



Common index

Class DateGraphWnd : GraphicWnd

The DateGraphWnd class provides the support of the calendar time graphs 


DateGraphWnd::DateGraphWnd(refer ...)

This constructor is designed for graph window creating

Class DateGraphic : Graphic

#module root.graph.graphic
The DateGraphic class extends the capabilities of the Graphic class 
with drawing the calendar time on the X axis 


DateGraphic::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, ...)

param Curve;

Adds a curve to a graph 
	Curve - curve,
	the curve drawing color - black.

DateGraphic::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, object ColorRef, ...)

param Curve, Color;

Adds a curve to a graph 
	Curve - curve,
	the curve drawing color - Color.

DateGraphic::DateGraphic(refer ...)

The default constructor 


param index;

Finds the X axis scale by the curve specified via the index parameter.


Finds the X axis scale by all the curves in a graph.


param x;

	The function receives the point coordinates on the abscissa axis 
in the abscissa axis values as parameters.
Returns a vector. Each element of this vector represents a vector 
which consists of N + 1 elements that contain text representation 
of X and Y1, ... YN values in the current graph point.

Class Field

#module root.graph.graphic
The Field class is the base class for the Graphic and Subscript 
classes. It includes fields and methods concerned with positioning and 
color of the information which is screened in a window.


Field::Draw(refer object MDC)

Draws a field (abstract method)

Field::Field(refer object File)

Reads an object from a file.


Returns region height 


Returns a rectangle (an object of the RECT class) which contains a 


Returns a rectangle (an object of the RECT class) which contains a 
region in relative unit.


Returns region width

Field::IsPointBelongTo(int, int)

param x, y;

Returns TRUE if a point with the window coordinates determined by the 
(x,y) parameters belongs to a region. Otherwise - FALSE.


#rus Инициирует пересчет абсолютного размера

Field::Save(refer object File)

Writes an object to a file.

Field::SetBackgroundColor(int, int, int)

Sets background color.

Field::SetBackgroundColor(refer object BGColor)

Sets background color.

Field::SetBackgroundColor(refer object ColorRef)

Sets background color.

Field::SetForegroundColor(int, int, int)

Sets pen color.

Field::SetForegroundColor(refer object ColorRef)

Sets pen color.

Field::SetForegroundColor(refer object FGColor)

Sets pen color.

Field::SetRelSize(number, number, number, number)

param left, top, right, bottom;

Sets a field in a window for drawing. 
The left, top, right, bottom parameters determines the field position 
in the parts of the window size.

Class GimDir

#module root.mathematic.utils
The GimDir class analyses a folder for Gim Binary files presence.
Class fields
	FileName;		- the list of file names
	FileDate;		- the list of file creation dates
	FileTime;		- the list of creation time of files
	FileComment;	- file comments
	FileSweeps;		- sweeps stored in a file



Returns the obtained information in the form of list.

GimDir::GimDir(object String)

param DirName;

This constructor creates an object of the class and initiates fields 
for the folder specified via the DirName parameter.

GimDir::GimDir(object String, object String)

param DirName, FileMask;

This constructor creates an object of the class and initiates fields 
for the folder specified via the DirName parameter by reading files 
using the mask specified via the FileMask parameter.


This constructor creates an object of the class and initiates fields 
from the current folder.

GimDir::Save(object String)

param FileName;

Writes the obtained information to the file specified via the FileName 

Class GimFile : GimFileIO

#module root.mathematic.utils
The GimFile class extends the GimFileIO class adding the possibility to 
enter incomplete file names (names with masks - '?' and '*')


GimFile::Print(refer object TFunc)

param Curve;

Prints the curve specified via the Curve parameter in a text form.

GimFile::Read(object String)

Reads a Gim file. If the file name contains metacharacters such as '?' 
or '*' then the dialog for selecting a file to read is invoked.
Returns an object of the GimCurve class.


Reads a Gim file with invoking the dialog for selecting a file to read.
Returns an object of the GimCurve class.


Reads a Gim file with invoking the dialog for selecting a folder, 
preparing the list of Gim files in this folder and invoking the dialog 
for selecting a file from this list.
Returns an object of the GimCurve class.

GimFile::Write(refer object TFunc)

Reads a Gim file with invoking the dialog for selecting a file to write.

GimFile::Write(refer object TFunc, object String)

Writes a Gim file. If the file name contains metacharacters such as 
'?' or '*' then the dialog for selecting a file to write is invoked.

GimFile::WriteDate(refer object TFunc, object String)

Writes a text file. If the file name contains metacharacters such as 
'?' or '*' then the dialog for selecting a file to write is invoked.
It is assumed that the X axis contains Julian dates that is the number 
of days since the World creation. 

GimFile::WriteText(refer object TFunc, object String)

Writes a text file. If the file name contains metacharacters such as 
'?' or '*' then the dialog for selecting a file to write is invoked.

Class GimGraphic : Graphic

#module root.graph.graphic
The GimGraphic class supports the "two-sweep oscillograph" mode in addition 
to the Graphic class capabilities.
	Sweeps - two-sweep indicator
	FirstSweep - the first sweep duration 
	SecondSweep - the second sweep duration



The function receives the point coordinates on the graph abscissa axis 
in the abscissa axis scale units as parameters.
Returns the value in window coordinates.


param x;

The function receives the point coordinates on the graph 
abscissa axis (in window coordinates) as parameters.
Returns the value of the x parameter in the abscissa axis scale units.


Finds scale by all axes, by all curves in a graph.


param index;

Finds scale by axes, by the curve specified via the index parameter.

GimGraphic::GimGraphic(refer object File)

This constructor reads from a file

GimGraphic::GimGraphic(refer object GimGraphic)

Copying constructor


Default constructor


Resets the two-sweep mode.

GimGraphic::Save(refer object File)

Writes an object to a file

GimGraphic::SetSweeps(number, number)

Sets two sweeps for drawing a graph in the 
"Oscillograph with two sweeps" style.
Parameters - duration of sweeps in milliseconds.

Class Graphic : Field

#module root.graph.graphic
The Graphic class draws curves that are memorized with the help of the 
AddCurve methods.
	The DrawAxe_X and DrawAxe_Y, DrawAxe_Y fields specify whether 
the appropriate axis are drawn.
	The Curves field contains a vector of functions drawn within a 


Graphic::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, ...)

param Curve;

Adds a curve to a graph.
	Curve - curve,
	curve drawing color is black.

Graphic::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, object ColorRef, ...)

param Curve, Color;

Adds a curve to a graph.
	Curve - curve,
	Color - curve drawing color.

Graphic::AssocCurveWAxe(boolean, int)

param RightAxe, index;

Associates the curve specified via the index parameter with the right 
(RightAxe == TRUE) or left (RightAxe == FALSE) axis.

Graphic::AssocCurveWAxe(boolean, object Vector)

param RightAxe, indeces;

Associates the set of curves specified via the indeces parameter with 
the right (RightAxe == TRUE) or left (RightAxe == FALSE) axis.


param x;

	The function receives the point coordinates on the abscissa axis 
in the abscissa axis scale units as parameters.
Returns the value in window coordinates.


param x;

	The function receives the point coordinates on the abscissa axis 
(in window coordinates) as parameters.
Returns the value of the x parameter in the abscissa axis scale units.


param x;

#rus 	В качестве параметров, функция получает координаты
#rus точки на оси абсцисс графика (в оконных координатах).
#rus Возвращает значение x в единицах шкалы оси абсцис.

Graphic::ConvertToCurve(int, boolean)

param CurveIndex;

#rus Превращает гистограмму в кривую гистограмму.

Graphic::ConvertToHistogram(int, int, boolean)

param CurveIndex, HistogramType;

#rus Превращает кривую в гистограмму.


param index;

Deletes the curve with the index specified via the index parameter.


#rus Удаляет все кривые.

Graphic::Draw(refer object MDC)

param left, top, right, bottom, Mdc;

Draws a graph in the rectangle specified via the left, top, right, 
bottom parameters of the device specified via the Mdc parameter.


Finds the axes scale by all the curves in a graph.


param index;

Finds the axes scale by the curve specified via the index parameter.


param index;

Finds the X axis scale by the curve specified via the index parameter.


Finds the X axis scale by all the curves in a graph.


param CurveIndex;

Finds the Y axis scale by the curve specified via the CurveIndex parameter.


Finds the Y axis scale by all the curves in a graph.


param CurveIndex;

Finds the Y2 axis scale by the curve specified via the CurveIndex parameter.


Finds the Y2 axis scale by all the curves in a graph.

Graphic::GetBottomOffset(refer object MDC)

#rus Возвращает положение горизотальной оси от нижней
#rus границы области рисования


Returns a vector of curve colors.


Returns the cursor position on screen.


Gets the list of curves (according to Comment).


param index;

Returns a reference to the curve with the index specified via the 
index parameter.
The curve is an object of the TFunc class or its descendant.


param index;

Returns an object of the ColorRef class that represents the color of 
the curve with the index specified via the index parameter.


param x;

	The function receives the point coordinates on the abscissa axis 
(in window coordinates) as parameters.
Returns a vector, the number of elements in this vector is equal to 
the number of curves on a graph. Each element represents a two-element 
vector which contains X and Y values for the current curve in the 
current graph point.


param index;

Graphic::GetLeftOffset(refer object MDC)

#rus Возвращает смещение левой оси от левой
#rus границы области рисования


param index;

Returns the marker selected for drawing the curve whose index is 
specified via the index parameter.
	The returned value is a vector <<MarkerName, Size>>
		where - MarkerName determines marker type
			Available values of the MarkerName parameter are 
			- Size determines marker size.


Returns the number o curves in a graph 


param x;

	The function receives the point coordinates on the abscissa axis 
(in window coordinates) as parameters.
Returns a vector. Each element of this vector represents a vector 
which consists of N + 1 elements that contain text representation 
of X and Y1, ... YN values in the current graph point.


param x;

#rus 	В качестве параметра, функция получает координату
#rus точки на оси абсцисс графика (в оконных координатах).
#rus Возвращает значение X для данной точки графика.


param x;

#rus 	В качестве параметра, функция получает координату
#rus точки на оси абсцисс графика (в оконных координатах).
#rus Возвращает значение Y для данной точки графика.

Graphic::Graphic(refer object File)

This constructor reads from a file.


The default constructor.

Graphic::MapTo(number, number, refer object MDC)

Ses the graph size within the drawing device (window)


Normalizes all the curves attached to the left axis (LeftAxe == TRUE)
or right axis (LeftAxe == FALSE) of a graph to maximum


Normalizes all the graph curves to maximum 


#rus Нормирует все кривые графика на значение в точке x.


Recounts the curve drawing points.


Removes the curve whose index is equal to index from a graph

Graphic::ResetCursor(refer object MDC)

param Mdc;

Cancels drawing of cursors and erases them if they were drawn.


param RightAxeEna;

Enables/disables right axis.

Graphic::Save(refer object File)

Writes an object to a file 

Graphic::SetAxeColor(int, int, int)

Sets axis colors

Graphic::SetAxeColor(refer object FGColor)

Sets axis colors

Graphic::SetCursor(refer object MDC, int)

param Mdc, x;

Sets a cursor on a graph to the position specified via the x parameter
(the x value is given in the window coordinates).
It immediately redraws the new cursor position in the Mdc.

Graphic::SetCursor(refer object MDC, refer object Vector)

param Mdc, X_Array;

Sets cursors on a graph to the positions enumerated in the array 
specified via the X_Array parameter
(coordinate values are given in the window coordinates).
It immediately erases old and redraws new cursors in the Mdc.

Graphic::SetCurveColor(int, refer object ColorRef)

param CurveIndex, Color;

Sets the color of the curve specified via the CurveIndex parameter equal 
to the color specified via the Color parameter.

Graphic::SetDrawErrorBar(int, boolean)

param index, flg;

Graphic::SetFont(object String)

param FontName, Attr;

#rus Устанавливает фонт FontName с атрибутом Attr для подписи.

Graphic::SetLine(int, int, int)

param Width, Attr, index;

Sets a line for drawing according to the points of the curve specified 
via the index parameter.
		Width - line width
		Attr - line attribute from the FG_ group constants
		index - curve index
	Returns TRUE if succeed, otherwise - FALSE.

Graphic::SetMarker(int, int, int, ...)

param MarkerName, Size, index;

Sets a marker for drawing via the points of the curve whose index is 
specified via the index parameter.
		MarkerName determines marker type
			Available values of the MarkerName parameter are 
defined by the GCM_ group constants
		Size - marker size
		index - curve index
	Returns TRUE if succeed, otherwise - FALSE.

Graphic::SetScale(number, number, number, number)

param minX, maxX, minY, maxY;

Sets the axes scale.

Graphic::SetScale(number, number, number, number, number, number)

param minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minY2, maxY2;

Sets the axes scale.


Sets the logarithmic scale by the X axis.


Sets the linear scale by the X axis.

Graphic::SetXMinorTicks(boolean, object Vector)

param param On, TickDens;

Enables and sets marking frequency between the numeric marks on the X axis. 
If the On parameter == TRUE && TickDens->Len() then the marking is 

Graphic::SetXName(object String)

#rus Устанавливает имя оси X


param x;

Sets the drawing value to the position specified via the x parameter
(the x value is given in the window coordinates).

Graphic::SetXValues(refer object Vector)

param X_Values;

Sets the X values for which the inscriptions on the X axis are drawn.


Sets the logarithmic scale by the right Y2 axis.


Sets the linear scale by the right Y2 axis.

Graphic::SetY2MinorTicks(boolean, object Vector)

param param On, TickDens;

Enables and sets marking frequency between the numeric marks on the Y2 axis. 
If the On parameter == TRUE && TickDens->Len() then the marking is 

Graphic::SetY2Name(object String)

#rus Устанавливает имя второй оси Y

Graphic::SetY2Values(refer object Vector)

param Y2_Values;

Sets the Y values for which the inscriptions on the Y2 axis are drawn.


Sets the logarithmic scale by the Y axis.


Sets the linear scale by the Y axis.

Graphic::SetYMinorTicks(boolean, object Vector)

param param On, TickDens;

Enables and sets marking frequency between the numeric marks on the Y axis. 
If the On parameter == TRUE && TickDens->Len() then the marking is 

Graphic::SetYName(object String)

#rus Устанавливает имя первой оси Y

Graphic::SetYValues(refer object Vector)

param Y_Values;

Sets the Y values for which the inscriptions on the Y axis are drawn.


Shifts a cursor on the number of points specified via the Shift 
parameter and returns the cursor position on screen.


#rus Включает/выключает отрисовку шкал на графике


param CurveIndex;

Returns a reference to the curve specified via the CurveIndex parameter.


param x;

	The function receives the point coordinates on the abscissa axis 
in the abscissa axis values as parameters.
Returns a vector. Each element of this vector represents a vector 
which consists of N + 1 elements that contain text representation 
of X and Y1, ... YN values in the current graph point.

Class GraphicWnd : GWnd

	The GraphicWnd class is designed for the graph output window 
		LButtonStatus;	// Left mouse button status
		CursorStatus;	// Graphic cursor activating status
		ClientSize;	// Client window region size
		Graph;		// Vector of graphs 
		Text;		// Vector of texts
		Mdc;		// The graphic device context
		BGColor;	// Background color
		FGColor;	// Axes color
		DataWnd;	// Window for the graphic cursor 
				information output
		ItemResize;	// Index of the element whose size is 
		Boundary;	// Attribute of the region boundary 
				which is moved
		IsItemMoved;	// Attribute that indicates that an 
				element was moved
		pField;		// Pointer to a field whose size is 
		Minimized;	// Attribute that indicates that the 
				window is minimized 
		ResizeRect;	// "elastic" rectangle
		oldX;		// Previous X coordinate of a mouse 
				pointer when moving a region 
		oldY;		// Previous Y coordinate of a mouse 
				pointer when moving a region 
		Orient;		// Orientation
		Current;	// Current graph
		Calculator;	// Calculator window
		GimDir;		// Window of a curve selection 
		WebBrowser;	// Connection object for a browser 


GraphicWnd::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, ...)

param Curve;

Adds the curve specified via the Curve parameter with black color to 
the zero graph.

GraphicWnd::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, int, ...)

param Curve, GraphIndex;

Adds the curve specified via the Curve parameter with black color to 
the graph specified via the GraphIndex parameter.

GraphicWnd::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, refer object ColorRef, ...)

param Curve, Color;

Adds the curve specified via the Curve parameter whose color is 
determined via the Color parameter to the zero graph.

GraphicWnd::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, refer object ColorRef, int, ...)

param Curve, Color, GraphIndex;

Adds the curve specified via the Curve parameter whose color is 
determined via the Color parameter to the graph specified via the 
GraphIndex parameter.

GraphicWnd::AddGraphic(refer object Graphic)

Adds a graph to the list of graphs.

GraphicWnd::AddGraphic(refer object Graphic, number, number, number, number)

Adds a graph to the list of graphs.
The left, top, right, bottom parameters determines its position within 
a window in window size parts 


#rus Добавляет еще один график стандартного (для данного окна) типа
#rus и равномерно располагает графики на экране.

GraphicWnd::AddText(number, number, number, number, object String)

param left, top, right, bottom, Text;

Adds a text to the list of texts.
The left, top, right, bottom parameters determines its position within 
a window in window size parts 

GraphicWnd::AddText(number, number, number, number, object String, object String, number)

param left, top, right, bottom, Text, FontName, FontType;

Adds a text to the list of texts.
The left, top, right, bottom parameters determines its position within 
a window in window size parts ,
FontName - font name,
FontType - font type from the list of the FT_... constants

GraphicWnd::AddText(object String)

param Text;

Adds a text to the list of texts.


param ArrowType;

Adds a text arrow to the text list.


Destroys all the graphs in a window 


This function enables/disables a graph cursor 

GraphicWnd::DeleteCurve(int, int)

param GraphIndex, CurveIdex;

Deletes the curve specified via the CurveIdex parameter from the graph 
specified via the GraphIndex parameter.


#rus Удаляет все кривые из графика GraphIndex.

GraphicWnd::DiffCurveSet(refer object Vector, refer int, refer number)

param curves;

#rus Возвращает набор производных N-го порядка кривых curves.
#rus Порядок дифференцирования и параметры регуляризации
#rus интерактивно запрашиваются у пользователя.


#rus Находит маштаб во всех графиках окна.

GraphicWnd::GetCurve(int, int)

param GraphIndex, CurveIdex;

Returns the curve specified via the CurveIdex parameter from the graph 
specified via the GraphIndex parameter.


#rus Возвращает меню, которым манипулирует окно.


#rus Возвращает количество графиков в окне

GraphicWnd::GraphicWnd(refer object GWnd)

Constructor for graph window creating 


Constructor for graph window creating 

GraphicWnd::LoadCurve(object String)

param FileName;

Reads a curve using the black color from the file specified via the 
FileName parameter to the zero graph.

GraphicWnd::LoadCurve(object String, int, refer ...)

param Name, index, [color];

Reads a curve using the black color from the file specified via the 
Name parameter to the graph specified via the index parameter.

GraphicWnd::LoadWnd(object String)

param FileName;

Reads a window from the file specified via the FileName parameter.


#rus Нормирует все кривые графика на значение в точке.

GraphicWnd::PopupMenuTuning(refer object GMenu)

#rus Функция для манипуляции всплывающим меню в классе наследнике.
#rus В качестве параметра передается ссылка на всплывающее меню.


param Orientation;

Prints a window on a printer.
The available values of the parameter include:
	PR_DEFAULT - 	Orientation is specified by the Print Manager 
	PR_PORTRAIT -	Vertical orientation.
	PR_LANDSCAPE - 	Horizontal orientation.


Prints a window on a printer.


Force window to redraw


Writes an image to a file. Opens the file selection dialog. 
Write method is specified according to the file name extension:
	gif - GIF file
	bmp - Windows bitmap
	wmf - Windows Metafile

GraphicWnd::SaveBmp(refer object String)

Writes an image to a file using the "Windows bitmap" format. 
The input parameter is the file name for writing.

GraphicWnd::SaveGIF(refer object String)

#rus Записывает изображение в файл в формате
#rus "Windows bitmap". Входной параметр - имя файла для
#rus записи.

GraphicWnd::SaveMetafile(refer object String)

Writes an image to a file using the "Windows Metafile" format. 
The input parameter is the file name for writing.

GraphicWnd::SaveWnd(object String)

param FileName;

Writes a window to the file specified via the FileName parameter.

GraphicWnd::SetAxisFontSize(int, number)

param index, Size;

#rus Устанавливает размер фонта подписи у графика index.
#rus Размер подписи Size дается в долях от размера графика
#rus и должен находиться в интервале [0.01, 0.5]

GraphicWnd::SetBackground(refer object ColorRef)

Sets background color 

GraphicWnd::SetCurveColor(int, int, refer object ColorRef)

param GraphIndex, CurveIndex, Color;

Changes the color of the curve specified via the CurveIndex parameter 
in the graph specified via the GraphIndex parameter to the color 
specified via the Color parameter.

GraphicWnd::SetForeground(refer object ColorRef)

Sets axes color 


Sets the printer orientation. 
Available values of the passed parameter include:


param ShowGrid;

#rus Делает видимым/невидимым масштабную сетку в зависимости
#rus от значения флага ShowGrid;


Updates menu item states.


param GraphIndex;

Returns a reference to the graph specified via the GraphIndex 

Class MoneyGraphWnd : DateGraphWnd

The MoneyGraphWnd provides the support of "money" graphs from the 
calendar time 


MoneyGraphWnd::MoneyGraphWnd(boolean, refer ...)

param rus;

This constructor is designed for creating graph window 
with specified representation of sum of money

MoneyGraphWnd::MoneyGraphWnd(refer ...)

This constructor is designed for creating graph window 
with "Russian" representation of sum of money


param rus;

Enables/disables "Russian" representation of sum of money 

Class MoneyGraphic : DateGraphic

#module root.graph.graphic
The MoneyGraphic class extends the capabilities of the Graphic class 
with drawing money on the Y axis 


MoneyGraphic::MoneyGraphic(refer ...)

The default constructor 

MoneyGraphic::MoneyGraphic(refer object File)

This constructor reads from a file 

MoneyGraphic::Save(refer object File)

Writes an object to a file 


param x;

	The function receives the point coordinates on the abscissa axis 
in the abscissa axis values as parameters.
Returns a vector. Each element of this vector represents a vector 
which consists of N + 1 elements that contain text representation 
of X and Y1, ... YN values in the current graph point.

Class Subscript : Field

#module root.graph.graphic
The Subscript class is a graph inscription 



Returns the inscription text


Returns the vector of the applied font description:
<<FontName, FontSize, FontAttribute>>

Subscript::Load_2(refer object File)

param file;

#rus Создает подпись по данным, сохраненным в файле методом
Save для версии 2

Subscript::MapTo(number, number, refer object MDC)

Sets the text size within the drawing device (window)

Subscript::Save(refer object File)

Writes an object to a file

Subscript::SetColor(refer object ColorRef)

param Color;

#rus Устанавливает цвет подписи

Subscript::SetFont(object String, int)

param FontName, Attr;

Sets the font specified via the FontName parameter with the attribute 
specified via the Attr parameter for an inscription.

Subscript::Subscript(number, number, number, number, object String)

param left, top, right, bottom, Text;

Creates an inscription with measurement specified via the left, top, 
right, bottom parameters and text specified via the Text parameter.

Subscript::Subscript(object String)

param Text;

Creates an inscription with text specified via the Text parameter. 
Its size is set by "default" values

Subscript::Subscript(refer object File)

param file;

Creates an inscription according to data saved in a file by the Save 

Class TextGraphWnd : GraphicWnd

The TextGraphWnd class provides the support of graph with strings on 
the X axis.


TextGraphWnd::TextGraphWnd(refer ...)

This constructor is designed for graph window creating

Class TextGraphic : Graphic

#module root.graph.graphic
The TextGraphic class extends the capabilities of the Graphic class 
with drawing the calendar time on the X axis 


TextGraphic::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, ...)

param Curve;

Adds a curve to a graph 
	Curve - curve,
	the curve drawing color - black.

TextGraphic::AddCurve(refer object TFunc, object ColorRef, ...)

param Curve, Color;

Adds a curve to a graph 
	Curve - curve,
	the curve drawing color - Color.

TextGraphic::GetBottomOffset(refer object MDC)

#rus Возвращает положение горизотальной оси

TextGraphic::TextGraphic(refer ...)

The default constructor 


param x;

	The function receives the point coordinates on the abscissa axis 
in the abscissa axis values as parameters.
Returns a vector. Each element of this vector represents a vector 
which consists of N + 1 elements that contain text representation 
of X and Y1, ... YN values in the current graph point.

Class TimeGraphWnd : GraphicWnd

#rus Класс TimeGraphWnd обеспечивает поддержку графиков
#rus с разметкой времени


TimeGraphWnd::TimeGraphWnd(refer ...)

#rus Конструктор для создания окна-графика

Class TimeGraphic : Graphic

#module root.graph.graphic
#rus Класс TimeGraphic расширяет возможности
#rus класса Graphic рисованием по оси X времени
#rus в форме hh:mm:ss.ff ( ff - сотые доли )


TimeGraphic::Draw(refer object MDC)

param Mdc;

#rus Рисует график в устройство Mdc.

TimeGraphic::TimeGraphic(refer ...)

#rus Конструктор


param x;

#rus 	В качестве параметров, функция получает координаты
#rus точки на оси абсцисс графика в значениях оси абсцисс.
#rus Возвращает вектор, каждый элемент которого представляет
#rus собой вектор из N + 1 элементов, содержащих текстовое
#rus представление значений X и Y1, ... YN в данной
#rus точке графика.


Reads a Gim file with invoking the dialog for selecting a file to read.
Returns an object of the GimCurve class.


Reads a Gim file with invoking the dialog for selecting a folder, 
preparing the list of Gim files in this folder and invoking the dialog 
for selecting a file from this list.
Returns an object of the GimCurve class.
