


Common index

Class ComObj

#module root.mscom.base
This class is designed for COM objects hooking.
When creating the put/get methods for COM object properties, the p 
prefix is added to the put method names provided by the object 
interface and the g prefix is added the get method names provided by 
the object interface.


ComObj::CreateComObject(object String)

param ObjectName;

Creates the COM object with the name specified via the ObjectName 
parameter, for instance, "Word.Application" or "MSComDlg.CommonDialog".
Registers the appropriate class in Pluk.

ComObj::CreateComObject(object String, object String)

param ObjectName, Prefix;

Creates the COM object with the name specified via the ObjectName 
parameter, for instance, "Word.Application" or "MSComDlg.CommonDialog".
Registers the appropriate class in Pluk. The prefix specified via the 
Prefix parameter is added to the registered class name.

ComObj::CreateComObject(object String, object String, object String)

param ObjectName, Prefix, InterfaceName;

Creates the COM object with the name specified via the ObjectName 
parameter which implements interface specified via the InterfaceName 
parameter, for instance, "Word.Application" or MSComDlg.CommonDialog".
Registers the appropriate class in Pluk. The prefix specified via the 
Prefix parameter is added to the registered class name.


Returns TRUE if the appropriate object is valid; otherwise - FALSE.

ComObj::QueryInterface(object String)

param InterfaceName;

Returns object of the class which is on the same level as the object 
for which the method that implements interface specified via the 
InterfaceName parameter is called.
