



Common index

Class BrowseObjectWnd : GWnd

The BrowseObjectWnd class allows to browse a complicated object


BrowseObjectWnd::BrowseObjectWnd(object String, refer any)

param ObjectName, anObject;

Creates a window for browsing the object specified via the anObject 
The name specified via the ObjectName parameter is placed within the 
window caption.

BrowseObjectWnd::BrowseObjectWnd(refer object GWnd, object String, refer any)

param aParent, ObjectName, anObject;

Creates a window for browsing the object specified via the anObject 
The name specified via the ObjectName parameter is placed within the 
window caption.
aParent - parent window.

Class CalculatorWnd : FontColorWnd

Calculator window.


CalculatorWnd::CalculatorWnd(refer object GWnd)

Creates a calculator window


Creates a calculator window

CalculatorWnd::Load(object String)

param FileName;

Load text from file FileName


Activates the "%g" format of data output if TRUE; otherwise "%.2f"

Class FontColorWnd : GWnd

This class id designed for creation of windows with an embedded 
editor of the PEdit that has font and color.
The child class that overrode the Setup method should call the Setup 
of the FontColorWnd class after creating the edit-control in the 
Editor field and point to the event handlers for selecting font
and color


FontColorWnd::FontColorWnd(refer ...)

Initiates the dialog font and color and the window color

FontColorWnd::OnBgColor(int, int)

Color selection event handler

FontColorWnd::OnFont(int, int)

Font selection event handler

Class GBarsWnd : GWnd

Window with control bars: tool bar and status bar. Bar templates 
are defined in resources as for an ordinary window.



For more information see the GWnd::AllowEvent method.


For more information see the GWnd::ForbidEvent method.

GBarsWnd::GBarsWnd(refer ...)

Creates a window with control bars.
For more information see the GWnd::GWnd.


Gets the position of the client window region which is not occupied by 
control bars relative the whole client window region.
Returns the two-element vector. The first element is 
the x-coordinate position of the client window region. 
The second element is the 
y-coordinate position of the client window region. 
This method is missed in the GWnd class as the client window region is 
not occupied at all. If an object of the GBarsWnd class does not have 
installed bars then this method returns <<0, 0>>.


Gets the client window region which is not occupied by control 
Returns an object of the RECT class.


Gets the size of the client window region which is not occupied by 
control bars.
Returns the two-element vector. The first element is the width of the 
client window region. The second element is the height of the client 
window region. 
In order to get the initial position of the client window region which 
is not occupied by control bars an application must call the 
GBarsWnd::GetClientPos method.

GBarsWnd::SetClientSize(number, number)

param width, height;

Sets the size of the client window region which is not occupied by 
control bars.
width		Client window region width.
height		client window region height.

GBarsWnd::SetStatusBar(object String)

param templateName;

Sets a status bar in a window.
templateName	Bar template name in resources. If this parameter 
			is equal to an empty string then the status bar is 
			removed from the window.
An application can set the bar before as well as after the window 

GBarsWnd::SetToolBar(object String)

param templateName;

Sets a tool bar in a window.
templateName	Bar template name in resources. If this parameter 
			is equal to an empty string then the tool bar is 
			removed from the window.
An application can set the bar before as well as after the window 

Class GComboDialog : GModalWnd, GStdDialog

The GComboDialog class represents objects that are the 
standard dialog windows for the selecting from a list 
combined with an editor control.


GComboDialog::GComboDialog(refer any, refer object Vector)

param text, strs;

Creates a standard dialog window for the selecting from a list 
combined with an editor control.
text		Text that should be displayed within an editor control, if 
		this parameter is of the object BaseString type. 
		If this parameter is equal to EMPTY then text within an 
		editor control is not set directly. The text of the first 
		list item selected when creating the window becomes the 
		editor text.
strs		Vector whose elements should be displayed in the list.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
The given method form sets the list using the elements of the strs 
parameter that is the parameter should be a row vector.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GComboDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GComboDialog::GComboDialog(refer any, refer object Vector, refer func)

param text, strs, f;

Creates a standard dialog window for the selecting from a list 
combined with an editor control.
text		Text that should be displayed within an editor control, if 
		this parameter is of the object BaseString type. 
		If this parameter is equal to EMPTY then text within an 
		editor control is not set directly. The text of the first 
		list item selected when creating the window becomes the 
		editor text.
strs		Vector whose elements should be displayed in the list.
f		This function extracts a line from the vector element.
		Receives a reference to the vector element and must return 
		a line.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
The given method form sets the list by calling the function specified 
via the f parameter for each element of the strs parameter.
This function receives a reference to the vector element and must 
return a line which is used for populating the list.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GComboDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GComboDialog::GComboDialog(refer any, refer object Vector, refer func, refer object GWnd)

param text, strs, f, parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for the selecting from a list 
combined with an editor control.
text		Text that should be displayed within an editor control, if 
		this parameter is of the object BaseString type. 
		If this parameter is equal to EMPTY then text within an 
		editor control is not set directly. The text of the first 
		list item selected when creating the window becomes the 
		editor text.
strs		Vector whose elements should be displayed in the list.
f		This function extracts a line from the vector element.
		Receives a reference to the vector element and must return 
		a line.
parentWnd	Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
The given method form sets the list by calling the function specified 
via the f parameter for each element of the strs parameter.
This function receives a reference to the vector element and must 
return a line which is used for populating the list.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GComboDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GComboDialog::GComboDialog(refer any, refer object Vector, refer object GWnd)

param text, strs, parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for the selecting from a list 
combined with an editor control.
text		Text that should be displayed within an editor control, if 
		this parameter is of the object BaseString type. 
		If this parameter is equal to EMPTY then text within an 
		editor control is not set directly. The text of the first 
		list item selected when creating the window becomes the 
		editor text.
strs		Vector whose elements should be displayed in the list.
parentWnd	Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
The given method form sets the list using the elements of the strs 
parameter that is the parameter should be a row vector.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GComboDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.


Creates a window in the system that corresponds to an object.
Returns the vector that consists of two elements: text entered within 
an editor control and the number of selected line within the list. 
This method returns EMPTY in the second vector element if a user 
selected nothing within the list. This method returns nothing if a 
user pressed the 'Cancel' button.
When calling this method the system does not return control back until 
a user closes the window.

Class GControlBar : GWnd

Control bar.


GControlBar::GControlBar(object String, refer object GBarsWnd)

param name, owner;

Creates a control panel.
name			Name in resources.
owner			Panel owner.

GControlBar::GControlBar(object String, refer object GBarsWnd, object String)

param name, owner, libName;

Creates a control panel. Resources are taken from the library.
name			Name in resources.
owner			Panel owner.
libName		Library name.


Gets panel height.

Class GDirDialog : GModalWnd, GStdDialog

The GLineDialog class represents objects that are the 
standard dialog windows for the folder selection.


GDirDialog::GDirDialog(refer object Dir)

param dir;

Creates a standard dialog window for the folder selection.
dir		Initial folder.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GDirDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GDirDialog::GDirDialog(refer object Dir, refer object GWnd)

param dir, parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for the folder selection.
dir			Initial folder.
parentWnd		Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GDirDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GDirDialog::GDirDialog(refer object GWnd)

param parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for the folder selection.
parentWnd		Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GDirDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.


Creates a standard dialog window for the folder selection.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GDirDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.


Creates a window in the system that corresponds to an object.
Returns an object of the Dir class that corresponds to the folder 
selected by a user. This method returns nothing if a user did not 
select anything or pressed the 'Cancel' button.
When calling this method the system does not return control back until 
a user closes the window.

Class GEditDialog : GModalWnd, GStdDialog

The GEditDialog class represents objects that are the 
standard dialog windows (modal or modeless) for editing 
and displaying of multilane text (in the "read only" or "read/write" mode).


GEditDialog::GEditDialog(refer object BaseString)

param text;

Creates a standard dialog window for text editing (modal, "read only" mode).
text     	 Text to be displayed in the input field.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GEditDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GEditDialog::GEditDialog(refer object BaseString, boolean, boolean)

param text, modal, readonly;

Creates a standard dialog window for text editing.
text  	Text to be displayed in the input field.
modal     	Modal (TRUE) or modeless (FALSE) window.
readonly  	"Read only" (TRUE) or "read/write" (FALSE) mode.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GEditDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.
When in the "read only" mode the window does not have the "Cancel" 

GEditDialog::GEditDialog(refer object BaseString, boolean, boolean, refer object GWnd)

param text, modal, readonly, parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for text editing.
text  	Text to be displayed in the input field.
modal     	Modal (TRUE) or modeless (FALSE) window.
readonly  	"Read only" (TRUE) or "read/write" (FALSE) mode.
parentWnd		Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GEditDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.
When in the "read only" mode the window does not have the "Cancel" 

GEditDialog::GEditDialog(refer object BaseString, refer object GWnd)

param text, parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for text editing (modal, "read only" mode).
text      		Text to be displayed in the input field.
parentWnd		Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GEditDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.


Returns a reference to an object of the GEdit type which connected to 
the window input field.
This method allows calling the GEdit methods for the input field and 
can be used for different settings, for instance, for setting font in 
the input field. At the same time two main methods: GetText/SetText 
are taken out directly to the GEditDialog class.


Returns text from the window input field.


Creates a window in the system that corresponds to an object.
In case of a modal window in the "read/write" mode this method 
returns text from the input field; it returns nothing in other cases.
This method returns nothing if a user pressed the 'Cancel' button.
When calling this method the system does not return control back until 
a user closes the window in case of a modal window .
Text from the modeless window can be obtained by calling the 
GEditDialog::GetText method.

GEditDialog::SetText(refer object BaseString)

param text;

Sets text to the window input field.
text  	Text to be displayed in the input field.
THis method can also be called before opening a window.

Class GImageWnd : GWnd

Window that contains a two-dimensional image.


GImageWnd::BmpToImage(refer object POINT)

param pt;

Converts bitmap coordinates to image coordinates.
pt			Point which coordinates are to be converted.
			The converted value is in the current parameter.
Returns TRUE if a point is within an image; Otherwise - FALSE.

GImageWnd::BmpToWnd(refer object POINT)

param pt;

Converts bitmap coordinates to window coordinates.
pt			Point which coordinates are to be converted.
			The converted value is in the current parameter.
Returns TRUE if a point is within a window; Otherwise - FALSE.

GImageWnd::GImageWnd(refer ...)

Creates a window that contains a two-dimensional image.
For more Information see the GWnd::GWnd.

GImageWnd::GetByte(number, number)

param x, y;

Gets a byte within an image.
x			pixel x-coordinate.
y			pixel y-coordinate .
Returns the byte value if the image consists of bytes or the red 
component value if the 
image consists of BGR triplets.


Gets a byte image contained within a window.
Returns the string where each byte codes the pixel brightness.

GImageWnd::GetRGB(number, number)

param x, y;

Gets a BGR triplet within an image.
x			pixel x-coordinate.
y			pixel y-coordinate .
Returns the pixel color if the image consists of BGR triplets or gray 
color of XXX type (where X  is the byte value)if the image consists of 


Gets an image contained within a window in the RGB format.
Returns the string where each three bytes code the R, G, B 
components of the pixel color.

GImageWnd::ImageToBmp(refer object POINT)

param pt;

Converts image coordinates to bitmap coordinates.
pt			Point which coordinates are to be converted.
			The converted value is in the current parameter.
Returns TRUE if a point is within a bitmap; Otherwise - FALSE.

GImageWnd::ImageToWnd(refer object POINT)

param pt;

Converts image coordinates to window coordinates.
pt			Point which coordinates are to be converted.
			The converted value is in the current parameter.
Returns TRUE if a point is within a window; Otherwise - FALSE.

GImageWnd::LoadImage(refer object MBmp, ...)

param bmp, [toUpdate];

Loads an image into a window.
bmp			Bitmap.
toUpdate		If this parameter is not set or set to then the 
			window content is updated. If this parameter is 
			equal to FALSE then it is not updated.
Returns a Boolean value: TRUE if image loading has succeeded; 
Otherwise - FALSE.

GImageWnd::LoadImage(refer object Palette, refer object String, number, number, ...)

param pal, image, width, height, [toUpdate];

Loads an image into a window.
pal			256 color palette.
image			Bytes array that code the entry number in the 
width			Image width in pixels.
height		Image height in pixels.
toUpdate		If this parameter is not set or set to then the 
			window content is updated. If this parameter is 
			equal to FALSE then it is not updated.
Returns a Boolean value: TRUE if image loading has succeeded; 
Otherwise - FALSE.

GImageWnd::LoadImage(refer object String, number, number, ...)

param image, width, height, [toUpdate];

Loads an image into a window.
image			Triple-byte array in the BGR format.
width			Image width in pixels.
height		Image height in pixels.
toUpdate		If this parameter is not set or set to then the 
			window content is updated. If this parameter is 
			equal to FALSE then it is not updated.
Returns a Boolean value: TRUE if image loading has succeeded; 
Otherwise - FALSE.

GImageWnd::SetByte(number, number, char)

param x, y, byte;

Sets a byte within an image.
x			pixel x-coordinate.
y			pixel y-coordinate .
byte			Byte value. If the image consists of BGR triplets 
then this value is set to each triplet component.

GImageWnd::SetRGB(number, number, refer object ColorRef)

param x, y, byte;

Sets a BGR triplet within an image.
x			pixel x-coordinate.
y			pixel y-coordinate .
col			Color value. If the image consists of bytes then 
			only the red component of the current image is set.

GImageWnd::SetStretchMode(object String)

param type;

Sets the image scale mode.
type			Scale mode.
The type specified via the type parameter can take on the followong values:
no			No scaling. Image is displayed in its original size.
norm			Normal scaling which is supported by the system and 
			embodied by hardware. This mode can be characterized 
			as highly effective but with low quality.
qual			Qualitative scaling realized by software. This mode 
			can be characterized as low effective but with high 
			quality and smooth effect.
An application must call the GImageWnd::LoadImage method or set the 
Image, ImageSize, Pal fields and call the GImageWnd::UpdateImage 
method in order to force the window to display an image with a new 

GImageWnd::SetViewRect(refer object RECT)

param rect;

Sets the display region for an image.
rect		Rectangular region in which the loaded image should be 
The region specified via the rect parameter is considered to be in the 
client window region coordinates.
In order to force the window to display an image in a new region an 
application must call the GImageWnd::LoadImage and GImageWnd::UpdateImage 


Updates an image in a window.

GImageWnd::WndToBmp(refer object POINT)

param pt;

Converts window coordinates to bitmap coordinates.
pt			Point which coordinates are to be converted.
			The converted value is in the current parameter.
Returns TRUE if a point is within a bitmap; Otherwise - FALSE.

GImageWnd::WndToImage(refer object POINT)

param pt;

Converts window coordinates to image coordinates.
pt			Point which coordinates are to be converted.
			The converted value is in the current parameter.
Returns TRUE if a point is within an image; Otherwise - FALSE.

Class GLineDialog : GWnd, GStdDialog

The GLineDialog class represents objects that are 
the standard dialog windows for the line input.


GLineDialog::GLineDialog(refer object BaseString, refer object BaseString)

param prompt, text;

Creates a standard dialog window for the line input.
prompt		Text that goes with the input line.
text			Text that must be displayed in the input line.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GLineDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.
If the application has to set the multi-line text which must go with 
the input line, it is necessary to specify line feed characters within 
the text.

GLineDialog::GLineDialog(refer object BaseString, refer object BaseString, refer object GWnd)

param prompt, text, parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for the line input.
prompt		Text that goes with the input line.	
text			Text that must be displayed in the input line.
parentWnd		Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GLineDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.
If the application has to set the multi-line text which must go with 
the input line, it is necessary to specify line feed characters within 
the text.


Creates a window in the system that corresponds to an object.
Returns the input line. If a user pressed the 'Cancel' button, this 
method returns nothing.
When calling this method the system does not return control back until 
a user closes the window.

Class GLinesDialog : GModalWnd, GStdDialog

The GLinesDialog class represents objects that are the 
standard dialog windows for the lines input.


GLinesDialog::GLinesDialog(refer object GWnd)

param parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for the lines input.
parentWnd		Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GModalWnd::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.


Creates a standard dialog window for the lines input.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GModalWnd::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GLinesDialog::GetPar(refer any)

param id;

Gets the input line text.
id		Line identifier which is passed on calling the 
		GLinesDialog::SetPar and GLinesDialog::SetPars methods.
Returns the input line text.
This method must be called after closing the window.


Gets text of all input lines.
Returns a vector. Each element of this vector represents a vector 
that in turn consists of two elements: line identifier and text 
that was entered into the line.
This method must be called after closing the window.

GLinesDialog::SetOverrideState(refer any)

param id;

Sets the overriding text mode in the input line.
id		Line identifier which is passed on calling the 
		GLinesDialog::SetPar and GLinesDialog::SetPars methods.
This method must be called before opening the window.

GLinesDialog::SetPar(refer object Vector)

param par;

Sets the input line by adding it to the previously set.
par			This parameter describes the input line.
			This is a three-element vector:
id			Line identifier.
text			The accompanying text of the object
			BaseString type that must be situated 
to the left of the line.
contents		The text of the object BaseString type 
that must be initially displayed in the 
line or a vector of texts of the object 
BaseString type that must populate the 
list combined with the line.
index			Optional element that represents the text 
that must be initially displayed in the line 
of the list combined with the line. This parameter 
is used only if the contents element is a vector. 
If this parameter is not set then the first element 
is selected within the list.
This method must be called before opening the window.

GLinesDialog::SetParFocus(refer any)

param id;

Sets input focus to the input line.
id		Line identifier which is passed on calling the 
		GLinesDialog::SetPar and GLinesDialog::SetPars methods.
This method must be called before opening the window.

GLinesDialog::SetPars(refer object Vector)

param pars;

Sets the input lines by adding them to the previously set.
pars		Vector of parameters that describe the input lines	
	(for more information see the GLinesDialog::SetPar method).
This method must be called before opening the window.

GLinesDialog::SetPasswordState(refer any)

param id;

Sets the password entry for the input line.
id		Line identifier which is passed on calling the 
		GLinesDialog::SetPar and GLinesDialog::SetPars methods.
This method must be called before opening the window.

GLinesDialog::SetReadOnlyState(refer any)

param id;

Sets the "read-only" in the input line.
id		Line identifier which is passed on calling the 
		GLinesDialog::SetPar and GLinesDialog::SetPars methods.
This method must be called before opening the window.

GLinesDialog::SetRegExpr(refer any, refer object String)

param id, expr;

Sets the limitation on input to the line in the form of a regular 
id		Line identifier which is passed on calling the 
		GLinesDialog::SetPar and GLinesDialog::SetPars methods.
expr		Regular expression (for more information see the 
		GRegExprEdit class).
This method must be called before opening the window.

GLinesDialog::SetRegExpr(refer any, refer object String, refer object BaseString)

param id, expr, errText;

Sets the limitation on input to the line in the form of a regular 
id		Line identifier which is passed on calling the 
		GLinesDialog::SetPar and GLinesDialog::SetPars methods.
expr		Regular expression (for more information see the 
		GRegExprEdit class).
errText	Text that explains to a user input rules for the 
		current line.
This method must be called before opening the window.

GLinesDialog::SetValidateFunc(refer any, refer object BaseString, refer func, refer ...)

param id, errText, f, [fParams];

#rus Устанавливает ограничение на ввод в строке в виде функции проверки.
#rus В отличие от регулярного выражения, задаваемого в методе
#rus GLinesDialog::SetRegExpr, данная функция используется только в момент
#rus нажатия на кнопку OK.
#rus id				Идентификатор строки, переданный при вызове
#rus 				методов GLinesDialog::SetPar и
#rus errText			Текст, поясняющий пользователю правила ввода в
#rus 				данную строку. Если равно пустой строке, то
#rus 				соответствующее сообщение не выдается.
#rus f				Функция проверки, котоая получает введенную в поле строку
#rus 				и дополнительные параметры. Функция должна вернуть TRUE,
#rus 				если данные удовлетворительны, FALSE, если нет.
#rus fParams			Дополнительные параметры для функции f.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Данный метод должен вызываться до открытия окна.

Class GListDialog : GModalWnd, GStdDialog

The GListDialog class represents objects that are the 
standard dialog windows for the selecting from a list.


GListDialog::GListDialog(refer object Vector)

param strs;

Creates a standard dialog window for the selecting from a list.
strs		Vector whose elements should be displayed in the list.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
The given method form sets the list using the elements of the strs 
parameter that is the parameter should be a row vector.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GListDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GListDialog::GListDialog(refer object Vector, refer func)

param strs, f;

Creates a standard dialog window for the selecting from a list.
strs		Vector whose elements should be displayed in the list.
f		This function extracts a line from the vector element.
		Receives a reference to the vector element and must return 
		a line.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window of the top level.
The given method form sets the list by calling the function specified 
via the f parameter for each element of the strs parameter.
This function receives a reference to the vector element and must 
return a line which is used for populating the list.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GListDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GListDialog::GListDialog(refer object Vector, refer func, refer object GWnd)

param strs, f, parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for the selecting from a list.
strs		Vector whose elements should be displayed in the list.
f		This function extracts a line from the vector element.
		Receives a reference to the vector element and must return 
		a line.
parentWnd	Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
The given method form sets the list by calling the function specified 
via the f parameter for each element of the strs parameter.
This function receives a reference to the vector element and must 
return a line which is used for populating the list.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GListDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.

GListDialog::GListDialog(refer object Vector, refer object GWnd)

param strs, parentWnd;

Creates a standard dialog window for the selecting from a list.
strs		Vector whose elements should be displayed in the list.
parentWnd	Parent window.
The given method form creates an object that corresponds to the 
standard dialog window with an ancestor.
The given method form sets the list using the elements of the strs 
parameter that is the parameter should be a row vector.
This window does not exist in the system before calling the 
GListDialog::Open method.
It allows an application to call additional methods of setting the 
window state before its opening.


Creates a window in the system that corresponds to an object.
Returns the number of the selected line within the list if this list 
is single-selected or the vector of numbers selected within the list 
if this list is multi-selected. This method returns nothing if a user 
did not select anything or pressed the 'Cancel' button.
When calling this method the system does not return control back until 
a user closes the window.


param isExSelect;

Sets the multiple selection mode within the list.
isExSelect		Specifies whether the list should have the extended 
			selection. If the list does not have the extended 
			selection then a mouse click on the item inverts 
			selection without canceling the other items 
			If the list do have the extended selection then a 
mouse click on the item cancels the selection of 
other items. 
In this case there are three choices of selection 
within the list:
			item range selection by mouse clicking and dragging, 
item range selection by mouse clicking when the 
the SHIFT key is pressed, 
item inversion by mouse clicking when the 
the CTRL key is pressed.


See GListBox::SetSel.

GListDialog::SetSel(number, boolean)

See GListBox::SetSel.

Class GMessageWnd : GWnd

Modeless window with static text.



param hasSysMenu;

#rus Создает окно верхнего уровня.
#rus hasSysMenu      		Есть ли у окна системное меню.

GMessageWnd::GMessageWnd(refer object GWnd)

param parent;

Creates a window with an ancestor.
parent			Parent window.

GMessageWnd::GMessageWnd(refer object GWnd, boolean)

param parent, hasSysMenu;

#rus Создает окно с предком.
#rus parent			Родительское окно.
#rus hasSysMenu      		Есть ли у окна системное меню.


Creates a window of the top level.


Gets text in a window.
Returns text.

GMessageWnd::SetText(refer object BaseString)

param text;

Sets text in a window.
text		Text.

Class GParamDialog : GModalWnd

#rus Класс представляет объекты, которые являются стандартными
#rus диалоговыми окнами редактирования параметров, отображаемых в виде
#rus дерева с флажками.
#rus Параметр может быть булевым флагом. При этом его состояние
#rus отображается в виде флажка слева от элемента дерева.
#rus Параметр может быть перечисляемого типа (т.е. из заданного множества
#rus значений произвольного типа). При этом в окне он отображается
#rus в виде узлового элемента дерева с подэлементами. Каждый подэлемент
#rus соотвествует эначению множества, причем в узле может быть установлен
#rus только один флажок, соответствующий значению параметра.
#rus Параметры должны храниться в полях некоторого объекта, который
#rus связывается с окном с помощью метода GParamDialog::Bind. Имена полей
#rus совпадают с идентификаторами хранимых в них параметров.


GParamDialog::Bind(refer any)

param obj;

#rus Связывает объект с окном.
#rus obj				Объект.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Объект obj должен содержать поля (для хранения параметров) с
#rus именами, совпадающими с идентификаторами параметров (см. метод
#rus Данный метод должен вызываться до открытия окна.

GParamDialog::GParamDialog(refer object GWnd)

param parentWnd;

#rus Создает стандартное диалоговое окно редактирования параметров,
#rus отображаемых в виде дерева с флажками.
#rus parentWnd		Родительское окно.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Данная форма метода создает объект, соответствующий стандартному
#rus диалоговому окну с предком. До вызова метода GModalWnd::Open окно в
#rus системе не существует. Это позволяет приложению вызывать
#rus дополнительные методы установки состояния окна перед его открытием.


#rus Создает стандартное диалоговое окно редактирования параметров,
#rus отображаемых в виде дерева с флажками.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Данная форма метода создает объект, соответствующий стандартному
#rus диалоговому окну верхнего уровня. До вызова метода GModalWnd::Open
#rus окно в системе не существует. Это позволяет приложению вызывать
#rus дополнительные методы установки состояния окна перед его
#rus открытием.

GParamDialog::SetPars(refer object Vector)

param pars;

#rus Задает набор редактируемых параметров.
#rus pars			Вектор, каждый элемент которого равен объекту
#rus 				класса GParamItem (параметр) или GParamGroup
#rus 				(подгруппа).
#rus Комментарии
#rus Данный метод должен вызываться до открытия окна.

GParamDialog::ShowPar(refer object String, boolean)

param id, toShow;

#rus Показывает / скрывает параметр при отображении его в дереве.
#rus id				Идентификатор параметра (см. метод GParamDialog::SetPars).
#rus toShow			TRUE - показать параметр, FALSE - скрыть.
#rus Комментарии
#rus После вызова метода GParamDialog::SetPars все параметры считаются видимыми.
#rus Данный метод должен вызываться до открытия окна.

Class GParamGroup

#rus Группа параметров, редактируемых в стандартном диалоговом окне
#rus редактирования параметров класса GParamDialog.
#rus В классе определены следующие поля:
#rus Text			Текст, отображаемый в дереве.
#rus ID				Идентификатор группы параметров в виде строки.
#rus 				Часто не требуется.
#rus Items			Элементы группы в виде вектора, каждый элемент
#rus 				которого равен объекту класса GParamItem (параметр)
#rus 				или GParamGroup (подгруппа).


GParamGroup::GParamGroup(refer object BaseString, refer object String, refer object Vector)

param text, id, items;

#rus Создает группу параметров, редактируемых в стандартном диалоговом
#rus окне редактирования параметров класса GParamDialog.
#rus text			Текст, отображаемый в дереве.
#rus id				Идентификатор группы параметров в виде строки.
#rus items			Элементы группы в виде вектора, каждый элемент
#rus 				которого равен объекту класса GParamItem (параметр)
#rus 				или GParamGroup (подгруппа).

GParamGroup::GParamGroup(refer object BaseString, refer object Vector)

param text, items;

#rus Создает группу параметров, редактируемых в стандартном диалоговом
#rus окне редактирования параметров класса GParamDialog.
#rus text			Текст, отображаемый в дереве.
#rus items			Элементы группы в виде вектора, каждый элемент
#rus 				которого равен объекту класса GParamItem (параметр)
#rus 				или GParamGroup (подгруппа).

Class GParamItem

#rus Параметр, редактируемый в стандартном диалоговом окне
#rus редактирования параметров класса GParamDialog.
#rus В классе определены следующие поля:
#rus Text			Текст, отображаемый в дереве.
#rus ID				Идентификатор параметра в виде строки.
#rus EnumSpec		Если равно EMPTY, то параметр считается булевым и
#rus 				отображается в дереве в виде элемента с флажком.
#rus 				Если равно вектору, то параметр считается перечисляемым и
#rus 				отображается в дереве в виде узлового элемента с подэлементами
#rus 				(только у одного из них установлен флажок, а у остальных -
#rus 				сброшен). При этом поле EnumSpec содержит множество возможных
#rus 				значений параметра и состоит из пар: первый элемент является
#rus 				значением, второй - текстом значения, который отображается в
#rus 				дереве. Значение параметра равно значению множества
#rus 				возможных значений с установленным флажком.


GParamItem::GParamItem(refer object BaseString, refer object String)

param text, id;

#rus Создает группу параметров, редактируемых в стандартном диалоговом
#rus окне редактирования параметров класса GParamDialog.
#rus text			Текст, отображаемый в дереве.
#rus id				Идентификатор группы параметров в виде строки.
#rus items			Элементы группы в виде вектора, каждый элемент
#rus 				которого равен объекту класса GParamItem (параметр)
#rus 				или GParamGroup (подгруппа).

GParamItem::GParamItem(refer object BaseString, refer object String, refer object Vector)

param text, id, enumSpec;

#rus Создает группу параметров, редактируемых в стандартном диалоговом
#rus окне редактирования параметров класса GParamDialog.
#rus text			Текст, отображаемый в дереве.
#rus id				Идентификатор группы параметров в виде строки.
#rus items			Элементы группы в виде вектора, каждый элемент
#rus 				которого равен объекту класса GParamItem (параметр)
#rus 				или GParamGroup (подгруппа).
#rus enumSpec		Множество возможных значений параметра. Состоит из пар:
#rus 				первый элемент является значением, второй - текстом
#rus 				значения, который отображается в дереве.

Class GProgressExWnd : GProgressWnd

Progress window of a process. In contrast to a window of the 
GProgressWnd class the window of this class additionally contains 
a text control located over the progress bar.


GProgressExWnd::GProgressExWnd(int, refer ...)

param lineCount, [p];

Creates a progress window.
lineCount	The number of lines in the text control.
p		Parameters of the base class constructor
		(for more information see GProgressWnd::GProgressWnd).


Gets text of the text control.
Returns this text.

GProgressExWnd::SetText(refer object BaseString)

param text;

Sets text to the text control.
text			Text.

Class GProgressWnd : GWnd

Progress window of a process.



#rus Устанавливает/сбрасывает режим приема событий при прогрессе.
#rus mode				TRUE - режим установлен, FALSE - режим сброшен.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Данный режим по умолчанию установлен.


Checks the 'Cancel' button pressing within the progress window.
If the 'Cancel' button is pressed then an error is raised.
This method should be called frequently so that an application 
can respond to the 'Cancel' button pressing on-the-fly.

GProgressWnd::GProgressWnd(any, object BaseString)

param name, text;

Creates a progress window of the top level.
name		Window template name. This parameter also can possess the 
		FALSE value - standard window without the 'Cancel' button 
		or TRUE - standard window with the 'Cancel' button .
text		Text set in the window caption.

GProgressWnd::GProgressWnd(any, object BaseString, object String)

param name, text, libName;

Creates a progress window of the top level. Resources are taken from 
the library.
name		Window template name. This parameter also can possess the 
		FALSE value - standard window without the 'Cancel' button 
		or TRUE - standard window with the 'Cancel' button .
text		Text set in the window caption.
libName	Library name.

GProgressWnd::GProgressWnd(any, object BaseString, refer object GWnd)

param name, text, parent;

Creates a progress window with an ancestor.
name		Window template name. This parameter also can possess the 
		FALSE value - standard window without the 'Cancel' button 
		or TRUE - standard window with the 'Cancel' button .
text		Text set in the window caption.
parent	Parent window.

GProgressWnd::GProgressWnd(any, object BaseString, refer object GWnd, object String)

param name, text, parent, libName;

Creates a progress window with an ancestor. Resources are taken from 
the library.
name		Window template name. This parameter also can possess the 
		FALSE value - standard window without the 'Cancel' button 
		or TRUE - standard window with the 'Cancel' button .
text		Text set in the window caption.
parent	Parent window.
libName	Library name.


Gets progress value (from 0 % to 100 %).
An application can override this method in the derived class, if it 
has the method of setting the progress value not in the object field.


param progressValue;

Sets progress value.
progressValue	Progress value (from 0 % to 100 %).

Class GStatusBar : GControlBar

Status bar. It is always placed at the bottom of its owner.


GStatusBar::GStatusBar(object String, refer object GBarsWnd)

param name, owner;

Creates a status bar.
name			Name in resources.
owner			Panel owner.

GStatusBar::GStatusBar(object String, refer object GBarsWnd, object String)

param name, owner, libName;

Creates a status bar. Resources are taken from the library.
name			Name in resources.
owner			Panel owner.
libName		Library name.

Class GToolBar : GControlBar

Toolbar. It is always placed at the top of its owner.


GToolBar::GToolBar(object String, refer object GBarsWnd)

param name, owner;

Creates a toolbar.
name			Name in resources.
owner			Panel owner.

GToolBar::GToolBar(object String, refer object GBarsWnd, object String)

param name, owner, libName;

Creates a toolbar. Resources are taken from the library.
name			Name in resources.
owner			Panel owner.
libName		Library name.

Class GTreeEx : GTree

#rus класс предназначен для работы с
#rus деревом из статических элементов


Class GTreeExItem

#rus Элемент дерева

Class StageProgressWnd : GProgressWnd


Class TerminalWnd : FontColorWnd

Terminal class is designed for information output from the 
applications of batch type



Clears a terminal window


Returns text in a terminal window


Returns the string that contains the word on which the cursor within 
the editor window is positioned.

TerminalWnd::OutText(object BaseString)

param Data;

	Adds text into an editor window
Input parameter
	Text - text for addition


Prints text from a window


Sets the number of buffer lines

TerminalWnd::SetText(refer object BaseString)

Inserts text into an editor window (existing text is deleted)
Input parameter
	Text - text for inserting
Returned value:
	the number of inserted strings

TerminalWnd::TerminalWnd(refer object GWnd)

param Parent;

Creates a child terminal window for output of the arbitrary text from 
a program.


Creates a terminal window for output of the arbitrary text from a 


#rus param Caption, ItemID;
#rus Функция, возвращающая созданый и 
#rus заполненый объект типа GTreeExItem
