


Common index

Class ComStat

#module root.communication.serial
The ComStat is designed to transmit the port state to the program.
Fields and their values:
	CtsHold		- Tx waiting for CTS signal (boolean)
	DsrHold		- Tx waiting for DSR signal (boolean)
	RlsdHold	- Tx waiting for RLSD signal (boolean)
	XoffHold	- Tx waiting, XOFF char rec'd (boolean)
	XoffSent	- Tx waiting, XOFF char sent (boolean)
	Eof		- EOF character sent (boolean)
	Txim		- character waiting for Tx (boolean)
	bInQue		- bytes in input buffer (int)
	bOutQue		- bytes in output buffer (int)
	Error		- last error (object String)
Meaning of Error String :
"BREAK"		- The hardware detected a break condition.
"FRAME"		- The hardware detected a framing error.
"IOE"		- An I/O error occurred during communications with 
		the device.
"MODE"		- The requested mode is not supported, or the hFile 
		parameter is invalid. If this value is specified, it 
		is the only valid error.
"OVERRUN"	- A character-buffer overrun has occurred. The next 
		character is lost.
"RXOVER"	- An input buffer overflow has occurred. There is 
		either no room in the input buffer, or a character 
		was received after the end-of-file (EOF) character.
"RXPARITY"	- The hardware detected a parity error.
"TXFULL"	- The application tried to transmit a character, but 
		the output buffer was full.

Class PComDrv

The PComDrv class provides interaction 
with computer serial ports.
0 - COM1
1 - COM2
2 - COM3
3 - COM4
Attributes and their values:
	BaudRate - port performance speed (int)
	Binary - binary transmission (boolean)
	CheckParity - parity check flag (boolean) 
	OutxCtsFlow - CTS (Clear To Send) check during transmission (boolean). 
				If TRUE and CTS is cleared, then transmission 
				is stopped until resetting the CTS.
	OutxDsrFlow - DSR (Data Set Ready) check during transmission (boolean)
				If TRUE and DSR is cleared, then transmission 
				is stopped until resetting the DSR.
	DtrControl - DTR (Data Terminal Ready) check. The following 
			values are available 
			DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE	- Clearing the DTR line 
			when opening the device.
			DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE	- Setting the DTR line 
			when opening the device.
			transmission control.
	DsrSensitivity - DSR (Data Set Ready) check during receive (boolean).
				If TRUE and DSR is cleared, then any input 
				byte is ignored until resetting the DSR.
	TXContinueOnXoff - transmission termination when the receive 
buffer is filled (boolean).
	OutX - use Xonn/Xoff during transmission (boolean).
	InX - use Xonn/Xoff during receive (boolean).
	RtsControl - RTS (Request To Send) check. The following 
			values are available 
			RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE -	Clearing the RTS line 
			when opening the device.
			RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE	-	Setting the RTS line 
			when opening the device.
			transmission control.
			The RTS line is set when the receive buffer is more 
			than half empty and cleared when it is more than 
			3/4 full.
			RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE - Indicates the RTS line is set 
			if there are any bytes for transmission. The RTS 
			line is cleared after transmission of all bytes from 
			the receive buffer.
	AbortOnError - If TRUE then read/write is terminated when an 
		error is raised.
	XonLim - Minimum number of bytes in the receive buffer when 
		Xon is sent.
	XoffLim - Maximum number of bytes in the receive buffer when 
		Xoff is sent. 
	ByteSize - Number of bits in one byte.
	Parity - Parity. Available values include:
					EVENPARITY	- Even
					MARKPARITY	- Mark
					NOPARITY	- No parity
					ODDPARITY	- Odd
	StopBits - The number of stop-bits. Available values include: 
					ONESTOPBIT	1	stop-bit
					ONE5STOPBITS	1.5   stop-bits 
					TWOSTOPBITS	2	stop-bits 
	XonChar - Xon character value.
	XoffChar - 	Xoff character value.
	EofChar - End of file character value.
#module root.communication.serial



Clears the port Break flag.
Returns TRUE if succeeded.


Clears the port Error flag. 
Returns the filled object of the ComStat class.


Closes port.
Returns TRUE if succeeded; otherwise - FALSE.
ERR_CLOSE is the possible error.


Speeds up data transfer from the output buffer.

PComDrv::GetModemStatus(object String)

param signal;

Receives modem state.
signal		Signal name. Available values include:
			"CTS"		Clear-to-send.
			"DSR"		Data-set-ready.
			"RING"		Ring indicator signal.
			"RLSD"		Receive-line-signal-detect.
Returns TRUE if signal is set; otherwise - FALSE.


Updates object attributes from the device.
ERR_GETPARAM is the possible error.


Returns the timeout value.


Opens the dialog of setting the COM port parameters 
and setting of the received parameters.


Returns TRUE if port is opened; otherwise - FALSE.


Returns TRUE, if an object is successfully created; otherwise - FALSE.


Opens port.
Sets the timeout time for 10000 milliseconds.
Sets the size of input and output buffers equal to 8192 bytes.
Returns TRUE if succeeded; otherwise - FALSE.
ERR_OPEN is the possible error.


param Port;

Creates an object to work with the serial port specified 
via the Port parameter.
Available values of the Port parameter include:
		0 - COM1
		1 - COM2
		2 - COM3
		3 - COM4
		19 - COM20
ERR_PORT_BUSY is the possible error.

PComDrv::PerformExtFunc(object String)

param function;

Performs the additional function of the device.
function	Function name. Available values include: 
			"CLRDTR"		Clear data-terminal-ready.
			"CLRRTS"		Clear request-to-send.
			"SETDTR"		Set data-terminal-ready.
			"SETRTS"		Set request-to-send.
			"SETXOFF"		Accept XOFF character.
			"SETXON"		Accept XON character.
			"SETBREAK"		Suppress data transfer.
			"CLRBREAK"		Restore data transfer.


param Len;

Reads data from port. If Len parameter == -1, then this method 
reads all the bytes from buffer; otherwise reads the number of 
bytes specified via the Len parameter. If there are no enough 
bytes in buffer then it waits until timeout. In case of timeout 
the ERR_TIMEOUT error is raised.
ERR_READ and ERR_TIMEOUT are possible errors.

PComDrv::SetBufferSize(int, int)

param InBufferSize, OutBufferSize;

Sets the transmitting buffer and the receive buffer sizes.


Sets the device parameters according to the object attributes.
ERR_SETPARAM is the possible error.

PComDrv::SetStateDialog(refer object GWnd)

param Parent;

Opens the dialog of setting the COM port parameters 
and setting of the received parameters.
Parent - parent window.


Opens the dialog of setting the COM port parameters 
and setting of the received parameters.


param TimeOut;

Sets the timeout value (in milliseconds).
ERR_SETPARAM is the possible error.

PComDrv::Write(object String)

param Data.

Writes data specified via the Data parameter to port.
Returns TRUE if succeeded; otherwise - FALSE.
ERR_WRITE is the possible error.


Deletes an object and closes port if it is opened.
