оно должно сделать
#rus одно из двух:
#rus 1) переопределить метод GTabWnd::GetFreeRect;
#rus 2) вызвать данный метод, передав ему идентификатор органа
#rus управления, внутри которого должны размещаться закладки (в
#rus ресурсах его можно сделать невидимым).
For more information see the GWnd::SetItem method.
For more information see the GWnd::SetItemBgColor method
For more information see the GWnd::SetItemFgColor method
For more information see the GWnd::SetItemFocus method.
For more information see the GWnd::SetItemFont method.
For more information see the GWnd::SetItemFont method.
For more information see the GWnd::SetItems method.
For more information see the GWnd::ShowItem method.
The GTable class represents objects associated with table type controls.
- BeginEdit(void)
- Constr(int, refer object GWnd)
- EndEdit(void)
- FindLine(number, refer object BaseString)
- FindLine(refer object Vector)
- GTable(copy)
- GTable(int, refer object GTabWnd)
- GTable(int, refer object GWnd)
- GetBold(number, number)
- GetCaretPos(void)
- GetClickPt(void)
- GetColumnCount(void)
- GetColumnProp(number)
- GetColumnProps(void)
- GetColumnState(number)
- GetColumnTitle(number)
- GetColumnWidth(number)
- GetEditText(void)
- GetEntry(number, number)
- GetEntryRect(int, int)
- GetLineCount(void)
- GetNotifyPos(void)
- GetSel(void)
- GetVisLeftPos(void)
- GetVisLineCount(void)
- GetVisTopIndex(void)
- InsertColumns(number, number)
- InsertLines(number, number)
- IsEdit(void)
- IsItemReadOnly(int, int)
- NormalizeColumns(...)
- OnComboBoxItems(int, int)
- RemoveColumns(number, number)
- RemoveLines(number, number)
- Reset(void)
- ResetLines(void)
- SetBgColor(number, number, any)
- SetBold(number, number, boolean)
- SetCaretPos(number, number)
- SetColumnProp(number, refer any)
- SetColumnProps(refer object Vector)
- SetColumnState(number, int)
- SetColumnTitle(number, refer object BaseString)
- SetColumnTitleImage(number, int)
- SetColumnTitleToolTip(number, refer any)
- SetColumnWidth(number, number)
- SetColumns(number, number, refer object Vector)
- SetEntry(number, number, refer object BaseString)
- SetFgColor(number, number, any)
- SetImage(number, number, any)
- SetImageIndent(number, number, int)
- SetImageList(object Vector)
- SetImageList(object Vector, object String)
- SetLines(number, number, refer object Vector)
- SetSel(number, number)
- SetSel(number, number, boolean)
- SetToolTip(number, number, any)
- SetVisLineCount(number)
- SetVisTopIndex(int)
- ~GTable(void)
Begins editing the table cell containing the caret.
Stops editing the table cell containing the caret.
param j, str;
Searches for the table line.
j Number of the column where the search is done.
str Text in the cell of the line to find.
Returns the table index of the line found. The method returns nothing, if there
is no line was found in the table.
This method form searches for the first line with number i where cell (i,j)
contains trext str.
Param data;
Searches for a table line.
Data Vector, which items are two element vectors. They contain the column
number and the text in the cell of the line to find. Returns the table index of
the line found. The method returns nothing, if there is no line was found in the
This method form searches for the first line with number i, where (i,
data[0][0]) cell contains data[0][1] text, (i, data[1][0]) cell contains
data[1][1] text, ..., (i, data[n][0]) cell contains data[n][1] text.
#rus См. конструктор со вторым параметром типа GWnd.
param id, wnd;
Creates an object associated with a table.
id Table identifier.
wnd The table-owning window.
This method associates the object with the table, that must already exist in the
Returns the caret position, i.e. the cell containing the focus rectangle. This
cell might be selected and might be not.
Returns a vector containing of the caret line and column number. The method
returns <<0, 0>> if there is no cell containing the focus rectangle in the
Gets a point relative to the upper left corner of the table, where the user has
pressed or released the mouse button for the last time (including actions
concerning the table header). Returns a POINT class object.
Retrieves the number of columns in the table.
Returns the number of columns in the table.
param j;
Retrieves the table column properties.
j Number of the column which properties are to be retrieved.
Returns the column properties.
The return value is a combination of the following flags:
TC_LEFT The text in the column cells and header is aligned left.
TC_CENTER The text in the column cells and header is centered.
TC_RIGHT The text in the column cells and header is aligned right.
TC_READONLY The text in the column cells and header is aligned left
TC_NOSEL The column cells can't be selected (neither interactively nor
To retrieve the alignment of the text in the column header and cells the &
operation with the TC_ALIGN mask should be applied to the return value.
param j;
Retrieves the text of the column header.
j The number of the column which header text is to be retrieved.
Returns the header text.
param j;
Retrieves the width of the table column.
j Number of the column which width is to be retrieved.
Returns the column width in pixels.
param i, j;
Retrieves the text from the table cell.
i Line number of the cell which text is to be retrieved.
j Column number of the cell which text is to be retrieved.
Returns the cell text.
Retrieves a rectangular area relative to the upper left corner of the table.
i Cell line number
j Cell column number
Returns a RECT class object.
Retrieves the number of lines in the table.
Returns the number of lines in the table.
Retrieves the position, tied to the command event, which arrives from the table.
Returns a vector, containing the line and column numbers.
It is sensible for an application to call this method only in command event
handlers .
Retrieves the selected cells from the table. Returns a vector consisting of the
line and column numbers of the selected table cell, if the table allows single
selection only, or a vector of vectors, consisting of the line and column
numbers of the selected table cell, if the table allows multiple selection. The
method returns nothing if no cell is selected in the table.
If the table is a report, then the selected cell column number will always be
equal to -1.
Retrieves the number of fully visible lines in the table.
param j, num;
Inserts empty columns into the table.
j Number of the column before which empty columns are to be inserted.if this
argument equals -1, columns are added to the end of the table.
num Number of columns.
A call to this method makes width of all the columns the same.
param i, num;
Inserts empty lines into the table.
i Number of the line before which empty lines are to be inserted.if this
argument equals -1, lines are added to the end of the table.
num Number of lines.
Checks if editing of the table cell which contains the caret takes place.
Returns TRUE - editing takes place, FALSE - no editing takes place.
param [noChange];
Normalizes the width of the table columns so that the sum of the table columns'
widths is equal to the table width. The columns which numbers are specified
noChange arguments do not change their widths.
noChange Numbers of columns which width should not be changed.
param j, num;
Deletes columns from the table.
j Number of the column, starting from which the columns must be deleted.
num Number of columns.
A call to this method makes width of all the columns the same.
param i, num;
Deletes lines from the table.
i Number of the line, starting from which the lines must be deleted.
num Number of lines.
Removes all the cells from the table.
Removes all the lines from the table preserving the columns (their number and
param i, j, color;
Sets the background color in the table cell.
i Line number of the cell which background color is to be set.
j Column number of the cell which background color is to be set.
color The background color that must be set in the cell, if this argument has
the ColorRef type. If this argument equals EMPTY, then the default background
color is set for the cell (specified in the table resource or by a call to the
GWnd::SetItemBgColor method).
If -1 is specified as i and j argument values, then the background color is set
for all the table cells. However, the default background color is not changed
(it is specified in the table resource or by a call to the GWnd::SetItemBgColor
method). If -1 is specified only as i argument value, then the background color
is set for all the cells of the column j. If -1 is specified only as j argument
value, then the background color is set for all the cells of the line i.
param i, j;
Sets the caret position, i.e. the cell containing the focus rectangle. This cell
might be selected and might be not.
i Line number of the cell where the caret should be put.
j Column number of the cell where the caret should be put.
param props;
Sets all the table columns' properties, starting with the first column.
props A vector, each element of which specifies a single table column
A column property is a vector, which first element of the object BaseString type
specifies the column header, the second element of number type specifies the
column width, the third element of int type - the column state (described in the
GTable::SetColumnState). If the vector size is less than three, then the
unspecified parts of the column property are not changed. E.g., a vector of two
elements specifies only the column header and width.
param j, flags;
Sets the table column properties.
j Number of the column which properties are to be set.
flags Column properties.
If -1 is specified as the j argument value, then this method sets all the table
columns' properties. The flags argument is a combination of the following flags:
TC_LEFT The text in the column cells and header is aligned left.
TC_CENTER The text in the column cells and header is centered.
TC_RIGHT The text in the column cells and header is aligned right.
TC_READONLY The text in the column cells and header is aligned left
TC_NOSEL The column cells can't be selected (neither interactively nor
param j, title;
Sets the table column header text.
j Number of the column, which header text is to be set.
title Header text.
param j, width;
Sets the width of the table column.
j Number of the column which width is to be set.
width Column width.
param i, j, entries;
Sets the text for a group of table cells. Group setting is done by columns.
i Line number of the first cell in the group.
j Column number of the first cell in the group.
entries Vector containing texts for the cells.
If the entries argument is a vector of strings, i.e. it looks like <<s_0,
s_1,..., s_n>>, then the s_0 text is set for the (i,j) cell, s_1 text is set for
the (i+1,j) cell, ..., s_n text is set for the (i+n,j) cell. In this way an
application may specify one table column. If the entries argument is a vector of
vectors of string (vectors may have different sizes), i.e. it looks like
<<<<s_0_0, s_0_1, ..., s_0_a>>, <<s_1_0, s_1_1, ..., s_1_b>>, ... <<s_n_0,
s_n_1, ..., s_n_c>>>>, then the s_0_0 text is set for the (i,j) cell, s_0_1 -
for the (i+1,j) cell, ..., s_0_a - for the (i+a,j) cell, s_1_0 - for the (i,j+1)
cell, s_1_1 - for the (i+1,j+1) cell, ..., s_1_b - for the (i+b,j+1) cell, ...,
s_n_0 - for the (i,j+n) cell, s_n_1 - for the (i+1,j+n) cell, ..., s_n_c - for
the (i+c,j+n) cell. In this way an application may specify one or more table
param i, j, entry;
Sets the text for the table cell.
i Line number of the cell which text is to be set.
j Column number of the cell which text is to be set.
entry The cell text.
param i, j, color;
Sets the pen color in the table cell.
i Line number of the cell which pen color is to be set.
j Column number of the cell which pen color is to be set.
color The pen color that must be set in the cell, if this argument has the
ColorRef type. If this argument equals EMPTY, then the default pen color is set
for the cell (specified in the table resource or by a call to the
GWnd::SetItemFgColor method).
If -1 is specified as i and j argument values, then the pen color is set for all
the table cells. If -1 is specified only as i argument value, then the pen color
is set for all the cells of the column j. If -1 is specified only as j argument
value, then the pen color is set for all the cells of the line i.
param i, j, entries;
Sets the text for a group of table cells. Group setting is done by lines.
i Line number of the first cell in the group.
j Column number of the first cell in the group.
entries Vector containing texts for the cells.
If the entries argument is a vector of strings, i.e. it looks like <<s_0,
s_1,..., s_n>>, then the s_0 text is set for the (i,j) cell, s_1 text is set for
the (i,j+1) cell, ..., s_n text is set for the (i,j+n) cell. In this way an
application may specify one table line. If the entries argument is a vector of
vectors of string (vectors may have different sizes), i.e. it looks like
<<<<s_0_0, s_0_1, ..., s_0_a>>, <<s_1_0, s_1_1, ..., s_1_b>>, ... <<s_n_0,
s_n_1, ..., s_n_c>>>>, then the s_0_0 text is set for the (i,j) cell, s_0_1 -
for the (i,j+1) cell, ..., s_0_a - for the (i,j+a) cell, s_1_0 - for the (i+1,j)
cell, s_1_1 - for the (i+1,j+1) cell, ..., s_1_b - for the (i+1,j+b) cell, ...,
s_n_0 - for the (i+n,j) cell, s_n_1 - for the (i+n,j+1) cell, ..., s_n_c - for
the (i+n,j+c) cell. In this way an application may specify one or more table
param i, j;
Sets or removes the selection of the table cell.
i Line number of the cell which selection must be set.
j Column number of the cell which selection must be set.
This method form sets the selection of the cell and scrolls the table to make
the celected cell visible, if necessary. The cells that were selected before
become unselected. If -1 is specified as i and j argument values, then the
selection is reset. If the table is a report, then an application may specify
any column number or -1 as the j argument value.
param i, j, isSelect;
Sets or removes the selection of the table cell.
i Line number of the cell which selection must be set or removed.
j Column number of the cell which selection must be set or removed.
isSelect A boolean value. TRUE if the selection should be set. FALSE if the
selection should be removed.
This method form sets or removes the selection of the cell and scrolls the table
(in case of setting the selection) to make the celected cell visible, if
necessary. The cells that were selected before do not become unselected. If -1
is specified as i and j argument values, then the selection is set or removed
for all the table cells, depending on the isSelect argument value. If -1 is
specified only as i argument value, then the selection is set or removed for all
the cells of the column j. If -1 is specified only as j argument value, then the
selection is set or removed for all the cells of the line i. If the table is a
report, then an application may specify any column number or -1 as the j
argument value.
param num;
Sets the number of fully visible lines in the table. The height of the table is
num The number of lines to become visible in the table.
Destroys the object associated with the table.
- GTaskbarIcon(refer object GWnd, object BaseString, object String, refer object String)
- GTaskbarIcon(refer object GWnd, object BaseString, refer object String)
- SetIcon(object String)
- SetIcon(object String, object String)
- SetToolTip(refer object BaseString)
- ~GTaskbarIcon(void)
This is a list combined with a string editing control that meets the
string representation of time.
For more information see the GTimeControl class description.
param id, wnd;
Creates an object which is associated with a list combined with an
editing control.
id List identifier.
wnd Window (list owner).
This method binds an object to a list which must exist in the
This is an abstract control that works with a string representation
of time.
This is an abstract class and it is designed for deriving certain
controls from the current class and from any descendant of the
GControl class (for instance, from the GEdit class).
param text, isComplete;
Checks the text for the time representation accordance.
text Text.
isComplete Specifies whether to treat this text as completed.
Returns TRUE if the text if text meets time representation, FALSE if not.
param toEnableSec;
#rus Создает объект.
#rus toEnableSec TRUE - разрешает секунды в строчном представлении
#rus времени, FALSE - запрещает.
#rus Создает объект.
This is a string editing control that meets the string representation
of time.
For more information see the GTimeControl class description.
param id, wnd;
Creates an object which is associated with an editing control.
id Editing control identifier.
wnd Window (editing control owner).
This method binds an object to an editing control which must exist
in the system.
Орган редактирования времени.
- GTimePicker(refer object GWnd)
- Get(void)
- Open(void)
- Set(refer any)
- SetRange(refer any, refer any)
- ~GTimePicker(void)
The popup hint access object. This is an abstract class, designed for being the
base class for classes, representing popup hints for concrete graphical objects
(e.g., for windows).
param text;
Creates a popup hint.
text Hint text.
After a call to this method, when a user places the mouse cursor over the
graphical object with which this object is associated, he/she will see the hint
in the form of the 'text' popup messsage. If a hint already exists for the
graphical object with which this object is associated, then it will be deleted.
Deletes the popup hint.
If after a call to this method, when a user places the mouse cursor over the
graphical object with which this object is associated, he/she will see no hint.
Retrieves the text of the popup hint.
Returns the hint text.
Checks whether a popup hint exists, and also whether the graphical object with
which the hint is associated exists.
Returns TRUE if objects exist, FALSE if they don't.
param text;
Sets the popup hint text
text The hint text.
Destroys a popup hint access object.
- BeginEdit(void)
- Constr(int, refer object GWnd)
- EndEdit(void)
- GTree(copy)
- GTree(int, refer object GTabWnd)
- GTree(int, refer object GWnd)
- GetCheck(int)
- GetClickPt(void)
- GetCount(void)
- GetFirstChild(int)
- GetNextSibling(int)
- GetNotifyPos(void)
- GetParent(int)
- GetPrevSibling(int)
- GetSel(void)
- GetState(int)
- GetTextRect(int)
- HasChildren(int)
- Insert(refer object GTreeItem, int, int)
- Insert(refer object Vector, int, int)
- IsItem(int)
- Remove(int)
- SetCheck(int, any)
- SetFgColor(int, any)
- SetImageList(object Vector, object Vector)
- SetImageList(object Vector, object Vector, object String)
- SetReadOnlyState(boolean)
- SetSel(int)
- SetState(int, refer object GTreeItem)
- SimulateChildren(int, boolean)
- ~GTree(void)
#rus См. конструктор со вторым параметром типа GWnd.
- GTreeItem(refer object BaseString)
- GTreeItem(refer object BaseString, boolean)
Creating an object of the GWaitCursor class sets the sand-glass cursor.
Destroying an object of the GWaitCursor class restores the cursor to the form it
had before it was set to the sand-glass form. Using this class is preferred to
calling the BeginWaitCursor and EndWaitCursor functions, since creating an
object in a local variable allows restoring the cursor after any type of
function exit, including a rollback due to an error.
Sets the cursor to the sand-glass form.
Calls the BeginWaitCursor function.
Restores the cursor to the form it had before it was set to the sand-glass form.
Calls the EndWaitCursor function.
Class GWnd represents objects, which are basic windows supported by GUI.
The following fields are specified for this class:
TemplateName The name of the dialog template in the resources.
LibName The name of the library the resources are taken from. When
equals an empty string, the resources are taken from the
ControlFilters A vector of input filters into window's controls. Filters
are objects of classes derived from GControl (e.g., GDateEdit).
If the filters are not specified, then this field equals EMPTY.
- AddGluePair(int, int, int, ...)
- AllowEvent(int)
- BringToTop(void)
- CanClose(void)
- CanOpen(void)
- CaptureInput(void)
- Center(void)
- Cleanup(void)
- ClientToScreen(refer object POINT)
- ClientToScreen(refer object RECT)
- Close(void)
- Enable(boolean)
- EnableItem(int, boolean)
- EnableItems(refer object Vector, boolean)
- EnableWString(boolean)
- EnableWString(int, any)
- ExpandRsc(refer object Vector)
- ForbidEvent(int)
- GWnd(copy)
- GWnd(object String)
- GWnd(object String, int)
- GWnd(object String, int, object String)
- GWnd(object String, object String)
- GWnd(object String, refer object GWnd)
- GWnd(object String, refer object GWnd, object String)
- GWnd(refer object GWnd)
- GWnd(void)
- GetBgColor(void)
- GetCaption(void)
- GetClientPos(void)
- GetClientSize(void)
- GetControlFilter(int)
- GetCursorPos(void)
- GetCustomControl(int)
- GetFgColor(void)
- GetFocus(void)
- GetFont(void)
- GetID(void)
- GetItem(int)
- GetItemFocus(void)
- GetItemFont(int)
- GetItemID(int)
- GetItemPos(int)
- GetItemRect(int)
- GetItemRsc(int)
- GetItemSize(int)
- GetItems(refer object Vector)
- GetLibName(void)
- GetParent(void)
- GetPos(void)
- GetRect(void)
- GetRestorePos(void)
- GetRestoreSize(void)
- GetRsc(void)
- GetSize(void)
- GetStoredPlacement(void)
- GetTemplateName(void)
- HasContextMenu(void)
- HasMenu(void)
- Hide(void)
- HideItem(int)
- InsertItem(refer object PIRControl, int)
- Invalidate(boolean)
- Invalidate(refer object RECT, boolean)
- Invalidate(refer object Region, boolean)
- IsItem(int)
- IsItemVisible(int)
- IsMaximized(void)
- IsMinimized(void)
- IsOpen(void)
- IsVisible(void)
- Maximize(void)
- Minimize(void)
- OnCancel(int, int)
- OnClose(int, int)
- OnCommand(int, int)
- OnCommand(int, int, int)
- OnHelp(int, int)
- OnKeyDown(int)
- OnOK(int, int)
- OnPaletteChanged(boolean)
- Open(void)
- PostEvent(int, ...)
- ReleaseInput(void)
- ReleaseTimer(int)
- RemoveGluePair(int, int)
- RemoveGluePairs(void)
- RemoveItem(int)
- ReplaceItem(refer object PIRControl)
- Restore(void)
- ScreenToClient(refer object POINT)
- ScreenToClient(refer object RECT)
- Scroll(refer object RECT, number, number)
- SendEvent(int, ...)
- SetAccel(object String)
- SetAccel(object String, object String)
- SetBgColor(refer object ColorRef)
- SetCaption(refer object BaseString)
- SetClientPos(number, number)
- SetClientSize(number, number)
- SetContextMenu(object String)
- SetContextMenu(object String, object String)
- SetCursor(object String)
- SetCursor(object String, object String)
- SetCursorPos(number, number)
- SetCustomRsc(refer object String, refer any)
- SetFgColor(refer object ColorRef)
- SetFocus(void)
- SetFont(object String, number, int)
- SetFont(object String, number, int, int)
- SetGlobalAccel(object String)
- SetGlobalAccel(object String, object String)
- SetIcon(object String)
- SetIcon(object String, object String)
- SetItem(refer object Vector)
- SetItemBgColor(int, refer object ColorRef)
- SetItemFgColor(int, refer object ColorRef)
- SetItemFocus(int)
- SetItemFont(int, object String, number, int)
- SetItemFont(int, object String, number, int, int)
- SetItemOrder(refer object Vector, int)
- SetItemPos(int, number, number)
- SetItemRect(int, refer object RECT)
- SetItemSize(int, number, number)
- SetItems(refer object Vector)
- SetMenu(object String)
- SetMenu(object String, object String)
- SetPos(number, number)
- SetRect(refer object RECT)
- SetRestorePos(number, number)
- SetRestoreSize(number, number)
- SetSize(number, number)
- SetTimer(int, number)
- SetZPos(int)
- Setup(void)
- Show(void)
- ShowItem(int)
- Update(void)
- Validate(refer object RECT)
- Validate(void)
- WantInput(int)
- _Center(void)
- _GetIDFromPIR(int)
- _GetPlacementIni(void)
- _GetPlacementVarName(int)
- _LoadPlacement(int, boolean)
- _LoadSplittersPlacement(refer object IniFile, refer object String)
- _SavePlacement(int, boolean)
- _SaveSplittersPlacement(refer object IniFile, refer object String)
- ~GWnd(void)
param thisID, thatID, relation, [isProportional];
Adds a new pair of gluing elements into the window gluing elements set. This
set defines changes of the controls' and child style windows' size and
position depending on the size change of the window itself.
thisID System identifier of the window element, marked as "this". An
element, which requires gluing is marked as "this".
thatID System identifier of the window element, marked as "that". An
element, to which the "this" element is glued, is marked as "that".
If this argument take a NULL value, then "that" element is the
window itself.
relation Relation between "this" and "that" elements, which sets the gluing
isProportional If this argument is not set or is set and equals FALSE, then
gluing is rigid, i.e. the distance between the glued elements is
preserved. If this argument is set and equals TRUE, then the
gluing is proportional, i.e. the proportion between the glued
elements is preserved.
Relations can be set as between the size and position of the window element (a
control of a child style window) and the size of the window itself, as
between the size and position of window elements between each other. These
parameters depend on each other in the ferm of preserving some specified
distances (distance proportions) between the element and the window, or between
the elements.
To specify the gluing of window elements an application must call this method
needed number of times, specifying a relation between a separate pair of
elements by each call.
To specify the gluing of separate sides of "this" element, an application may
specify a combination of the following values in the relation argument:
GLUE_UPTOUP The upper side of "this" element is glued to the upper side
of "that" element.
GLUE_UPTODOWN The upper side of "this" element is glued to the lower side
of "that" element.
GLUE_DOWNTOUP The lower side of "this" element is glued to the upper side
of "that" element.
GLUE_DOWNTODOWN The lower side of "this" element is glued to the lower side
of "that" element.
GLUE_LEFTTOLEFT The left side of "this" element is glued to the left side of
"that" element.
GLUE_LEFTTORIGHT The left side of "this" element is glued to the right side of
"that" element.
GLUE_RIGHTTOLEFT The right side of "this" element is glued to the left side of
"that" element.
GLUE_RIGHTTORIGHT The right side of "this" element is glued to the right side of
"that" element.
To specify the gluing of "this" method as a whole vertically an application may
specify one of the following values as the relation argument:
GLUE_WHOLETOUP The whole "this" element is glued to the upper side of "that"
GLUE_WHOLETODOWN The whole "this" element is glued to the lower side of "that"
For gluing of "this" element as a whole proportionally vertically an application
may add with OR one of the following values to the relation argument:
GLUE_BY_UP "This" element as a whole is proportionally glued to its upper
border. This is a default value.
GLUE_BY_VCENTER "This" element as a whole is proportionally glued to its center
GLUE_BY_DOWN "This" element as a whole is proportionally glued to its lower
For gluing of "this" element as a whole proportionally horizontally an application
may specify one of the following values as the relation argument:
GLUE_WHOLETOLEFT "This" element as a whole is glued to the left side of "that"
GLUE_WHOLETOLEFT "This" element as a whole is glued to the right side of "that"
For gluing of "this" element as a whole proportionally horizontally an application
may add with OR one of the following values to the relation argument:
GLUE_BY_LEFT "This" element as a whole is proportionally glued to its left
border. This is a default value.
GLUE_BY_HCENTER "This" element as a whole is proportionally glued to its center
GLUE_BY_RIGHT "This" element as a whole is proportionally glued to its right
If thatID argument equals NULL, then the window itself is considered to be
element. The user can't set the size of the window with his mouse so that there
exists at even one pair of glued elements, less than specified in the dialog
template. This prevents element in the window from obscuring one another. An
application can set the size of the window to smaller than allowed by calling
methods GWnd::SetSize and GWnd::SetClientSize. In this case the gluing property
is switched off until the window size becomes nornal again. There is an
opportunity to specify a contradictory set of pairs of gluing elements, so that it
will be impossible to satisfy all the given relations. In this case, the result of
changing the window size and moving the elements inside the window is
unpredictable. The initial set of gluing parameters can be set in the GLUE or
GLUE_PROP resource with the dialog template name. Here only the controls
defined in the dialog template and the window itself can work as gluing
The control identifier in the dialog template should be used instead of the window
object system identifier. An application can specify the window itself as an
element with identifier -1. The resource must look like:
name type
thisID_1, thatID_1, relation_1,
thisID_2, thatID_2, relation_2,
..., ..., ...,
thisID_n, thatID_n, relation_n
name Dialog template name, for which the set of pairs of gluing elements
must be set.
type GLUE - rigid gluing, GLUE_PROP - proportional gluing.
thisID_i Dialog template identifier of the i-th control, marked as "this".
thatID_i Dialog template identifier of the i-th control, marked as "that".
When takes the value of -1, "that" element is the window itself.
relation _i The relation between "this" and "that" elements, which defines the
gluing type.
param eventNum;
Allows an event to pass through the window.
eventNum Event number.
An application can't allow an event to pass, if it is not supported by GUI.
Activates the window and places it above all the windows of the current
A method, which checks, whether an application can close the window. Returns a
boolean value. TRUE if an application can close the window, FALSE if it can't.
If an application must announce that it can't close the window in a derived class,
it must rewrite this method and return FALSE in it. In the GWnd class this method
always returns TRUE, i.e. an application can always close the window. If in a
derived class an application must perform some final actions which require the
window to be opened (e.g. get the controls state), it must rewrite this method and
perform those actions there. An application must not call GWnd::Close from this
method, since it can lead to recursion. Instead of calling GWnd::Close, an
application must return TRUE.
A method, which checks, whether an application can open the window. Returns a
boolean value. TRUE if an application can open the window, FALSE if it can't.
If an application must announce that it can't open the window in a derived class,
it must rewrite this method and return FALSE in it. In the GWnd class this method
always returns TRUE, i.e. an application can always open the window.
Captures the mouse and keyboard input and redirects it to the current window.
After a call to this method the window receives all the events from the mouse
and the keyboard, that originate in the system. Only one window can capture
the whole input. If the window doesn't need the input any more, it must call
the GWnd::ReleaseInput method to allow other windows receive the input.
If the window is not a child style window, sets its position to the center of the
screen, otherwize sets the window position to the center of the parent window.
A method which notifies of closing the window. Is called after the window
disappears from the system.
GUI guarantees, that this method call is the last one and that after it no event
shall be sent to the window. If an application needs to perform some actions that
require the window to be opened (e.g. get the controls state), it must do it in the
GWnd::CanClose method. In the GWnd class this method does nothing.
param pt;
Translates the coordinates of the window client area to the screen coordinates.
pt A point in the window client area.
Returns a point on the screen, which matches a point in the window client area.
param rect;
Translates the screen coordinates to the coordinates of the window client area.
rect A rectangle on the screen.
Returns a rectangle in the window client area, which matches a rectangle on the
Destroys the window in the system which is associated with the object
Destroying the window doesn't mean calling object's destructor.
This allows an application to retrieve the final state of the object after the
window is closed.
param state;
Enables or disables the mouse and keyboard input into the window. When the
window is disabled, it ignores keyboard and mouse pressings. When the window is
enabled, it handles all the input.
state A boolean value. TRUE if the window has to be enabled.
FALSE if the window has to be disabled.
The window has to be enabled before it is activated. For example, if an
application which is represented with only one window creates a second window and then
disables the first window, then the application must enable the first window before it
closes the second one. Otherwize, a window from another application will be activated.
param id, state;
Enables or disables the mouse and keyboard input into the window control. When
the control is disabled, it ignores keyboard and mouse pressings. When the control is
enabled, it handles all the input.
id The control identifier.
state A boolean value. TRUE if the window has to be enabled. FALSE if the window has
to be disabled.
To enable or disable the system scrollbar, an application must specify IDHSCROLL
or IDVSCROLL as id argument value.
param ids, state;
Enables or disables the mouse and keyboard input into several window controls.
When a control is disabled, it ignores keyboard and mouse pressings. When a control is
enabled, it handles all the input.
id A vector of integers, which are control identifiers.
state A boolean value. TRUE if the window has to be enabled. FALSE if the window has
to be disabled.
param state;
Allows/forbids to receive a WString type string from the window and the controls.
state When equals FALSE, all the methods which receive a string from the window
and the controls return String type data. When equals TRUE, these methods
return WString type data.
param id, state;
Allows/forbids to receive a WString type string from the control.
id The control identifier.
state When equals FALSE, all the methods which receive a string from the control
return String type data. When equals TRUE, these methods return WString
type data. When equals EMPTY, the value of the IsWString field of the
window resource is used.
param rsc;
Supplements the window resource.
rsc The window resource, which is a vector of objects derived from
PIRControl. Each object specifies a control, which will be present in
the window.
An application must call this method before it has opened the window. This method
is usefull only if the main window resource is specified in the Windows format, and
the application needs to specify the controls supported only by the PIR format.
param eventNum;
Forbids an event to pass through the window.
eventNum Event number.
An application can't forbid an event to pass, if it is not supported by GUI.
Forbidding an event to pass will make no effect, if the event is always permitted
param templateName;
Creates a basic GUI window.
templateName The name of the dialog template in the resources.
This method form creates an object, which corresponds to a top level window.
Before a call to the GWnd::Open method, a window doesn't exist in the system.
This allows an application to specify its initial state after creation.
param templateName, libName;
Creates a basic GUI window.
templateName The name of the dialog template in the resources.
libName Name of the library, from which the resources are taken.
This method form also creates an object, which corresponds to a top level
In this case, however, the resources are not taken from the executable, but from
the library, specified in the libName argument. If the libName argument equals
an empty string, then the resources are taken from the executable.
Before a call to the GWnd::Open method, a window doesn't exist in the system.
This allows an application to specify its initial state after creation.
param templateName, parentWnd;
Creates a basic GUI window.
templateName The name of the dialog template in the resources.
parentWnd Parent window.
This method form creates an object, which corresponds to a window with a parent.
Before a call to the GWnd::Open method, a window doesn't exist in the system.
This allows an application to specify its initial state after creation.
param templateName, parentWnd, libName;
Creates a basic GUI window.
templateName The name of the dialog template in the resources.
parentWnd The parent window
libName The name of the library the resources are taken from.
This method form also creates an object, which corresponds to a window with a
parent. In this case, however, the resources are not taken from the application,
but from the library, specified in the libName argument. If the libName argument
equals an empty string, then the resources are taken from the application.
Before a call to the GWnd::Open method, a window doesn't exist in the system.
This allows the application to specify its initial state after creation.
param parentWnd;
Creates a basic GUI window.
parentWnd Parent window.
This method form also creates an object, which corresponds to a top level
window. However, a predefined dialog template with default visual parameters (a
popup, invisible window with a system menu, minimization and maximization
buttons and zero position coordinates) is used. Before a call to the GWnd::Open
method, a window doesn't exist in the system. This allows an application to
specify its initial state after creation.
Creates a basic GUI window.
This method form also creates an object, which corresponds to a top level
window. However, a predefined dialog template with default visual parameters (a
popup, invisible window with a system menu, minimization and maximization
buttons and zero position coordinates) is used. Before a call to the GWnd::Open
method, a window doesn't exist in the system. This allows an application to
specify its initial state after creation.
Gets the window background color.
Returns the window background color (a ColorRef class object).
Gets the window caption.
Returns the text from the window caption. This method returns nothing, if the
window has no caption.
Gets the position of the window client area. If the window is a child style window,
the position is considered from the top left corner of the parent window. If this
is another style window, the position is considered from the upper left corner of
the screen. Returns a two element vector. The first element is the x-coordinate of
the window client area position. The second element is the y-coordinate of the
window client area position.
Gets the size of the window client area. Returns a two element vector. The first
element is the width of the window client area. The second element is the height of
the window client area.
param id;
Gets the window controls input filter.
id The identifier of the control, which input filter is required.
Returns a pointer to an object of a class derived from Gcontrol (e.g. GDateEdit).
Returns nothing, if there is no filter specified for the control.
Retrieves the cursor position. The position is considered from the top left
window corner.
Returns the cursor position.
Retrieves the window on which or on which control the input focus is set.
Returns a pointer to an object, that represents the window, on which or on which control
the input focus is set. Method returns nothing, if the input focus is set on another
application or is not set at all.
Gets the window's system identifier.
Returns an integer value, which identifies the open window in the system.
param id;
Gets the control state.
id Control identifier.
Returns the control state.
The semantics of the control state depends on the control type.
The control types and matching return values are listed below:
1. The static text. The return value of the object BaseString type is the text in
the control.
2. The edit box. The return value of object BaseString type is the text in the edit
3. A button with no fixation. No return value.
4. A button with fixation. The return value of boolean type is the pressing state.
TRUE if the button is pressed, FALSE if it is not.
5. Scrollbar. The int type return value is the scrolling position. An application
must pass the values of IDHSCROLL or IDVSCROLL as the identifier to get the state
of the window system scrollbar.
6. List. If the list is a simple list, then int type return value is the index of
the selected list item. If the list is a multilist, then the object Vector type
return value is a vector of indexes of selected list items.
7. A combo box. The int type return value is the index of the selected list item.
8. A table. Object Vector return value is a vector consisting of the row number and
the column number of the selected table elment, if the table permits single
selection only, and is a vector of vectors consisting of the row number and the
column number of the selected table elments, if the table permits multiple
An application can't call this method for other control types.
Retreives the identifier of the window control that has the input focus. Returns
the identifier of the window control that has the input focus. This method returns
nothing, if a control that doesn't belong to the current window has the input focus.
param id;
Gets the control's system identifier.
id Control identifier (specified in the dialog template in the
Returns an integer value, which identifies an existing control in the window.
param id;
Gets the position of the window control. The position is considered from the top
left window corner.
id Control identifier.
Returns a two element vector. The first element is the x-coordinate of the
control position. The second element is the y-coordinate of the control
param id;
Gets the rectangular area occupied by the window control.
id The control identifier.
Returns a RECT type object.
param id;
Gets the window control resource.
id Control identifier.
Returns a PIRControl class object or an object of a class derived from the
PIRControl class. The returned object describes the control
If the control is recognized by GUI, (a list, an edit box, etc.) then the returned
object belongs to the class derived from PIRControl. If the control is not
recognized by GUI, then the returned object belongs to the PIRControl class, which
describes the common properties of all controls.
param id;
Gets the size of the window control.
id Control identifier.
Returns a two element vector. The first element is the control width. The second
element is the control height.
param ids;
Retrievs states of several controls.
ids A vector of integers, which are identifiers of controls.
Returns a vector of controls' states. The semantics of the states is explained
in comments to the GWnd::GetItem method.
Gets the name of the library, from which the window's resources are taken.
Returns a string, which corresponds to the library name.
The library name along with the template name identifies the window in the
application and is specified when an object of GWnd class is created. If this
method returns an empty string, then the resources are taken from the
Retrieves the parent window.
Returns a pointer to an object, that represents the parent window. This method
returns nothing, if the window has no parent specified.
This method returns a pointer to the window, which is specified as a parent
window in the GWnd::GWnd constructor.
Gets the window position. If this is a child style window, its position is
considered from the parent window upper left corner. If this is another style
window, its position is considered from the upper left corner of the screen.
Returns a two element vector. The first element is the x-coordinate of the window
position. The second element is the y-coordinate of the window position.
Gets the rectangular area occupied by the window. The area includes the header,
the border and the scrollbars, if there are scrollbars.
Returns a RECT type object.
Gets the position of the area the window occupied before it was maximized or
minimized. If this is a child style window, the position is considered from the
parent window upper left corner. If this is another style window, the position
is considered from the upper left corner of the screen. Returns a two element
vector. The first element is the x-coordinate of the area position. The second
element is the y-coordinate of the area position.
Gets the size that the window had before minimization or maximization. The window
size includes header size, border size and scrollbars size, if there are scrollbars
present. Returns a two element vector. The first element is the width. The second
element is the height.
Gets the window resource.
Returns a PIRWnd class object, which describes the window.
The window resource contains information as about the window itself, as about all
the window controls which are recognized bu GUI. An application can retrieve the
information about the separate control by calling the GWnd::GetItemRsc method.
Gets the window size. The window size includes header size, border size and
scrollbars size, if there are scrollbars present. Returns a two element vector.
The first element is the window width. The second element is the window height.
Gets the window's template name.
Returns a string, which corresponds to the window's template name.
Template name identifies the window in the application and is specified when an
object of GWnd class is created.
Checks if the window has context menu. Returns a boolean value. TRUE if there
is a menu, FALSE if there is no menu.
Checks if the window has a menu. Returns a boolean value. TRUE if there is a
menu, FALSE if there is no menu
Makes the window invisible.
param id;
Makes the control invisible.
id Control identifier.
param rsc, prevID;
Inserts a control.
rsc The resource of the control, which has to be inserted.
prevID Identifier of the control, after which the new control is to be
The rsc argument has to have a type derived from PIRControl (e.g., PIREdit - an edit
box). An object of class PIRControl contains all the information about the control,
including the identifier, size, and position. To insert the control into the window,
an application must create an object of the matching class (e.g., PIREdit for an
edit box), by calling the constructor with no arguments, change some fields which
had default values before, and call this method with that object as an argument. To
remove the control from the window, an application must call the GWnd::RemoveItem
method, specifying only the control identifier as an argument. An application may
use the following constants for the prevID argument:
ITEM_FIRST To insert the control into the first place.
ITEM_LAST To insert the control into the last place.
param eraseBg;
Makes the window clien area incorrect, i.e. makes it a subject to update.
eraseBg A boolean value. TRUE if the window client area must be erased with
the background color. FALSE, if not.
This method form makes the entire window client area incorrect. By calling this
method, an application puts a WND_UPDATE event into the application event queue. From
there the event will be dispatched to the window, if there are no other events in the queue.
By the time this method is called some part of the window may be marked as incorrect (the
WND_UPDATE event is in the queue). In this case, after this method exits, a new area, which
includes the old area and the new one, will be marked incorrect. If an application needs
to update the window immediately, it must force the event to be extracted from the queue by
calling the GWnd::Update method.
param rect, eraseBg;
Makes the window clien area incorrect, i.e. makes it a subject to update.
rect A rectangle which specifies a part of the window client area that must be
marked incorrect for future update.
eraseBg A boolean value. TRUE if the window client area must be erased with
the background color. FALSE, if not.
This method form makes a part of the window client area incorrect. By calling
this method, an application puts a WND_UPDATE event into the application event queue.
From there the event will be dispatched to the window, if there are no other events in
the queue. By the time this method is called some part of the window may be marked as
incorrect (the WND_UPDATE event is in the queue). In this case, after this method exits,
a new area, which includes the old area and the new one, will be marked incorrect. If an
application needs to update the window immediately, it must force the event to be
extracted from the queue by calling the GWnd::Update method.
param rgn, eraseBg;
Makes the window clien area incorrect, i.e. makes it a subject to update.
rgn A region which specifies a part of the window client area that must be
marked incorrect for future update.
eraseBg A boolean value. TRUE if the window client area must be erased with
the background color. FALSE, if not.
This method form makes a part of the window client area incorrect. By calling
this method, an application puts a WND_UPDATE event into the application event queue.
From there the event will be dispatched to the window, if there are no other events in
the queue. By the time this method is called some part of the window may be marked as
incorrect (the WND_UPDATE event is in the queue). In this case, after this method exits,
a new area, which includes the old area and the new one, will be marked incorrect. If an
application needs to update the window immediately, it must force the event to be
extracted from the queue by calling the GWnd::Update method.
Checkes whether the window contains a specific control.
id The control identifier in the resources.
Returns a boolean value. TRUE, if the window contains the cintrol with the specified
identifier. FALSE, if it doesn't.
param id;
Checks if the control is visible.
id Control identifier.
Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the control is visible. FALSE if the control
is invisible.
Checks, if the window is maximized. Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the window
is maximized. False if it isn't.
Checks, if the window is minimized. Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the
window is minimized. False if it isn't.
Checks if the window is open.
Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the window is open. FALSE if the window is
Checks if the window is visible. Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the window
is visible. FALSE if the window is invisible.
Shows the window in a maximized form.
param id, notifyCode;
A handler of the command event from the Cancel button.
id Control identifier. Equals IDCANCEL.
notifyCode Notification code.
Returns -1 if default handling is required.
The default handler of the command event from the Cancel button, which is called when
-1 is returned by the method, closes the window. If an application needs to close
the window in a derived class when the Cancel button is pressed, it must either
rewrite this method and return -1 in it, or close the window explicitly, by
calling the GWnd::Close method. In the GWnd class this method does nothing.
param id, notifyCode;
A handler of the command event from the button with the IDCLOSE identifier, i.e.
the button in the window header or the menu element in the system menu, which close
the window.
id Control identifier. Equals IDCLOSE.
notifyCode Notification code.
Returns -1 if default handling is required.
The default handler of the command event from the button with IDCLOSE identifier,
which is called when -1 is returned by the method, closes the window. If an
application needs to close the window in a derived class when the button with
IDCLOSE identifier is pressed, it must either rewrite this method and return -1 in
it, or close the window explicitly, by calling the GWnd::Close method. In the GWnd
class this method closes the window.
param id, notifyCode;
WND_COMMAND event handler.
id Menu element identifier or control identifier.
notifyCode Notification code, if the event comes from a control. 0, if the event
is from a menu element, 1 if it comes from a keyboard accelerator.
Returns -1 if default handling is required.
This method form is called for all control types, except scrollbars, and for any
menu element. In the GWnd class this method generates a new command event with
number equal to CMD_FIRST+id and same id and notifyCode parameters. Therefore, if
an application needs to overwrite this method in a derived class, it must call the
method of the base class from there. In the GWnd class the method returns what the
generated event handler returns.
param id, notifyCode, pos;
WND_COMMAND event handler.
id Control identifier.
notifyCode Notification code.
pos Scrollbar position.
Returns -1 if default handling is required.
This method form is called for scrollbars control type. In the GWnd class this
method generates a new command event with number equal to CMD_FIRST+id and same id,
notifyCode and pos parameters. Therefore, if an application needs to overwrite this
method in a derived class, it must call the method of the base class from there. In
the GWnd class the method returns what the generated event handler returns.
param id, notifyCode;
A handler of the command event from the Help button.
id Control identifier. Equals IDHELP.
notifyCode Notification code.
Returns -1 if default handling is required.
In the GWnd class this method calls the help system for the current window.
param virtKey;
WND_KEYDOWN event handler.
virtKey Vitual key code.
Returns -1 if default handling is required.
In the GWnd class this method generates a new WND_COMMAND event with an IDHELP
identifier. Therefore, if an application needs to overwrite this method in a
derived class, it must call the method of the base class from there.
param id, notifyCode;
A handler of the command event from the OK button.
id Control identifier. Equals IDOK.
notifyCode Notification code.
Returns -1 if default handling is required.
The default handler of the command event from the OK button, which is called when
-1 is returned by the method, closes the window. If an application needs to close
the window in a derived class when the OK button is pressed, it must either
rewrite this method and return -1 in it, or close the window explicitly, by
calling the GWnd::Close method. In the GWnd class this method does nothing.
Creates a window, which corresponds to the object, in the system.
Returns 0.
param eventNum, [pars];
Posts an event to the window in asynchronous mode. The control returns immediately
after an event is posted into the window events queue.
eventNum Event number.
pars A list of arguments passed to the event.
Returns a boolean value. TRUE if an event was successfully posted to the queue,
FALSE if it wasn't.
The arguments list must match the event number. For example, to asynchronously send
the window an event, notifying that the left mouse button was pressed at coordinates
(50, 100), GWnd::PostEvent( WND_LBUTTONDOWN, 50, 100) must be called. An application
can't send events unsupported by GUI.
Releases the keyboard and mouse input that was redirected to some window
with the GWnd::CaptureInput method.
param id;
Releases the window timer.
id Window timer identifier.
Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the timer was released successfully, FALSE if it
param thisID, thatID;
Removes a pair of gluing elements from the window gluing elements set. This set
defines changes of the controls' and child style windows' size and position
depending on the size change of the window itself.
thisID System identifier of the window element, marked as "this". An
element, which requires gluing is marked as "this".
thatID System identifier of the window element, marked as "that". An
element, to which the "this" element is glued, is marked as "that".
If this argument take a NULL value, then "that" element is the window
This method removes from the window gluing elements set the last inserted pair
with system identifiers, matching thisID and thatID arguments. If a pair with
the same system identifiers remains in the wet, it is not removed.
param id;
Removes the control.
id The control identifier.
param rsc;
Replaces a control.
rsc The new control resource.
The rsc argument must have a type derived from PIRControl (e.g. PIREdit - an edit box).
An object of the PIRControl class contains all the information about the control,
including its identifier, size and position. To replace the control, an application
must create an object of the matching class (e.g., PIREdit for an edit box), by calling
the constructor with no arguments, change some fields which had default values before,
and call this method with that object as an argument. An existing control with the
identifier specified in the resource field is removed, and a new control with the same
identifier appears in the window. If the new control is described with the resources
of the same class as the old one, then all the existing objects of access to the
control are recustomized for the new control. For examle, if the GWnd::GetItemRsc
method returned an object of PIREdit class for the old control, and the new control
resource rsc is also an object of PIREdit class, then all the existing Gedit objects
created for the old edit box may work with the new one. However, if the resource rsc
is not an object of PIREdit class, no such thing happens. The new control inherits the
gluing properties of the old control.
Shows the window with size and position it had before it was minimized or
param pt;
Translates the screen coordinates to the coordinates of the window client area.
pt A point on the screen.
Returns a point in the window client area, which matches a point on the screen.
param rect, dx, dy;
Scrolls the contents of the window client area.
rect A rectangle, which specifies the part of the client area that must be
dx Specifies the value of horizontal scrolling. This argument may be negative
for scrolling leftwards.
dy Specifies the value of vertical scrolling. This argument may be negative
for scrolling upwards.
For the area which is opened after the scrolling, a matching WND_UPDATE event is
generated, which notifies that the area should be updated. To udate the area
immediately, the GWnd::Update method must be called after this method is called.
This method does not change the window area, which is a subject to update. This might
cause problems with updating this area. To aviod it, the GWnd::Update must be called
before this method is called.
param eventNum, [pars];
Sends an event to the window in a synchronous mode. The control will not be
returned untill the event is handled.
eventNum Event number.
pars A list of arguments passed to the event.
Returns an integer value returned by the event handler.
The arguments list must match the event number. For example, to synchronously send
the window an event, notifying that the left mouse button was pressed at
coordinates (50, 100), GWnd::SendEvent(WND_LBUTTONDOWN, 50, 100) must be called.
If the event handler returns -1, then this method returns what the default handler
returns. An application can't send events unsupported by GUI.
param name;
Sets the local table of keyboard accelerators for the window.
name The table of keyboard accelerators name in the resources.
This method form sets the local table of keyboard accelerators from the
executable's resources. If an application sets the table of keyboard
accelerators for a window, then under certain conditions pressing a key on
the keyboard is translated into a WND_COMMAND event, which is sent to the
window. The initial table of keyboard acceleratorscan be specified in the
ACCELERATORS resource with the dialog template name.
param name, libName;
Sets the local table of keyboard accelerators for the window.
name The table of keyboard accelerators name in the resources.
libName Name of the library, from which the resources are taken.
This method form sets the local table of keyboard accelerators from the
resources of the library, specified in the libName argument. If the libName
argument equals an empty string, then the resources are taken from the
executable. If an application sets the table of keyboard accelerators for a
window, then under certain conditions pressing a key on the keyboard is
translated into a WND_COMMAND event, which is sent to the window. The initial
table of keyboard acceleratorscan be specified in the ACCELERATORS type
resource with the dialog template name.
param text;
Sets the window caption.
text Text that should be placed into the window caption
param x, y;
Sets the position of the window client area. If the window is a child style window,
the position is considered from the top left corner of the parent window. If this
is another style window, the position is considered from the upper left corner of
the screen.
x x-coordinate of the window client area position.
y y-coordinate of the window client area position.
param widht, height;
Sets the size of the window client area.
width The width of the window client area.
height The height of the window client area.
param name;
Sets the window context menu, which appears when the right mouse button is
name Menu name in the resources.
This method form sets the window context menu from the application resources.
The context menu appears when the right mouse button is clicked, if the default
event handler WND_RBUTTONUP was called. The initial window context menu can be
specified in the resources with the name, which appears as a result of
concatenation of a string "CONTEXT_" and the dialog template name.
param name, libName;
Sets the window context menu, which appears when the right mouse button is
name Menu name in the resources.
libName Name of the library, from which the resources are taken.
This method form sets the window context menu from the resources of the library,
specified in the libName argument. If the libName argument equals an empty
string, then the resources are taken from the executable. The context menu
appears when the right mouse button is clicked, if the default event handler
WND_RBUTTONUP was called. The initial window context menu can be specified in
the resources with the name, which appears as a result of concatenation of a
string "CONTEXT_" and the dialog template name.
param name;
Sets the window cursor.
name The cursor name in the resources.
This method form sets the window cursor from the resources of the executable.
The following system cursors can be used as the cursor name:
CUR_ARROW An arrow (the default cursor).
CUR_WAIT A sand-glass.
CUR_CROSS A cross.
CUR_IBEAM A capital I (is often used for text input)
CUR_4ARROWS Four arrows, pointing North, South, East and West.
CUR_2ARROWS_NESW Two arrows, pointing North-East and South-West.
CUR_2ARROWS_NS Two arrows, pointing North and South.
CUR_2ARROWS_NWSE Two arrows, pointing North-West and South-East.
CUR _NOCIRCLE A crossed circle (is often used to indicate that
something is forbidden)
Initial window cursor can be specified in the CURSOR resource with the
dialog template name.
param name, libName;
Sets the window cursor.
name The cursor name in the resources.
libName Name of the library, from which the resources are taken.
This method form sets the window cursor from the resources of the library,
specified in the libName argument. If the libName argument equals an empty
string, then the resources are taken from the executable. The following
system cursors can be used as the cursor name:
CUR_ARROW An arrow (the default cursor).
CUR_WAIT A sand-glass.
CUR_CROSS A cross.
CUR_IBEAM A capital I (is often used for text input)
CUR_4ARROWS Four arrows, pointing North, South, East and West.
CUR_2ARROWS_NESW Two arrows, pointing North-East and South-West.
CUR_2ARROWS_NS Two arrows, pointing North and South.
CUR_2ARROWS_NWSE Two arrows, pointing North-West and South-East.
CUR _NOCIRCLE A crossed circle (is often used to indicate that
something is forbidden)
Initial window cursor can be specified in the CURSOR resource with the
dialog template name.
Param x, y;
Sets the cursor position. The position is considered from the top left window
x The x-coordinate of the cursor position.
y The y-coordinate of the cursor position.
param attrName, attrValue;
Устанавливает атрибут окна из ресурса. Данный метод вызывается только,
если окно создано из ресурса типа custom (см. класс PIRCustomControl).
attrName Имя атрибута.
attrValue Значение атрибута.
Метод вызывается после создания объекта, но до открытия окна.
В данном классе метод просто присваивает значение attrValue в поле с
именем, совпадающим с attrName, за исключением следующих атрибутов:
FgColor Вызывается метод GWnd::SetFgColor.
BgColor Вызывается метод GWnd::SetBgColor.
Font Вызывается метод GWnd::SetFont.
В производном классе можно переопределить данный метод, чтобы вызывать
какой-то код вместо присвоения поля.
Sets the input focus into the window. From now on the window will receive all the
keyboard input.The window that had the input focus (if there was such a window) loses it.
This method sends the WND_ACTIVATE event to the window that loses the input focus
and to the window that receives the input focus. This method also activates either
the window that receives the input focus or its parent window.
param faceName, size, attr;
Sets the window font, which can be inherited by the window controls
faceName Font name.
size Font vertical size in 1/72s of an inch.
attr Font attributes.
The window font set by the current method is not inherited by those controls,
that have a font specially specified in the resources and by those, for which
the method GWnd::SetItemFont was called.
param faceName, size, attr, charSet;
Sets the window font, which can be inherited by the window controls
faceName Font name.
size Font vertical size in 1/72s of an inch.
attr Font attributes.
charSet Character set.
The window font set by the current method is not inherited by those controls,
that have a font specially specified in the resources and by those, for which
the method GWnd::SetItemFont was called.
param name;
Sets the global table of keyboard accelerators for the window.
name Name of the table of keyboard accelerators in the resources.
This method form sets the global table of keyboard accelerators from the
resources of the executable. An application can set the global table for
only one window. If an applicetion calls this method for several objects,
only last call would be valid. The global table has a priority, compared to
the local tables, which are loaded for any objects with the method
GWnd::SetAccel This means, that the global table will be translated first.
If this translation succeeds, no attempt to translate the local tables will
take place. On contrary to the local tables, the initial global table can't
be specified in the resources.
param name, libName;
Sets the global table of keyboard accelerators for the window.
name Name of the table of keyboard accelerators in the resources.
libName Name of the library, from which the resources are taken.
This method form sets the global table of keyboard accelerators from the
resources of the library, specified in the libName argument. If the libName
argument equals an empty string, then the resources are taken from the
executable. An application can set the global table for only one window. If
an applicetion calls this method for several objects, only last call would
be valid. The global table has a priority, compared to the local tables,
which are loaded for any objects with the method GWnd::SetAccel This means,
that the global table will be translated first. If this translation succeeds,
no attempt to translate the local tables will take place. On contrary to the
local tables, the initial global table can't be specified in the resources.
param name;
Sets the window icon.
name Icon name in the resources.
This method form sets the window icon from the resources of the executable. For
a window to have an icon of its own in the Windows system, the dialog template
class should be specified by concatenation of a string PLUK_ and the dialog
template name. Initial window icon can be specified in the ICON resource
with the dialog template name.
param name, libName;
Sets the window icon.
name Icon name in the resources.
libName Name of the library, from which the resources are taken.
This method form sets the window icon from the resources of the library,
specified in the libName argument. If the libName argument equals an empty
string, then the resources are taken from the executable. For a window to have
an icon of its own in the Windows system, the dialog template class should be
specified by concatenation of a string PLUK_ and the dialog template name.
Initial window icon can be specified in the ICON resource with the dialog
template name. If the libName argument equals an empty string in this method
form, then the resources are taken from the executable, just like in the first
param par;
Sets the control state.
par The vector, which specifies the identifier and the state of the control.
The argument semantics depends on the control type.
The par argument must look like <<id, ...>>, where the int type id is the control
identifier. The control types and matching par argument values are listed below:
1. The static text. The par argument must look like <<id, text>>, where the object
BaseString type text is the text in the control.
2. The edit box. The par argument must look like <<id, text>>, where the object
BaseString type text is the text in the edit box.
3. A button without fixation. The par argument must look like <<id, contents>>,
where the object BaseString type contents is the text of the button, or the
object MBmp type contents is the bitmap of the button (supported only by PIR)
4. A button with fixation. The par argument must have one of the following forms:
a. <<id, state>>, where the boolean type state is is the pressing state. TRUE
if the button is pressed, FALSE if it is not.
b. <<id, contents>>, where the object BaseString type contents is the text of the
button, or the object MBmp type contents is the bitmap of the button
(supported only by PIR).
c. <<id, state, contents>> where state and contents mean the same as above.
5. A button with autorepeat. The par argument must have one of the following forms:
a. <<id, contents>>, where the object BaseString type contents is the text of the
button, or the object MBmp type contents is the bitmap of the button
(supported only by PIR).
b. <<id, delay, rate>>, where number type delay is the delay before the autorepeat
begins in seconds, number type rate is the frequency of autorepeat, in Hz
(supported only by PIR).
6. A bitmap containing control. The par argument must look like <<id, bmp>>, where the
object MBmp type bmp is the bitmap of the control (supported only by PIR).
7. A scrollbar. The par argument must have one of the following forms:
a. <<id, min, max>>, where number type min is the minimum scrolling range, number
type max is the maximum scrolling range.
b. <<id, pos>> where number type pos is the scrolling position.
c. <<id, min, max, pos>> where min, max and pos have the same meaning as above.
An application must pass the values of IDHSCROLL or IDVSCROLL as the identifier to
set the state of the window system scrollbar. To make the window system scrollbar
visible, the user must call this method with min argument less than max argument.
To make it invisible - call this method with min argument equal to max argument.
8. List. The par argument must have one of the following forms:
a. <<id, items>>, where object Vector type items contain strings with which to fill
the list.
b. <<id, sel>>, where number type sel is the index of the list item which has to be
c. <<id, items, sel>>, where items and sel have the same meaning as above.
9. A combo box. The par argument must have one of the following forms:
a. <<id, items>>, where object Vector type items contain strings with which to fill
the list.
b. <<id, sel>>, where number type sel is the index of the list item which has to be
c. <<id, text>>, where BaseString type text is the text in the edit box.
d. <<id, items, sel>>, where items and sel have the same meaning as in paragraphs a
and b.
10. A table. The par argument must have one of the following forms:
a. <<id, items>>, where objectVector type items is a two-dimentional vector, with
which elements the table must be filled. A subvector of the vector fills the
table row. Subvectors may have different dimensions.
b. <<id, i, j>> where number type i and j are row and column indexes of the cell
which has to br selected.
c. <<id, items, i, j>>, where items, i and j have the same meaning as above.
An application can't call this method for other control types.
param id;
Sets the input focus into the window control. From now on the specified window control
will receive all the keyboard input. The window that had the input focus (if there was
such a window) loses it.
id The control identifier.
This method sends the WND_ACTIVATE event to the window that loses the input focus.
This method also activates the window that owns the control.
param id, faceName, size, attr, charSet;
Sets the font for a separate control.
id Control identifier.
faceName Font name.
size Font vertical size in 1/72s of an inch.
attr Font attributes.
charSet Character set
param ids, prevID;
Sets the order of the controls in the window.
ids Identifiers if the controls, which are to be placed one after another.
prevID The identifier of the control after which the controls specified in the
ids argument have to be placed.
The order of the controls affects the order of navigation through them with the tab
key and the arrow keys. If the prevID argument equals one if the elements of the ids
vector, then the controls are placed after the control which is not specified in the
ids vector and is placed before the prevID control (the colsest to it), and if there
is no such control the controls are placed first. An application may specify as the
prevID argument the following values:
ITEM_FIRST Place the controls first.
ITEM_LAST Place the controls last.
param id, x, y;
Sets the position of the window control. The position is considered from the top
left corner of the window.
id Control identifier.
x x-coordinate of the control position.
y y-coordinate of the control position.
param id, rect;
Sets the rectangular area occupied by the window control.
id The control identifier.
rect The rectangular area.
param id, widht, height;
Sets the size of the window control.
id Control identifier.
width The control width.
height The control height.
param pars;
Sets the states of several controls.
pars A vector of vectors, which specify the control identifier and state.
The semantics of a separate vector is explained in comments to the
GWnd::SetItem method.
The pars argument must look like <<id_1, ...>>,<<id_2, ...>>,...<<id_n, ...>>,
where int type id_i is the i-th control identifier.
param name;
Sets the window menu.
name Name of the menu in the resources.
This method form sets the window menu from the application resources. The
initial window menu can be specified in the MENU resource with the dialog
template name, although resources in Windows format allow you to specify the
initial window menu with any name right in the dialog template.
param name, libName;
Sets the window menu.
name Name of the menu in the resources.
libName Name of the library, from which the resources are taken.
This method form sets the window menu from the resources of the library,
specified in the libName argument. If the libName argument equals an empty
string, then the resources are taken from the executable. The initial window
menu can be specified in the MENU resource with the dialog template name,
although resources in Windows format allow you to specify the initial window
menu with any name right in the dialog template.
param x, y;
Sets the window position. If the window is a child style window, its position is
considered from the top left corner of the parent window. If this is another style
window, its position is considered from the upper left corner of the screen.
x x-coordinate of the window position.
y y-coordinate of the window position.
param rect;
Sets the rectangular area occupied by the window. The area includes the header,
the border and the scrollbars, if there are scrollbars.
rect The rectangular area.
param x, y;
Sets the position the window must occupy when it's not minimixed and not
maximized. If the window is a child style window, the position is considered
from the top left corner of the parent window. If this is another style window,
the position is considered from the upper left corner of the screen.
x x-coordinate of the window position.
y y-coordinate of the window position.
param widht, height;
Sets the size that the window must have when it's not minimized or maximized. The
window size includes header size, border size and scrollbars size, if there are
scrollbars present.
width The window width.
height The window height.
param widht, height;
Sets the window size. The window size includes header size, border size and
scrollbars size, if there are scrollbars present.
width The window width.
height The window height.
param id, elapse;
Sets the window timer.
id Window timer identifier.
elapse Timer period value in milliseconds.
Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the timer was set successfully, FALSE if it
After the timer is set, the window will start receiving WND_TIMER events after time
period specified. If the previous WND_TIMER event wasn't handled after this period
elapsed, the next event will not be sent.
A method, which notifies of opening the window. This is the first method called
after the window appears in the system. If an application needs to perform some
actions in a derived class, which require the window to be opened, it must rewrite
this method and perform those actions there. In the GWnd class this method does
Shows the window with the size and position it had before it became invisible.
param id;
Shows the control with the size and position it had before becoming invisible.
id Control identifier.
Updates the window client area, by sending the window a WND_UPDATE event if
there is such an event in the queue.
param rect;
Makes the window client area correct, i.e. not a subject to update.
rect A rectangle which specifies the part of the client area that will be made
correct to prevent future update.
This method form makes a part of the window client area correct. By calling this
method form, an application removes the WND_UPDATE event from the application event queue,
if the rect rectangle contains the incorrect window areaw.
Makes the window client area correct, i.e. not a subject to update.
This method form makes the whole window client area correct. By calling this method form,
an application removes the WND_UPDATE event from the application event queue.
Destroys a basic GUI window.
If an object's destructor is called, a window in the system, associated with it,
will be destroyed automatically.
- GWndDisabled(refer object GWnd)
- ~GWndDisabled(void)
The window area popup hint access object.
The user may create an object of this class, then create the hint with the
GToolTip::Create method and then manipulate with the hint through the methods of
the object, created with specification of the area identifier, until the hint is
not destroyed with the GToolTip::Delete method.
param id, wnd;
Creates a window area popup hint access object.
id Window area identifier.
wnd The window.
Retrieves the window area popup hint working area.
Returns the area within the window client area, inside which the popup hint
Immediately after a call to the GtoolTip::Create method the hint works inside
the entire window client area.
param rect;
Sets the window area popup hint working area.
rect The area within the window client area, inside which the popup hint
Immediately after a call to the GtoolTip::Create method the hint works inside
the entire window client area.
- ()(int)
- ()(refer object String)
- NameNodeMap(refer object Vector)
- NameNodeMap(void)
- Print(void)
- getNamedItem(refer object String)
- item(int)
- length(void)
- removeNamedItem(refer object String)
- setNamedItem(object XmlAttr)
- ()(int)
- ()(refer object String)
- @=(refer object NamedObjects)
- Add(refer any)
- Add(refer object Vector)
- AddMove(refer any)
- AddMove(refer object Vector)
- Find(refer object String)
- GetList(void)
- NamedObjects(refer object Vector)
- NamedObjects(void)
- Print(void)
- Remove(refer object String)
- NamedValue(refer object String)
- NamedValue(refer object String, pointer any)
- NamedValue(refer object String, refer any)
- Print(void)
- ()(int)
- ()(refer object String)
- @=(refer object NamedValues)
- Add(refer object NamedValue)
- Add(refer object String, any)
- AddMove(refer object String, refer any)
- Exclude(refer object NamedValues)
- Find(refer object String)
- GetList(void)
- Include(object NamedValues)
- NamedValues(object Vector)
- NamedValues(void)
- Print(void)
- Remove(refer object String)
- ()(int)
- ()(refer object String)
- NodeList(refer object Vector)
- NodeList(void)
- item(int)
- length(void)
- remove(int)
The PEdit class represents the editing control of the program editor.
- Clear(void)
- Copy(void)
- Cut(void)
- DeleteLine(number)
- DeleteSelection(void)
- DeleteSubText(number, number)
- GetRectOfLine(number)
- GetSubText(number, number)
- Invalidate(boolean)
- IsValid(void)
- OnCaretMove(int, int)
- OnChange(int, int)
- OnEsc(int, int)
- PEdit(int, refer object GWnd)
- Paste(void)
- SetBgColor(refer object ColorRef)
- SetCaretNotify(boolean)
- SetFont(object String, number, int)
- SetFont(object String, number, int, refer object ColorRef)
- SetFont(object String, number, int, refer object ColorRef, int)
- Undo(void)
- UsrDraw(int, int)
- ~PEdit(void)
Clear the control
Copy the selected text to the clipboard
Cut the selected text from the control and send it to the clipboard.
param LineNumber;
Deletes a line number LineNumber from the control.
Deletes the selected text.
param CharBegin, CharEnd;
Deletes the text from character number CharBegin to character number CharEnd.
param LineNumber;
Returns the rectangle where the line number LineNumber is situated.
param CharBegin, CharEnd;
Returns the subtext from the character number CharBegin to the character number
param Flg;
Forces the control to redraw. If flag equals TRUE, then the previous drawing is
Returns TRUE if the control exists and is opened.
param ID, Owner;
Creates the control with ID resource identifier in the Owner window.
Paste the text from the clipboard into the control.
param Color;
Sets the background color.
param Flg;
If flg equals TRUE, then the object is notified of the events that happen to the
param FontName, Size, Attribute;
Sets the font into the control.
Attribute may take the values FT_NORMAL, FT_BOLD, FT_ITALIC.
param FontName, Size, Attribute, Color;
Sets the font into the control.
Attribute may take the values FT_NORMAL, FT_BOLD, FT_ITALIC.
param FontName, Size, Attribute, Color, CharSet;
Sets the font into the control.
Attribute may take the values FT_NORMAL, FT_BOLD, FT_ITALIC.
0 Western
204 Russian
Undo the last change.
The destructor.
The PIR class represents application resources in the PIR system.
The following fields are defined for this class:
WndList Windows list which represents an object of the
PIRVector class where each element is an
object of the PIRWnd class.
BmpList Bitmaps list which represents an object of the
PIRVector class where each element is an
object of the PIRFile class.
IconList Icons list which represents an object of the
PIRVector class where each element is an
object of the PIRFile class.
CursorList Cursors list which represents an object of the
PIRVector class where each element is an
object of the PIRFile class.
MenuList Menus list which represents an object of the
PIRVector class where each element is an
object of the PIRMenu class.
AccelList Keyboard accelerator tables list which
represents an object of the PIRVector class
where each element is an object of the
PIRAccel class.
MapList String key conversion to string value tables
list which represents an object of the
PIRVector class where each element is an
object of the PIRMap class.
RegisterConst If it is equal to TRUE then insertion of the
table of conversion of the string key to the
string value causes the constants
registration. The constant name is equal to
the string key, the constant value is equal to
the string value.
By default it is equal to TRUE.
The following global fields are defined for this class:
Parser Pointer to an object of the LRParser class
which parses the PIR language.
Supported object types of the PIRFile class
(that is available values of the Type field):
Bitmap "bmp", "gif".
Icon "ico".
Cursor "cur".
param rsc;
Loads resources as an object of the PIR class and adds them to
the resources that are already exist in the current object.
rsc Loaded resources.
param fileName;
Loads resources from a file composed with the help of the PIR language
and adds them to the resources that are already exist in the current
fileName File name.
Loads files to which any resources within the current object refer.
param str;
Loads resources in a text form on the PIR language and adds them to
the resources that are already exist in the current object.
str PIR language specification.
param fieldName, index;
This method is called when inserting the named resource.
fieldName The current class field name to which
the resource is inserted.
index Index of the inserted resource in the field
specified via the fieldName parameter.
Creates application resource in the PIR system.
Saves resources in a binary form.
Returns an object of the current class.
Saves resources in a text form using the PIR language.
Returns a string.
param libName;
Sets to all the resources of the current object
the library name in which they are stored.
libName Library name.
The PIRAccel class represents a resource that describes the table
of keyboard accelerators. This class is derived from the vector and
contains the list of elements of the PIRAccelItem type.
Creates a resource.
The PIRAccelItem class represents a resource that describes an element
of the table of keyboard accelerators.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Key Virtual key code, pressing this send an event to a
Modifiers Vector of key-modifiers virtual codes.
May contain VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, VK_ALT codes.
If modifiers are not used then it is equal to EMPTY.
ID Control identifier. This field is defined as
an integer number or a string that represents
the constant name.
Creates a resource.
The PIRBmpControl class represents a resource that describes a
control with a bitmap.
The following fields are defined for this class:
HasBorder Specifies whether the control with a bitmap
has a border.
VAlign Bitmap alignment. The following values are
available: "top" - top alignment, "center" -
center alignment, "bottom" - bottom alignment.
HAlign Bitmap alignment. The following values are
available: "left" - left alignment, "center" -
center alignment, "right" - right alignment.
ToStretch Specifies whether to enlarge/shrink bitmap
when displaying it within the control in order
to force the bitmap to cover the maximum
control area.
IsStretchProp Specifies whether to enlarge/shrink bitmap
proportionally (makes sense only when the
ToStretch field is set). When enlarge/shrink
is disproportional the bitmap covers all the
control area and the VAlign, HAlign field
values are ignored.
Bmp Bitmap resource name which is displayed within
the control.
Creates a resource.
The PIRButton class represents a resource that describes a button.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Text Text displayed on the button. This field can
be equal to EMPTY if the button contains a
bitmap instead of text.
Bmp Bitmap resource name which is displayed on the
button. This field is in effect if the Text
field is equal to EMPTY.
IsDefault Specifies whether the button is the default
one that is the visually selected button which
responds to pressing the Enter key within a
IsExNotify Specifies whether the button has the extended
notification. If the button does not have the
extended notification then the window receives
only the notification code BN_CLICKED. If the
button has the extended notification then the
window receives additional notification code
from the button.
ToStretch Specifies whether to enlarge/shrink bitmap
when displaying it on a button in order to
force the bitmap to cover the maximum button
area. It makes sense when the button contains
Creates a resource.
The PIRCheck class represents a resource that describes a button with check mark.
The following fields are defined for this class:
CheckAlign Check alignment. If this field is equal to
"left", then check mark is placed to the left,
if "right" it is placed to the right.
Creates a resource.
The PIRComboBox class represents a resource that describes a list combined
with the editing control.
The following fields that refers to the editing control are defined
for this class:
Text Text displayed within a control.
IsReadOnly Specifies whether the control can be modified
or not. This field is not used when the
IsDropDown field is equal to FALSE.
IsOverride Specifies whether the text overriding mode is
enabled. Makes sense only when the control can
be modified.
IsAutoHScroll Specifies whether the text is scrolled
horizontally at the border.
The following fields that refers to the list are defined
for this class:
Items List elements. This is a vector of strings.
IsSorted Specifies whether the list can be sorted.
HasVScroll Specifies whether the list has vertical
scroll bar.
HasHScroll Specifies whether the list has vertical
scroll bar.
IsDropDown Specifies whether the list drops down or
displayed permanently.
Creates a resource.
The PIRControl class represents a resource that describes a control in a window.
The following fields are defined for this class:
ID Control identifier. This field is specified as an
integer number or a string that represents the
constant name.
IsWString If it is equal to FALSE then all the resource
strings have the String type and all the methods
which receive a string from a control return data
of the String type. If it is equal to TRUE then
WString is used instead of String. If it is equal to
EMPTY then the value of the IsWString field of the
window resource is used.
IsTabStop Specifies whether it is possible set input focus on
a control using the TAB key.
A user can move input focus between the controls
where the IsTabStop parameter is set via the TAB
IsGroupStart Specifies whether this control is the beginning of a
controls group.
A user can move input focus within one group via the
arrow keys.
ToolTip Text of the pop-up hint for the current control.
If the pop-up hint is not set then this field is
equal to EMPTY.
Filter Control input filter. Defines the class, constructor
parameters and methods with parameters for an object
of the class derived from the GControl class which
will be created within a window for input filtering.
This field represents a vector, each element of this
vector is a vector that consists of the name and
parameters. The first filter element sets the class
name and additional constructor parameters defined
after the required parameters - control identifier
and a window to which this control belongs. Other
filter elements set method names and their
parameters. If the filter is not set at all then
this field is equal to EMPTY.
param wnd, filter;
Creates a filtering object from the filter descriptor.
wnd Window that owns a control.
filter Result which represents the class derived from
the GControl class.
param width, height;
Creates a resource.
width Control width.
height Control height.
Only width and height is set; control
position is equal to (0, 0).
Creates a resource.
Класс PIRCustomControl представляет ресурс органа управления типа
У класса определены следующие поля:
ClassName Имя класса, объект которого представляет орган
Attr Вектор атрибутов, каждый из которых является парой:
имя атрибута и его значение.
Класс с именем ClassName может быть производным от класса GWnd или
класса GCustomControl, либо любым классом, для которого определены
методы, о которых говорится ниже.
В начале орган управления создается - вызывается конструктор
ClassName::ClassName. Затем вызывается метод ClassName::SetCustomRsc
для установки каждого атрибута (чаще всего это приводит к записи
значения атрибута в поле объекта с именем, совпадающим с именем
атрибута). После этого вызываются методы ClassName::SetPos и
ClassName::SetSize. Если орган управления создается со стандартным
размером, то вызывается только первый метод. Теперь объект готов для
открытия - вызываются методы ClassName::Open и ClassName::GetID(void)
для получения системного идентификатора орагана управления. Подробное
описание перечисленных методов см. в классе GCustomControl.
Орган управления должен быть зарегистрирован в файле guictrl.inf,
расположенном в каталоге запуска работающей в настоящий момент
Descr=... Описание органа управления.
Lib=... Библиотека, в которой определен класс ClassName.
Спецификация атрибутов органа управления задается в библиотеке в
формате xml:
<control xmlns="Pluk/PIR/CustomControl/1.0" name="ClassName">
Внутри тега control определяются теги attr для задания спецификаций
атрибутов. Тег attr содержит следующие поля:
name Имя отрибута.
descr Описание атрибута (выводится в интерфейс). Может быть
не задано.
type Тип атрибута: string, int, color, boolean, vector.
nullable Если равно true, то атрибут может принимать значение EMPTY.
values Если задано, то является:
1) набором значений, перечисленных через запятую; при этом
атрибут может принимать значение только из этого набора
плюс EMPTY, если установлено поле nullable;
2) минимумом и максимумом диапазона значений, разделенных
..; при этом атрибут может принимать значение только в
данном диапазоне плюс EMPTY, если установлено поле
default Значение по умолчанию. Устанавливается в атрибуте сразу
после создания в редакторе.
enable Функция, получающая на вход параметры с именами атрибутов
и возвращающая TRUE - атрибут доступен для редактирования,
FALSE - нет. Если не задано, то атрибут всегда доступен.
Если тип атрибута равен vector, то тег attr содержит подтеги attr -
спецификации атрибутов для каждого элемента вектора.
Если класс, объект которого представляет орган управления,
не загружен, то загружает библиотеку, в которой он определен.
Получает имена и описания классов для всех органов управления типа
Возвращает вектор пар: имя класса, описание класса.
Получает спецификацию, которая описывает атрибуты.
Возвращает указатель на вектор объектов класса PIRCustomControlAttr,
каждый из которых является спецификацией атрибута.
Если тип атрибута равен vector, то внутри его спецификации
содержатся спецификации атрибутов каждого элемента вектора.
Догружает атрибуты, которые указаны в спецификации, но
отсутствуют в ресурсе (по причине, например, появления новой
версии спецификации).
Создает ресурс.
param className;
Устанавливает имя класса, объект которого представляет орган управления.
className Имя класса.
Спецификация атрибута, который входит в состав ресурса типа custom
(см. класс PIRCustomControl).
В классе определены следующие поля:
Name Имя отрибута.
Descr Описание атрибута (выводится в интерфейс).
Type Тип атрибута: string, int, color, boolean, vector.
IsNullable Может ли атрибут принимать значение EMPTY.
Enum Набор значений атрибута. Если задано, то атрибут может
принимать значение только из этого набора (плюс EMPTY,
если установено поле IsNullable).
Range Диапазон значений в виде пары: минимум и максимум.
Если задано, то атрибут может принимать значение только
в данном диапазоне (плюс EMPTY, если установено поле
Default Значение по умолчанию. Устанавливается в атрибуте сразу
после создания в редакторе.
Enable Функция, получающая на вход параметры с именами атрибутов
и возвращающая TRUE - атрибут доступен для редактирования,
FALSE - нет. Если не задано, то атрибут всегда доступен.
Children Если тип равен vector, то в данном поле содержатся
спецификации атрибутов каждого элемента вектора.
param v;
Преобразует строку в значение атрибута (по спецификации).
v Строка.
Возвращает значение.
param v;
Преобразует значение атрибута в строку (по спецификации).
v Значение.
Возвращает строку.
Создает значение атрибута по спецификации.
Возвращает значение.
param format;
Фильтрует функцию, которая хранится в поле Enable - каждый параметр
attr замещается на то, что вернет Printf(format, attr).
format Формат функции Printf.
Возвращает отфильтрованную функцию.
The PIREdit class represents a resource that describes a single-line
text editing control.
The following fields are defined for this class:
TextLimit The maximum number of characters a user can
enter into the control. Does not affect text
setting via an application. If it is equal to
EMPTY then the number of characters a user can
enter into the control is not limited.
IsReadOnly Specifies whether the control can be modified
or not.
IsOverride Specifies whether the text overriding mode is
enabled. Makes sense only when the control can
be modified.
ConvertToCase Character case conversion.
The following values are available: EMPTY - no
conversion, "lower" - conversion to the lower
case, "upper" - conversion to the upper case.
IsAutoHScroll Specifies whether the text is scrolled
horizontally at the border.
IsPassword Specifies whether to display only asterisks
instead entered characters as when entering a
password. Does not make sense in the multi-
line text editing control.
ToKeepSel Specifies whether the control keeps selection
when focus is lost.
Creates a resource.
The PIRExpandEdit class represents a resource that describes
an extended text editing control. The text editing dialog is
displayed when the button with arrow is pressed.
Creates a resource.
The PIRFile class represents a resource that describes a file
of the arbitrary format.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Type File type (for instance, "bmp").
IsRef If it is equal to FALSE then the object contains
file and the Data field stores its contents. If it
is equal to TRUE then the object refers to the file
the Data field stores file name.
Data File contents or name depending on the IsRef field
param rootDir;
Converts the file name to which the object refers from
the relative to the absolute.
rootDir Directory name with reference to which the relative
name is designated.
param bgColorTo;
#rus Получает битмап из файла типа "bmp", "gif".
#rus bgColorTo Цвет, в который должен быть преобразован цвет фона
#rus битмапа (192, 192, 192).
#rus Возвращает объект класса MBmp.
Gets a bitmap from a file of the "bmp", "gif" type.
Returns an object of the MBmp class.
Gets a cursor from a file of the "cur" type.
Returns an object of the MCursor class.
Gets an icon a file of the "ico" type.
Returns an object of the MIcon class.
param fileName;
Loads a file to an object.
fileName File name.
Loads the file to which the object refers into the object.
Creates a resource.
param fileName;
Sets a reference to a file within an object.
fileName File name.
param rootDir;
Converts the file name to which the object refers from the absolute
to the relative.
rootDir Directory name with reference to which the relative
name is designated.
The PIRFixButton class represents a resource that describes a button
with fixation.
The following fields are defined for this class:
State Button state. If this field is equal to TRUE
then the button is pressed, if FALSE then the
button is released.
IsRadio Specifies whether the button is with the
dependent fixation.
IsAuto Specifies whether the button is with the
automatic fixation. Button with the automatic
fixation responds to pressing and program
interface and button without the automatic
fixation responds only to program interface.
Creates a resource.
The PIRFrame class represents a resource that describes a frame.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Type Frame type. If the field is equal to "dip"
then the frame is displayed as indented. If
the field is equal to "bump" then the frame is
displayed as bulged.
Creates a resource.
#rus Масштабирует прямоугольный объект из системы координат по умолчанию
#rus в текущую систему координат.
#rus Масштабирует прямоугольный объект из текущей системы координат в
#rus систему координат по умолчанию.
The PIRGluePair class represents a resource that describes
glueing of the pair of window controls.
The following fields are defined for this class:
ThisID Identifier of the control which is defined as
"this". This is a designation for a control that has
to be glued. The field is defined as an integer
number or a string which represents constant name.
ThatID Identifier of the control which is defined as
"that". This is a designation for a control to which
another control is glued. If it is equal to -1 then
the window represents "that" control. The field is
defined as an integer number or a string which
represents constant name
Relation Relation between "this" and "that" controls which
specifies glueing type (for more information see the
GWnd::AddGluePair method).
IsProportional If this field is equal to FALSE then glueing is
strict that is the distance between the controls is
kept. If this field is equal to TRUE then glueing is
proportional that is the proportion between the
controls is kept.
Creates a resource.
#rus Класс PIRInlineMenu представляет ресурс, ссылающийся на меню в
#rus ресурсах, встраиваемое в меню/подменю, в которое включен данный
#rus объект.
#rus У класса определены следующие поля:
#rus RscName Имя ресурса меню, которое встраивается.
#rus Создает ресурс.
The PIRKey class represents a resource that describes the key in the
PIRMap table. This class is used instead of the String class in the
resource string fields in order not to use the string directly but
refer to the string in the PIRMap table.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Key Key value.
The PIRListBox class represents a resource that describes a list.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Items List elements. This is a vector of strings.
IsSorted Specifies whether the list can be sorted.
IsMultiSelect Specifies whether the multiple selection is
allowed within the list.
IsExSelect Specifies whether the list supports extended
If the list does not have extended selection
then mouse click on an element inverts
selection and does not cancel the selection of
other elements. If the list has the extended
selection then mouse click on an element
cancels the selection of other elements. At
that a user have three methods of selection
within the list: selection of the element
range by mouse click and dragging, selection
of the element range by mouse click when the
SHIFT key is pressed, element inversion when
the CTRL key is pressed. This field makes
sense only for the multi-selection list.
HasVScroll Specifies whether the list has vertical
scroll bar.
HasHScroll Specifies whether the list has horizontal
scroll bar.
Creates a resource.
The PIRMap class represents a resource that describes the table of
conversion of the string key to the string value. This class is
derived from a vector and contains the list of elements of the Vector
type. Each list element is a vector that consists of the string key
and the string value.
IsWString If it is equal to FALSE then the strings in
the resource has the String type. If it is
equal to TRUE then WString is used instead of
- !=(refer object PIRMap)
- ==(refer object PIRMap)
- PIRMap(void)
Creates a resource.
The PIRMenu class represents a resource that describes a menu.
This class is derived from a vector and contains the list.
Each list element represents one of the following values:
1. An object of the PIRMenuItem class that describes the menu item.
2. EMPTY, describes dividing menu item.
3. An object of the PIRSubMenu class that describes the submenu.
The following fields are defined for this class:
IsWString If it is equal to FALSE then resource strings
have the String type and all the methods which
receive a string from the menu returns data
of the String type. If it is equal to TRUE
then WString is used instead of String.
Creates a resource.
The PIRMenuItem class represents a resource that describes a menu item.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Text Menu item text.
ID Menu item identifier. This field is defined as
an integer number or a string that represents
the constant name.
IsChecked Specifies whether the menu item contains check
IsDisabled Specifies whether the menu item is disabled.
IsBroken Specifies whether the menu item transposed to
a new string (new column).
Creates a resource.
The PIRMultiEdit class represents a resource that describes a multi-
line text editing control.
The following fields are defined for this class:
IsInputReturn Specifies whether the RETURN key can be
entered into the control.
HasVScroll Specifies whether the control has vertical
scroll bar. If it is equal to TRUE then the
IsAutoVScroll field does not make sense.
HasHScroll Specifies whether the control has horizontal
scroll bar. If it is equal to TRUE then the
IsAutoHScroll field does not make sense.
IsAutoVScroll Specifies whether the text is scrolled
vertically at the border.
Creates a resource.
The PIRNamedObj represents a resource the describes
the named object. Named objects are used in order to
allow an application to load them by the name (for
instance, window, cursor).
The following fields are defined for this class:
Name Object name.
Locale Language code. If it is equal to an empty
string then this resource is applicable for
any language.
LibName Library name in which the object is stored.
If it is equal to an empty string then the object is stored in the application.
The following global fields are defined for this class:
TypeToName Vector of pairs that consist of name
of the class (derived from the current
class) and the name described in the
PIR language.
Creates a resource.
Saves resources in the text form using the PIR language.
Returns a string.
The PIRObj class is a base class for all other
classes that grant resources to the PIR system.
Copies a resource if the source and destination are of
the same type.
obj Source which is copied to the current
object that represents the destination.
The PIRRectObj class represents a resource that describes a rectangular object.
The following fields are defined for this class:
IsVisible Specifies whether an object is visible right after
IsDisabled Specifies whether an object input is banned.
Font Object font. It is a vector that consists of font
name, vertical font size in 1/72 inch parts, font
attribute, font language code (for Windows 95 and
Windows NT supported Unicode fonts). If this field
is equal to EMPTY and the object is of the
PIRControl type then the control uses the font of
the window that owns it. If this field is equal to
EMPTY and the object is of the PIRWnd then the
window uses the default font.
FgColor Object pen color. If this field is equal to EMPTY
then the default color is used.
BgColor Object background color. If this field is equal to
EMPTY then the default color is used.
The following global fields are defined for this class:
RescaleFromDef Vector of two numbers that represent conversion
coefficients of x- and y- coordinates
correspondingly from the default coordinate system
to the current coordinate system.
param width, height;
Creates a resource.
width Rectangular object width.
height Rectangular object height.
Only width and height is set; rectangular object
position is equal to (0, 0).
Scales a rectangular object from the from the default coordinate
system to the current coordinate system.
Scales a rectangular object from the from the current coordinate
system to the default coordinate system.
The PIRRepeatButton class represents a resource that describes a
button with autocycling. This class constructor always sets the
IsExNotify field derived from the PIRButton class.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Delay Delay before autocycling in seconds.
May take on values from 0 s to 60 s.
Rate Autocycling frequency in hertz. If the field
is equal to 0 then autocycling is disabled.
May take on values from 0.02 hertz to 500
Creates a resource.
The PIRScrollBar class represents a resource that describes a scroll
bar. This class describes only controls that represent scroll bars and
does not describe two scroll bars (which can not be considered as
control) that can be included into each window. These two bars
are defined in the PIRWnd class.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Type Scroll bar type. The following values are available:
"vert" - vertical bar, "horz" - horizontal bar.
IsDefSize Specifies whether the bar has the default cross size
(defined in the system).
Min Minimum scrolling rank.
Max Maximum scrolling rank.
Pos Scrolling position.
param type;
Creates a resource.
type Scroll bar type. The following values are available:
"vert" - vertical bar, "horz" - horizontal bar.
Creates a resource.
The PIRSubMenu class represents a resource that describes a submenu.
This class is derived from a vector and contains the list.
Each list element represents one of the following values:
1. An object of the PIRMenuItem class that describes the menu item.
2. EMPTY, describes dividing menu item.
3. An object of the PIRSubMenu class that describes the submenu.
The following fields are defined for this class:
Text Submenu text.
IsChecked Specifies whether the submenu contains check
IsDisabled Specifies whether the submenu is disabled.
IsBroken Specifies whether the submenu transposed to
a new string (new column).
Creates a resource.
The PIRTable class represents a resource that describes a table.
The following fields are defined for this class:
LineCount Number of table rows.
ColumnCount Number of table columns.
HasBorder Specifies whether the table has a border.
HasHeader Specifies whether the table columns have
IsColumnTrack Specifies whether it is possible to change
column widths by mouse. Makes sense only if
the HasHeader field is set.
IsColumnRescale Specifies whether column widths are changed
when table width is changed (proportionally).
HasGrid Specifies whether the table has grid between
GridColor Grid color. Makes sense only if the HasGrid
field is set. If the field is equal to EMPTY
then the default color is used.
IsMultiSelect Specifies whether the table supports multiple
IsExSelect Specifies whether the table supports extended
If the table does not have extended selection
then mouse click on a cell inverts selection
and does not cancel the selection of
other cells. If the table has the extended
selection then mouse click on a cell
cancels the selection of other cells. At
that a user have three methods of selection
within the table: selection of the cell
range by mouse click and dragging, selection
of the cell range by mouse click when the
SHIFT key is pressed, cell inversion when
the CTRL key is pressed. This field makes
sense only for the multi-selection table.
State General state of all columns (for more
information see the GTable::SetColumnState
method description). Makes sense only for
those columns whose state is not set
separately in the Props field.
Props Vector, each element of this vector sets
properties of the separate table column
(for more information see the
GTable::SetColumnProps method description).
It is equal to EMPTY if an application does
not define column properties.
HasVScroll Specifies whether the table has the vertical
scroll bar.
HasHScroll Specifies whether the table has the horizontal
scroll bar.
IsReport Specifies whether the table represents a
report. In the report only the whole table row
can be selected (only cells that belong to the
columns with the TC_NOSEL state stay
Creates a resource.
Scales a rectangular object from the from the default coordinate
system to the current coordinate system.
Scales a rectangular object from the from the current coordinate
system to the default coordinate system.
The PIRText class represents a resource that describes a control with
text. Control with text differs from the editing control because it is
impossible to change text in it interactively.
The following fields are defined for this class:
HasBorder Specifies whether a control has a border.
Text Text displayed within a control.
TextAlign Text alignment. The following values are
available: "left" - left alignment, "center" -
centering, "right" - right alignment.
Creates a resource.
#rus Класс PIRTree представляет ресурс, описывающий дерево.
#rus У класса определены следующие поля:
#rus HasLines Рисуются ли в дереве линии, соединяющие родительский
#rus элемент с дочерними.
#rus HasExpandButtons Имеется ли кнопка +/- слева от родительского элемента,
#rus позволяющая показать/скрыть его дочерние элементы.
#rus HasChecks Имеется ли флажок слева от элемента.
#rus IsReadOnly Является ли текст элемента нередактируемым.
#rus Indent Горизонтальный отступ, который имеет дочерний элемент
#rus относительно родительского. Если равно EMPTY, то
#rus используется значению по умолчанию.
#rus ImageList Список имен ресурсов, являющихся пиктограммами,
#rus которые отображаются слева от закрытых элементов
#rus дерева. Если равно EMPTY, то список не задан.
#rus ExpandImageList Список имен ресурсов, являющихся пиктограммами,
#rus которые отображаются слева от открытых элементов
#rus дерева. Если равно EMPTY, то список не задан.
#rus ToStretchImage Увеличивать/уменьшать ли пиктограмму (пропорционально)
#rus для того, чтобы пиктограмма была полностью видна.
#rus Создает ресурс.
The PIRVector class represents an array of the named application
resources in the PIR system. It is the vector descendant and contains
some objects of the PIRNamedObj class.
param name, locale;
Searches the named resource of the PIR system.
name Name of the object which should be found.
locale Language code.
Returns the resource index. This method returns -1 if the resource
with the specified name does not exist.
This method works for a resource that refers to an application itself.
In order to work with the resource that refers to a library, the
application must use another method form with an additional parameter.
param name, locale, libName;
Searches the named resource of the PIR system.
name Name of the object which should be found.
locale Language code.
libName Library name in which the object is stored.
Returns the resource index. This method returns -1 if the resource
with the specified name does not exist.
param name, locale;
Searches the named resource of the PIR system with the specified
language code in the beginning and then with the neutral language
code in case of failure.
name Name of the object which should be found.
locale Language code.
Returns the resource index. This method returns -1 if the resource
with the specified name does not exist.
This method works for a resource that refers to an application itself.
In order to work with the resource that refers to a library, the
application must use another method form with an additional parameter.
param name, locale, libName;
Searches the named resource of the PIR system with the specified
language code in the beginning and then with the neutral language
code in case of failure.
name Name of the object which should be found.
locale Language code.
libName Library name in which the object is stored.
Returns the resource index. This method returns -1 if the resource
with the specified name does not exist.
param obj;
Inserts the named resource of the PIR system.
obj Object of the PIRMap class which should
be inserted.
Returns the index of the inserted element within the resource array.
param obj;
Inserts the named resource of the PIR system.
obj Object of the PIRNamedObj class which should
be inserted.
Returns the index of the inserted element within the resource array.
param objList;
Inserts the named resources of the PIR system.
objList Array of the named resources which should be
param name, locale;
Deletes the named resource of the PIR system.
name Name of the object which should be deleted.
locale Language code.
This method works for a resource that refers to an application itself.
In order to work with the resource that refers to a library, the
application must use another method form with an additional parameter.
param name, locale, libName;
Deletes the named resource of the PIR system.
name Name of the object which should be deleted.
locale Language code.
libName Library name in which the object is stored.
Saves resources in a binary form.
Returns an object of the current class.
Saves resources in a text form using the PIR language.
Returns a string.
The PIRWnd class represents a resource that describes a window.
This class is derived from a vector and contains the list of
window controls. Each list element is an object of the PIRControl
The Font field (derived from the PIRRectObj class) determines the
window font. Window font affects controls whose Font field is empty.
The following fields are defined for this class:
IsWString If it is equal to FALSE then resource strings
have the String type and all the methods which
receive a string from a window or a control
return data of the String type. If it is
equal to TRUE then WString is used instead of
Type Window type. May take on a "popup" value -
popup window which can overstep the ancestor
bounds and cannot be beneath the ancestor,
"child" value - child window, which can not
overstep the ancestor bounds and cannot be
beneath the ancestor. An application can not
create child window of the top level (without
an ancestor).
Caption Window caption. May take on an EMPTY value,
if the caption is missed.
HasBorder Specifies whether a window has a border.
IsResizable Specifies whether a window can interactively
change its size.
HasSysMenu Specifies whether a window has a system menu.
HasMinButton Specifies whether a window has the
minimization button.
HasMaxButton Specifies whether a window has the
maximization button.
HasVScroll Specifies whether a window has the vertical
scroll bar.
HasHScroll Specifies whether a window has the horizontal
scroll bar.
ToClipChildren Specifies whether a window will exclude
regions occupied by its controls and child
windows from painting when performing all
painting operations.
ToClipSiblings Specifies whether a window will exclude
regions occupied by its controls and child
windows (that have the same parent as the
current window) from painting when performing
all painting operations.
Makes sense only for a window of the "child"
HasOwnDC FALSE - window graphical context is not bound
to a window and stored in an object of the MDC
class, TRUE window graphical context is bound
to a window and stored in the window, and the
MDC class object refers to it.
GluePairs This is a vector of the PIRGluePair class
objects which defines the window controls
glueing. If glueing is absent then this field
is equal to EMPTY.
Returns the nonclient window area size, i.e. the area occupied by different
decorations (the border, the header, the scrollbars). Returns a two element
vector: difference between the window width and the window client area width,
difference between the window height and the window client area height.
This method is useful if it is necessary to retrieve the difference between the
window size and the window client area size without opening the window itself.
This window does not take into account the height of the window menu, since an
object of this class does not contain information about menu.
Creates a resource.
Scales a rectangular object from the from the default coordinate
system to the current coordinate system.
Scales a rectangular object from the from the current coordinate
system to the default coordinate system.
- OnCaretMove(int, int)
- OnChange(int, int)
- OnEsc(int, int)
- UsrDraw(int, int)
- Print(void)
- PrintString(int)
- XmlAttr(refer object String, refer object String)
param name;
Вернет указатель на корневой элемент документа
если его имя равно name или '*'.
param path, attrList [, _func];
Тоже, что и GetElementsByPath( object String, refer ... ) с дополнительным фильтром
по атрибутам элементов.
attrList - список имет и если нужно значений атрибутов которые должны быть
у возвращаемых элементом. Список может сотоять из строк (имя атрибута) либо
из векторов-пар строк (имя и значение атрибута).
<< "name", << "color", "red" >>, << "type" >> >>
в качестве параметра attrList определяет что у возвращаемых элементов
должены быть атрибуты с именем: name (любым значением), color со значением red
и type с любым значением.
param path [, _func];
Вернет список указателей на элементы документа по заданному пути.
Например для документа вида:
<directory name="sources" >
<xmlfile name="c:/file1.xml" \>
<plukfile name="c:/file1.plk" \>
<xmlfile name="c:/file2.xml" \>
<directory name="binaries" >
<binfile name="c:/pluk.exe" \>
вызов ...->GetElementsByPath( "directories/directory/xmlfile" )
вернет указатели на следующие елементы (XmlElement) дерева
<xmlfile name="c:/file1.xml" \>
<xmlfile name="c:/file2.xml" \>
можно использовать знак '*' в пути;
вызов ...->GetElementsByPath( "directories/directory/*" )
вернет указатели на следующие елементы (XmlElement) дерева
<xmlfile name="c:/file1.xml" \>
<plukfile name="c:/file1.plk" \>
<xmlfile name="c:/file2.xml" \>
<binfile name="c:/pluk.exe" \>
Дополнительный параметр _func позволяет задать функцию
выполняемую над каждым елементом перед возвратом из метода (возврат функции
будет подставлен вместо указателя на элемент).
вызов ...->GetElementsByPath( "directories/directory/*", <| param e; return e.nodeName; |> );
вернет вектор строк:
param name;
Вернет список указателей на элементы документа
вложенных в текущий и имеющих имя name или всех
элементов вложенных в текущий если name равно '*'.
Дополнительный параметр _func позволяет задать функцию
выполняемую над каждым елементом перед возвратом из метода (возврат функции
будет подставлен вместо указателя на элемент).
param path, attrList [, _func];
Тоже, что и GetElementsByPath( object String, refer ... ) с дополнительным фильтром
по атрибутам элементов.
attrList - список имет и если нужно значений атрибутов которые должны быть
у возвращаемых элементом. Список может сотоять из строк (имя атрибута) либо
из векторов-пар строк (имя и значение атрибута).
<< "name", << "color", "red" >>, << "type" >> >>
в качестве параметра attrList определяет что у возвращаемых элементов
должены быть атрибуты с именем: name (любым значением), color со значением red
и type с любым значением.
param path [, _func];
Вернет список указателей на элементы документа по заданному пути относительно
текущего элемента.
Например для документа вида:
<directory name="sources" >
<xmlfile name="c:/file1.xml" \>
<plukfile name="c:/file1.plk" \>
<xmlfile name="c:/file2.xml" \>
<directory name="binaries" >
<binfile name="c:/pluk.exe" \>
вызов ...->GetElementsByPath( "directory/xmlfile" ) для елемента 'directories'
вернет указатели на следующие елементы (XmlElement) дерева
<xmlfile name="c:/file1.xml" \>
<xmlfile name="c:/file2.xml" \>
можно использовать знак '*' в пути;
вызов ...->GetElementsByPath( "directory/*" ) для елемента 'directories'
вернет указатели на следующие елементы (XmlElement) дерева
<xmlfile name="c:/file1.xml" \>
<plukfile name="c:/file1.plk" \>
<xmlfile name="c:/file2.xml" \>
<binfile name="c:/pluk.exe" \>
Дополнительный параметр _func позволяет задать функцию
выполняемую над каждым елементом перед возвратом из метода (возврат функции
будет подставлен вместо указателя на элемент).
вызов ...->GetElementsByPath( "directory/*", <| param e; return e.nodeName; |> );
для елемента 'directories' вернет вектор строк:
#module Root.System.Parsers
Класс парсера, разбирающего и проверяющего XML документ.
Создает дерево в соответствии с DOM XML.
Вернет ссылку на объект LRParserEngine
param elem;
Вернет ссылку на объект LRParserEngine
param expr;
Осуществляет разбор документа expr.
param fileName;
Осуществляет разбор документа из файла fileName.
Конструктор парсера XML документа. Создается
одна реальная копия парсера, так что объекты класса
PlukExprParser можно создавать локально в любом количестве.
param name;
Вернет ссылку на первую спецификацию полученную вызовом
метода GetSpecList( .. ) с тем же параметром
param name;
Вернет список указателей на XML спецификации по заданному имени.
Имя имеет вид Pluk/<aplication>/<тип спецификации>/<версия>
<application> - название приложения;
<тип спецификации> - название спецификации;
<версия> - версия в виде числа с плавающей точкой;
При поиске спецификации можно задавать имя спецификации без версии. При этом
будет возвращен список наиболее свежих (по версии) спецификаций.
Если номер версии задан, то его целая часть считается главным номером версии.
Т.е. совпадение целой части версии спецификации с искомой обязательно. Среди
спецификаций с одинаковой целой частью версии берется имеющая наибольшую версию если
эта версия больше или равна искомой.
Загружены спецификации
GetSpecList("Pluk/AppOptions/Options") вернет указатель на Pluk/AppOptions/Options/2.0
GetSpecList("Pluk/AppOptions/Options/1.0") вернет указатель на Pluk/AppOptions/Options/1.5
GetSpecList("Pluk/AppOptions/Options/1.7") вернет пустой вектор
param text, [defButton], [parentWnd];
Creates a message box with a request to abort, retry, or ignore, containing
Abort, Retry and Ignore buttons.
text Message text.
defButton An argument specifying the default button. If this argument is
abscent, then the first button of the window is the default button.
parentWnd The parent window.
Returns the user reaction on the message box.
The defButton argument may take the following values:
MB_DEFBUTTON1 The first button is the default button. This is always true if
the MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_DEFBUTTON3 values are not specified.
MB_DEFBUTTON2 The second button is the default button.
MB_DEFBUTTON3 The third button is the default button.
The function may return following values:
IDABORT The Abort button was clicked.
IDRETRY The Retry button was clicked.
IDIGNORE The Ignore button was clicked.
Makes a standard sound in the system.
Sets the sand-glass form cursor.
If the cursor in the system has the sand-glass form, then all the windows and
applications don't respond to mouse clicks and keyboard strikes. An application
must call this function before actions which require blocking of user input. To
permit the input again, an application must call the EndWaitCursor function.
param name, [libName];
Retrieves a bitmap from the resources.
name Name of the bitmap in the resources.
LibName Library name of object String type.
Returns a MBmp class object
If the libName argument is not specified or is equal to an empty string, then
the resources are taken from th executable. Otherwize the resources are taken
from the library.
Activates a process and places it above all the other processes.
param text, [defButton], [parentWnd];
Creates a message box with a question and Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
text Message text.
defButton An argument specifying the default button. If this argument is
abscent, then the first button of the window is the default button.
parentWnd The parent window.
Returns the user reaction on the message box.
The defButton argument may take the following values:
MB_DEFBUTTON1 The first button is the default button. This is always true if
the MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_DEFBUTTON3 values are not specified.
MB_DEFBUTTON2 The second button is the default button.
MB_DEFBUTTON3 The third button is the default button.
The function may return following values:
IDYES The Yes button was clicked.
IDNO The No button was clicked.
IDCANCEL The Cancel button was clicked.
Restores the cursor that was in the system before it was set to the sand-glass
If the cursor in the system has the sand-glass form, then all the windows and
applications don't respond to mouse clicks and keyboard strikes. An application
must call this function after actions which require blocking of user input. If
an application called the BeginWaitCursor function more than once, then to
restore the cursor form it must call the EndWaitCursor the same number of times
(or more)
param text, [parentWnd];
Creates an Error message box.
text The message text.
parentWnd The parent window.
Returns the user reaction on the error message box.
The function may return following value:
IDOK The OK button was pressed.
param virtCode
Checks if the key is pressed.
virtCode Virtual key code.
Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the specified key is pressed. FALSE if the
specified key is not pressed.
An application may check, if right or left mouse button is pressed at the moment
if function key by specifying the VK_LBUTTON or VK_RBUTTON as the virtCode
Retrieves the full screen size.
Returns a two element vector. The first element is the screen width. The second
element is the screen height.
param text, [parentWnd];
Creates an information message box.
text The message text.
parentWnd The parent window.
Returns the user reaction on the message box.
The function may return following value:
IDOK The OK button was pressed.
Makes the screen incorrect, i.e. a subject to update.
By calling this function an application places a WND_UPDATE event into the event
queues of the applications which windows are visible on the screen. From there
this event will be dispatched to those windows, if there are no other events in
the queue. By the time this method is called some part of the window may be
marked as incorrect (the WND_UPDATE event is in the queue). In this case, after
this method exits, a new area, which includes the old area and the new one, will
be marked incorrect. If an application needs to update the window immediately,
it must force the event to be extracted from the queue by calling the
GWnd::Update method.
Checks if the cursor is set to the sand-glass form.
If the cursor in the system has the sand-glass form, then all the windows and
applications don't respond to mouse clicks and keyboard strikes.
param id;
Checks if the window is opened.
id System identifier of the window
Returns a boolean value. TRUE if the window is opened. FALSE if it is closed.
An application must call this function if the GWnd class object associated with
the window might not exist at the moment of checking. In case of abscence of the
object a check by System identifier will raise no error. If an application is
sure that the object exists, it might call the GWnd::IsOpen method.
param title, text, type, [parentWnd];
Creates a message box with the specified title, text, icons and buttons.
title The message box title.
text The message text.
type The message box type, specifying its contents and behaviour.
parentWnd The parent window of the GWnd type.
Returns the user reaction on the message box.
If the parentWnd argument is specified, then a message box with a parent is
created. Otherwise a message box without a parent is created.
The type argument may take the following values.
MB_OK The window contains only the OK button.
MB_OKCANCEL The window contains two buttons: OK and Cancel.
MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE The window contains three buttons: Abort, Retry and
MB_YESNOCANCEL The window contains three buttons: Yes, No and Cancel.
MB_YESNO The window contains two buttons: Yes and No.
MB_RETRYCANCEL The window contains two buttons: Retry and Cancel.
MB_ICONSTOP The attention icon appears in the window.
MB_ICONQUESTION The question icon appears in the window.
MB_ICONEXCLAMATION The exclamation icon appears in the window.
MB_ICONQUESTION The information icon appears in the window.
MB_DEFBUTTON1 The first button is the default button. This is always true if
the MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_DEFBUTTON3 values are not specified.
MB_DEFBUTTON2 The second button is the default button.
MB_DEFBUTTON3 The third button is the default button.
MB_APPLMODAL The user has to reply to the message before continuing to work
with the parentWnd window. This is always true, if the MB_TASKMODAL or
MB_SYSTEMMODAL are not specified.
MB_TASKMODAL The user has to reply to the message before continuing to work
with any window of the current task.
MB_SYSTEMMODAL The user has to reply to the message before continuing to work
with the parentWnd window.
The return value might be the following:
IDOK The OK button was clicked.
IDCANCEL The Cancel button was clicked.
IDABORT The Abort button was clicked.
IDRETRY The Retry button was clicked.
IDIGNORE The Ignore button was clicked.
IDYES The Yes button was clicked.
IDNO The No button was clicked.
If the message box contains a Cancel button, then the function will return
IDCANCEL either when this button is clicked or when the Esc key was pressed. If
the message box does not contain a Cancel button, then pressing the Esc key will
make no effect.
Retrieves resources in the PIR form.
Returns a reference to a PIR class object.
#rus Переводит символьное представление спецсимволов
#rus "\\", "\"", "\t", "\r", "\n" в спецсимволы \, ", \t, \r, \n.
#rus str Входная строка.
#rus Возвращает выходную строку.
param id;
#rus Получает значение идентификатора, который хранится в поле
#rus объекта системы PIR. Обычно в таком поле содержится целое
#rus число или строка, являющаяся выражением, включающим имена
#rus констант.
#rus id Значение поля.
#rus Возвращает целое значение идентификатора.
param str;
#rus Получает значение строки, которая хранится в поле объекта
#rus системы PIR. Обычно в таком поле содержится строка или
#rus ключ в таблице PIRMap.
#rus str Значение поля.
#rus Возвращает значение строки.
#rus Переводит спецсимволы \, ", \t, \r, \n в символьное
#rus представление спецсимволов "\\", "\"", "\t", "\r", "\n".
#rus str Входная строка.
#rus Возвращает выходную строку.
param text, [defButton], [parentWnd];
Creates a message box with a question and Yes and No buttons.
text Message text.
defButton An argument specifying the default button. If this argument is
abscent, then the first button of the window is the default button.
parentWnd The parent window.
Returns the user reaction on the message box.
The defButton argument may take the following values:
MB_DEFBUTTON1 The first button is the default button. This is always true if
the MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_DEFBUTTON3 values are not specified.
MB_DEFBUTTON2 The second button is the default button.
MB_DEFBUTTON3 The third button is the default button.
The function may return following values:
IDYES The Yes button was clicked.
IDNO The No button was clicked.
param text, [parentWnd];
Creates a critical error message box.
text Message text.
parentWnd The parent window.
Returns the user reaction on the message box.
The function may return following value:
IDOK The OK button was pressed.
param flags, [templateName, ...]
Sets the mode of storing the window placement on the screen.
flags Flags, which set the storing mode.
templateName The template name of the windows, for which the storing mode is
set. Is an object String type value.
The mode of storing the window placement on the screen is implemented as storing
the window geometrical parameters in an ini file, with the file name matching
the application name. Therefore to use this function an application must load
the library for working with configuration files. For a sepatate application all
its windows with the same template (and the same caption if the SWP_DIST_CAPTION
flag is set) store the windows pacement information in the same place. Storing
means reading the information from a file whin the window is opened (and when
the window's caption changes if the SWP_DIST_CAPTION flag is set) and writing
the information into the file when the window is closed (and when the window's
caption changes if the SWP_DIST_CAPTION flag is set). If the templateName
argument is specified for several times, then the flags mode is set for several
templates. If the templateName argument is not specified at all then the flags
mode is set for all the application windows except those, for which it wasn't
set personally, i.e. this function with the template in one of the templateName
arguments wasn't called.
The flags argument is a combination of following values:
SWP_NOTHING Not store the window placement.
SWP_POS Store the window placement.
SWP_SIZE Store the window size.
SWP_MINIMIZING Store the minimized state of the window.
SWP_MAXIMIZING Store the maximized state of the window.
SWP_DIST_CAPTION Distingwish between windows with the same template but
different captoins.
The SWP_NOTHING mode is useful to eliminate storing of geometrical parameters of
the specified windows in case of storing some geometrical parameters of all the
windows. If an application sets the SWP_DIST_CAPTION then while storing the
windows they are distinguished not only by the template name, but by the window
caption at the moment of reading/writing the parameters, too.
Фильтрует строку на наличие символов запрещенных в значениях
XML атрибутов, заменяя их на специальные последовательности.
Применяется при экспорте XML структур в файл.
Фильтрует строку на наличие последовательностей специальных
символов применяемых в значениях XML-атрибутов декодируя их.
Применяется при импорте из XML файла
- AbortBox, function
- Add, method of class GComboBox
- Add, method of class GListBox
- AddGluePair, method of class GWnd
- AddTabs, method of class GTabWnd
- AllowEvent, method of class GTabWnd
- AllowEvent, method of class GWnd
- AllowMultiSelect, method of class GFileDialog
- Beep, function
- BeginEdit, method of class GTable
- BeginWaitCursor, function
- BmpFromResource, function
- BreakItem, method of class GMenu
- BreakItemByPos, method of class GMenu
- BringProcessToTop, function
- BringToTop, method of class GWnd
- CanClose, method of class GWnd
- CanOpen, method of class GWnd
- CaptureInput, method of class GWnd
- CastFromStr, method of class PIRCustomControlAttr
- CastToStr, method of class PIRCustomControlAttr
- Center, method of class GWnd
- CharToLine, method of class GEdit
- Check, method of class GDateControl
- Check, method of class GRegExprComboBox
- Check, method of class GRegExprControl
- Check, method of class GRegExprEdit
- Check, method of class GTimeControl
- CheckClass, method of class PIRCustomControl
- CheckItem, method of class GMenu
- CheckItemByPos, method of class GMenu
- CheckNodes, method of class XmlParser
- Cleanup, method of class GWnd
- Clear, method of class PEdit
- ClientToScreen, method of class GWnd
- Close, method of class GModalWnd
- Close, method of class GWnd
- CommentFilter, class
- CommentFilter, method of class CommentFilter
- ConfirmationBox, function
- Copy, method of class GEdit
- Copy, method of class PEdit
- Copy, method of class PIRObj
- Create, method of class GToolTip
- Create, method of class PIRCustomControlAttr
- CreateFilter, method of class PIRControl
- CustomControlBase, class
- Cut, method of class PEdit
- Delete, method of class GToolTip
- DeleteLine, method of class PEdit
- DeleteSelection, method of class PEdit
- DeleteSubText, method of class PEdit
- DivideIntoLevels, method of class GTabWnd
- DropDown, method of class GComboBox
- Enable, method of class GTabItem
- Enable, method of class GWnd
- EnableItem, method of class GMenu
- EnableItem, method of class GTabWnd
- EnableItem, method of class GWnd
- EnableItemByPos, method of class GMenu
- EnableItems, method of class GTabWnd
- EnableItems, method of class GWnd
- EnableWString, method of class GTabWnd
- EnableWString, method of class GWnd
- EndEdit, method of class GTable
- EndWaitCursor, function
- ErrorBox, function
- ExpandRsc, method of class GWnd
- FilterEnable, method of class PIRCustomControlAttr
- Find, method of class GComboBox
- Find, method of class GListBox
- Find, method of class PIRVector
- Find2, method of class PIRVector
- FindItem, method of class GMenu
- FindLine, method of class GTable
- FindSpec, method of class XmlSpecList
- FindTab, method of class GTabWnd
- ForbidEvent, method of class GTabWnd
- ForbidEvent, method of class GWnd
- FromRelFileName, method of class PIRFile
- GCaret, class
- GCaret, method of class GCaret
- GColorDialog, class
- GColorDialog, method of class GColorDialog
- GComboBox, class
- GComboBox, method of class GComboBox
- GContextMenu, class
- GContextMenu, method of class GContextMenu
- GControl, class
- GControlToolTip, class
- GControlToolTip, method of class GControlToolTip
- GCustomControl, class
- GCustomControl, method of class GCustomControl
- GDateComboBox, class
- GDateComboBox, method of class GDateComboBox
- GDateControl, class
- GDateControl, method of class GDateControl
- GDateEdit, class
- GDateEdit, method of class GDateEdit
- GDatePicker, class
- GDialog, class
- GDialog, method of class GDialog
- GDragDropWnd, class
- GDragDropWnd, method of class GDragDropWnd
- GEdit, class
- GEdit, method of class GEdit
- GetAllClassNames, method of class PIRCustomControl
- GetBgColor, method of class GWnd
- GetBmp, method of class PIRFile
- GetCaption, method of class GWnd
- GetCaretPos, method of class GListBox
- GetCaretPos, method of class GTable
- GetChildsByName, method of class XmlDocument
- GetChildsByName, method of class XmlElement
- GetClickPt, method of class GTable
- GetClientPos, method of class GWnd
- GetClientSize, method of class GWnd
- GetColumnCount, method of class GTable
- GetColumnState, method of class GTable
- GetColumnTitle, method of class GTable
- GetColumnWidth, method of class GTable
- GetControlFilter, method of class GWnd
- GetCount, method of class GComboBox
- GetCount, method of class GListBox
- GetCount, method of class GRadioGroup
- GetCount, method of class GTabWnd
- GetCursor, method of class PIRFile
- GetCursorPos, method of class GWnd
- GetCustomControl, method of class GTabWnd
- GetDecorSize, method of class PIRWnd
- GetDragMode, method of class GDragDropWnd
- GetElementsByPath, method of class XmlDocument
- GetElementsByPath, method of class XmlElement
- GetEntry, method of class GTable
- GetEntryRect, method of class GTable
- GetFocus, method of class GWnd
- GetFreeRect, method of class GTabWnd
- GetIcon, method of class PIRFile
- GetID, method of class GControl
- GetID, method of class GCustomControl
- GetID, method of class GWnd
- GetIDs, method of class GRadioGroup
- GetItem, method of class GTabWnd
- GetItem, method of class GWnd
- GetItemCount, method of class GMenu
- GetItemFocus, method of class GTabWnd
- GetItemFocus, method of class GWnd
- GetItemID, method of class GWnd
- GetItemPos, method of class GWnd
- GetItemRect, method of class GWnd
- GetItemRsc, method of class GTabWnd
- GetItemRsc, method of class GWnd
- GetItems, method of class GTabWnd
- GetItems, method of class GWnd
- GetItemSize, method of class GWnd
- GetItemStr, method of class GMenu
- GetKeyState, function
- GetLibName, method of class GWnd
- GetLine, method of class GEdit
- GetLineCount, method of class GEdit
- GetLineCount, method of class GTable
- GetLineLength, method of class GEdit
- GetModifyState, method of class GEdit
- GetNotifyPos, method of class GTable
- GetParent, method of class GControl
- GetParent, method of class GWnd
- GetPos, method of class GCaret
- GetPos, method of class GWnd
- GetRect, method of class GWnd
- GetRect, method of class GWndToolTip
- GetRectOfLine, method of class PEdit
- GetRestorePos, method of class GWnd
- GetRestoreSize, method of class GWnd
- GetRsc, method of class GWnd
- GetScreenSize, function
- GetSel, method of class GComboBox
- GetSel, method of class GEdit
- GetSel, method of class GListBox
- GetSel, method of class GRadioGroup
- GetSel, method of class GTable
- GetSel, method of class GTabWnd
- GetSize, method of class GWnd
- GetSpec, method of class PIRCustomControl
- GetSpecList, method of class XmlSpecList
- GetStr, method of class GComboBox
- GetStr, method of class GListBox
- GetStrSel, method of class GListBox
- GetSubText, method of class PEdit
- GetTab, method of class GTabWnd
- GetTemplateName, method of class GWnd
- GetText, method of class GComboBox
- GetText, method of class GEdit
- GetText, method of class GToolTip
- GetTextLength, method of class GEdit
- GetTextSel, method of class GComboBox
- GetVisIndex, method of class GListBox
- GetVisLineCount, method of class GTable
- GetVisLineIndex, method of class GEdit
- GFileDialog, class
- GFontDialog, class
- GFontDialog, method of class GFontDialog
- GListBox, class
- GListBox, method of class GListBox
- GMenu, class
- GMenu, method of class GMenu
- GModalTabWnd, class
- GModalTabWnd, method of class GModalTabWnd
- GModalWnd, class
- GModalWnd, method of class GModalWnd
- GMoneyComboBox, class
- GMoneyComboBox, method of class GMoneyComboBox
- GMoneyControl, class
- GMoneyControl, method of class GMoneyControl
- GMoneyEdit, class
- GMoneyEdit, method of class GMoneyEdit
- GOpenDialog, class
- GOpenDialog, method of class GOpenDialog
- GRadioGroup, class
- GRadioGroup, method of class GRadioGroup
- GRegExprComboBox, class
- GRegExprComboBox, method of class GRegExprComboBox
- GRegExprControl, class
- GRegExprControl, method of class GRegExprControl
- GRegExprEdit, class
- GRegExprEdit, method of class GRegExprEdit
- GRichEdit, class
- GSaveDialog, class
- GSaveDialog, method of class GSaveDialog
- GStdDialog, class
- GTabDialog, class
- GTabDialog, method of class GTabDialog
- GTabItem, class
- GTabItem, method of class GTabItem
- GTable, class
- GTable, method of class GTable
- GTabWnd, class
- GTabWnd, method of class GTabWnd
- GTaskbarIcon, class
- GTimeComboBox, class
- GTimeComboBox, method of class GTimeComboBox
- GTimeControl, class
- GTimeControl, method of class GTimeControl
- GTimeEdit, class
- GTimeEdit, method of class GTimeEdit
- GTimePicker, class
- GToolTip, class
- GTree, class
- GTree, method of class GTree
- GTreeItem, class
- GWaitCursor, class
- GWaitCursor, method of class GWaitCursor
- GWnd, class
- GWnd, method of class GWnd
- GWndDisabled, class
- GWndToolTip, class
- GWndToolTip, method of class GWndToolTip
- HasContextMenu, method of class GWnd
- HasMenu, method of class GWnd
- Hide, method of class GCaret
- Hide, method of class GWnd
- HideItem, method of class GTabWnd
- HideItem, method of class GWnd
- InformationBox, function
- Insert, method of class GComboBox
- Insert, method of class GEdit
- Insert, method of class GListBox
- Insert, method of class GRegExprEdit
- Insert, method of class PIRVector
- InsertColumns, method of class GTable
- InsertItem, method of class GMenu
- InsertItem, method of class GWnd
- InsertLines, method of class GTable
- InsertSeparator, method of class GMenu
- InsertTabs, method of class GTabWnd
- Invalidate, method of class GWnd
- Invalidate, method of class PEdit
- InvalidateScreen, function
- IsEdit, method of class GTable
- IsExist, method of class GToolTip
- IsItem, method of class GMenu
- IsItem, method of class GTabWnd
- IsItem, method of class GWnd
- IsItemVisible, method of class GWnd
- IsMaximized, method of class GWnd
- IsMinimized, method of class GWnd
- IsOpen, method of class GWnd
- IsValid, method of class PEdit
- IsVisible, method of class GWnd
- IsWaitCursor, function
- IsWndOpen, function
- LimitText, method of class GComboBox
- LimitText, method of class GEdit
- LineToChar, method of class GEdit
- Load, method of class PIR
- Load, method of class PIRFile
- LoadAttr, method of class PIRCustomControl
- LoadReferFiles, method of class PIR
- LoadString, method of class PIR
- MakeNode, method of class XmlParser
- MessageBox, function
- Minimize, method of class GWnd
- NamedObjects, class
- NamedValue, class
- NamedValues, class
- NameNodeMap, class
- NodeList, class
- NormalizeColumns, method of class GTable
- OnCancel, method of class GModalWnd
- OnCancel, method of class GWnd
- OnClose, method of class GWnd
- OnCommand, method of class GControl
- OnCommand, method of class GWnd
- OnCopyObjects, method of class GDragDropWnd
- OnCreateObjects, method of class GDragDropWnd
- OnDeleteObjects, method of class GDragDropWnd
- OnDragObjects, method of class GDragDropWnd
- OnGetObjects, method of class GDragDropWnd
- OnHelp, method of class GWnd
- OnInsertNamedObj, method of class PIR
- OnKeyDown, method of class GWnd
- OnMoveObjects, method of class GDragDropWnd
- OnOK, method of class GModalWnd
- OnOK, method of class GWnd
- OnSelTab, method of class GTabWnd
- Open, method of class GColorDialog
- Open, method of class GFileDialog
- Open, method of class GFontDialog
- Open, method of class GModalWnd
- Open, method of class GWnd
- Parse, method of class XmlParser
- ParseFile, method of class XmlParser
- Paste, method of class GEdit
- Paste, method of class PEdit
- PEdit, class
- PEdit, method of class PEdit
- PIR, function
- PIR, method of class PIR
- PIR::FromSpecSym, function
- PIR::GetID, function
- PIR::GetStr, function
- PIR::ToSpecSym, function
- PIRAccel, class
- PIRAccel, method of class PIRAccel
- PIRAccelItem, class
- PIRAccelItem, method of class PIRAccelItem
- PIRBmpControl, class
- PIRBmpControl, method of class PIRBmpControl
- PIRButton, class
- PIRButton, method of class PIRButton
- PIRCheck, class
- PIRCheck, method of class PIRCheck
- PIRComboBox, class
- PIRComboBox, method of class PIRComboBox
- PIRControl, class
- PIRControl, method of class PIRControl
- PIRCustomControl, class
- PIRCustomControl, method of class PIRCustomControl
- PIRCustomControlAttr, class
- PIREdit, class
- PIREdit, method of class PIREdit
- PIRExpandEdit, class
- PIRExpandEdit, method of class PIRExpandEdit
- PIRFile, class
- PIRFile, method of class PIRFile
- PIRFixButton, class
- PIRFixButton, method of class PIRFixButton
- PIRFrame, class
- PIRFrame, method of class PIRFrame
- PIRGluePair, class
- PIRGluePair, method of class PIRGluePair
- PIRInlineMenu, class
- PIRInlineMenu, method of class PIRInlineMenu
- PIRKey, class
- PIRListBox, class
- PIRListBox, method of class PIRListBox
- PIRMap, class
- PIRMap, method of class PIRMap
- PIRMenu, class
- PIRMenu, method of class PIRMenu
- PIRMenuItem, class
- PIRMenuItem, method of class PIRMenuItem
- PIRMultiEdit, class
- PIRMultiEdit, method of class PIRMultiEdit
- PIRNamedObj, class
- PIRNamedObj, method of class PIRNamedObj
- PIRObj, class
- PIRRectObj, class
- PIRRectObj, method of class PIRRectObj
- PIRRepeatButton, class
- PIRRepeatButton, method of class PIRRepeatButton
- PIRScrollBar, class
- PIRScrollBar, method of class PIRScrollBar
- PIRSubMenu, class
- PIRSubMenu, method of class PIRSubMenu
- PIRTable, class
- PIRTable, method of class PIRTable
- PIRText, class
- PIRText, method of class PIRText
- PIRTree, class
- PIRTree, method of class PIRTree
- PIRVector, class
- PIRWnd, class
- PIRWnd, method of class PIRWnd
- Popup, method of class GMenu
- PopupBelowItem, method of class GMenu
- PostEvent, method of class GWnd
- PRichEdit, class
- QuestionBox, function
- ReleaseInput, method of class GWnd
- ReleaseTimer, method of class GWnd
- Remove, method of class GComboBox
- Remove, method of class GListBox
- Remove, method of class PIRVector
- RemoveColumns, method of class GTable
- RemoveGluePair, method of class GWnd
- RemoveItem, method of class GMenu
- RemoveItem, method of class GWnd
- RemoveLines, method of class GTable
- RemoveTabs, method of class GTabWnd
- ReplaceItem, method of class GWnd
- RescaleFromDef, method of class PIRFrame
- RescaleFromDef, method of class PIRRectObj
- RescaleFromDef, method of class PIRTable
- RescaleFromDef, method of class PIRWnd
- RescaleToDef, method of class PIRFrame
- RescaleToDef, method of class PIRRectObj
- RescaleToDef, method of class PIRTable
- RescaleToDef, method of class PIRWnd
- Reset, method of class GComboBox
- Reset, method of class GListBox
- Reset, method of class GTable
- ResetLines, method of class GTable
- Restore, method of class GWnd
- Save, method of class PIR
- Save, method of class PIRVector
- SaveString, method of class PIR
- SaveString, method of class PIRNamedObj
- SaveString, method of class PIRVector
- ScreenToClient, method of class GWnd
- Scroll, method of class GEdit
- Scroll, method of class GWnd
- SelectCharSet, method of class GFontDialog
- SelectColor, method of class GColorDialog
- SelectColor, method of class GFontDialog
- SelectFilter, method of class GFileDialog
- SelTab, method of class GTabWnd
- SendEvent, method of class GWnd
- SetAccel, method of class GWnd
- SetBgColor, method of class GTable
- SetBgColor, method of class PEdit
- SetCaption, method of class GColorDialog
- SetCaption, method of class GFileDialog
- SetCaption, method of class GFontDialog
- SetCaption, method of class GWnd
- SetCaretNotify, method of class PEdit
- SetCaretPos, method of class GEdit
- SetCaretPos, method of class GListBox
- SetCaretPos, method of class GTable
- SetClassName, method of class PIRCustomControl
- SetClientPos, method of class GWnd
- SetClientSize, method of class GWnd
- SetColumnProps, method of class GTable
- SetColumns, method of class GTable
- SetColumnState, method of class GTable
- SetColumnTitle, method of class GTable
- SetColumnWidth, method of class GTable
- SetContextMenu, method of class GWnd
- SetContinueMode, method of class GRegExprControl
- SetCursor, method of class GWnd
- SetCursorPos, method of class GWnd
- SetCustomRsc, method of class GCustomControl
- SetCustomRsc, method of class GWnd
- SetEntry, method of class GTable
- SetFgColor, method of class GTable
- SetFocus, method of class GWnd
- SetFont, method of class GWnd
- SetFont, method of class PEdit
- SetFreeRect, method of class GTabWnd
- SetGlobalAccel, method of class GWnd
- SetHelpFunc, method of class GStdDialog
- SetIcon, method of class GWnd
- SetItem, method of class GTabWnd
- SetItem, method of class GWnd
- SetItemBgColor, method of class GTabWnd
- SetItemFgColor, method of class GTabWnd
- SetItemFocus, method of class GTabWnd
- SetItemFocus, method of class GWnd
- SetItemFont, method of class GTabWnd
- SetItemFont, method of class GWnd
- SetItemOrder, method of class GWnd
- SetItemPos, method of class GWnd
- SetItemRect, method of class GWnd
- SetItems, method of class GTabWnd
- SetItems, method of class GWnd
- SetItemSize, method of class GWnd
- SetLibName, method of class PIR
- SetLines, method of class GTable
- SetMenu, method of class GWnd
- SetMessageHandler, method of class GDialog
- SetModifyState, method of class GEdit
- SetNotifyHandler, method of class CustomControlBase
- SetOverrideState, method of class GComboBox
- SetOverrideState, method of class GEdit
- SetPos, method of class GCaret
- SetPos, method of class GCustomControl
- SetPos, method of class GWnd
- SetReadOnlyState, method of class GEdit
- SetRect, method of class GWnd
- SetRect, method of class GWndToolTip
- SetRef, method of class PIRFile
- SetRestorePos, method of class GWnd
- SetRestoreSize, method of class GWnd
- SetSel, method of class GEdit
- SetSel, method of class GListBox
- SetSel, method of class GRadioGroup
- SetSel, method of class GTable
- SetSetupFunc, method of class GDialog
- SetSize, method of class GCustomControl
- SetSize, method of class GWnd
- SetStartDelta, method of class GDragDropWnd
- SetStr, method of class GComboBox
- SetStr, method of class GListBox
- SetStrSel, method of class GListBox
- SetTab, method of class GEdit
- SetText, method of class GComboBox
- SetText, method of class GEdit
- SetText, method of class GRegExprComboBox
- SetText, method of class GRegExprEdit
- SetText, method of class GToolTip
- SetTextSel, method of class GComboBox
- SetTimer, method of class GWnd
- Setup, method of class GWnd
- SetVisLineCount, method of class GTable
- Show, method of class GCaret
- Show, method of class GWnd
- ShowItem, method of class GMenu
- ShowItem, method of class GTabWnd
- ShowItem, method of class GWnd
- StopBox, function
- StoreWndPlacement, function
- ToRelFileName, method of class PIRFile
- Undo, method of class PEdit
- Update, method of class GWnd
- Validate, method of class GWnd
- XmlAttr, class
- XmlDocument, class
- XmlElement, class
- XmlNode, class
- , method of class XmlParser
- XmlParser, method of class XmlParser
- XmlParser::CodeAttrValueString, function
- XmlParser::DecodeAttrValueString, function
- XmlSpecList, class
- ~GCaret, method of class GCaret
- ~GColorDialog, method of class GColorDialog
- ~GComboBox, method of class GComboBox
- ~GEdit, method of class GEdit
- ~GFileDialog, method of class GFileDialog
- ~GFontDialog, method of class GFontDialog
- ~GListBox, method of class GListBox
- ~GMenu, method of class GMenu
- ~GRadioGroup, method of class GRadioGroup
- ~GTable, method of class GTable
- ~GToolTip, method of class GToolTip
- ~GWaitCursor, method of class GWaitCursor
- ~GWnd, method of class GWnd
- ~PEdit, method of class PEdit