


Common index

Class Form : GWnd

#module root.system.windows.owml
This is a window form that maps any object into window controls.
In order to set an image a user should define specifications for each window 
template using the OWML (Object To Window Mapping Language) language.
Loads OWML specifications from files to the SpecSet global field of the current
class by the FormSpecSet class methods.
Then the forms are created which have two ways of data transfer:
1. Higher level when an object is connected to a form by the Form::Bind 
method. At that the object is updated automatically when information is 
changed within a window.
2. Lower level, when a n object is wriiten to a form by the Form:SetForm 
method and read from a form by the Form:GetForm method.
After connected object update a trigger can be called for it if it is set 
in the specification. If the triger additionally changed this object the 
automatical information update is not performed. In order to update controls 
an application should call the Form::UpdateForm method and define some triggers.
The following global fields are defined in this class:
DefMoneyFormat			Default money format.
				It is used when format is specifed as MONEY  
				without a parameter in the OWML specification. 
				It is equal to "USA" or "EUR".
DefDateFormat			Default date format.
It is used when format is not specifed directly 
in the OWML specification.


Form::AddSpec(object String)

param specName;

#rus Использует спецификацию дополнительно к спецификации окна.
#rus specName		Имя спецификации, задаваемой на языке OWML.

Form::Bind(refer any)

param obj;

Binds an object to a form. At that the object will be updated 
automatically when information in the window is changed.
obj			Object, to which the form is to be bound.
The object which is bound to the form should exist all the time while 
the form window exist.


Dumps information of a window control on which the input focus is set 
to an object on condition that the control content was modified.

Form::Form(refer ...)

Creates a form.
For more information see the GWnd::GWnd.


Gets an object bound to a form.
Returns a pointer to the object which is bound to the form. 
This method returns nothing if connection is broken.


Gets all the expressions of the window OWML specification.
Returns a vector that consists of strings. Each of them 
corresponds to an expression.
The elements order in the returned vector does not correspond 
to the order in the OWML specification because it is not 
significant for the OWML language by defenition. 

Form::GetForm(refer any)

param obj;

Reads information from a form to an object.
obj			Object to which the information is to be read.

Form::GetForm(refer any, object String)

param obj, expr;

Reads information from a form to an object using only the OWML 
specification elements with the specified expression.
obj			Object to which the information is to be read.
expr			Expression used by the OWML specification.
You can specify the # character in the expr parameter, this character 
designates the sequence of any characters (including empty sequence).

Form::GetSpec(object String)

param specName;

Gets a specification for the current window.
specName - name of specification.
Returns an object of the FormSpec class if such specification 
exists or EMPTY if does not exist.

Form::GetTreeData(int, refer object Vector)

param id, indexList;

#rus Получает данные в деревообразном объекте, назначенном на дерево формы.
#rus id				Идентификатор дерева.
#rus indexList		Массив индексов, используемых для доступа к данным (индекс
#rus 				элемента на первом уровне, индекс подэлемента на втором уровне и
#rus 				т.д.).
#rus Возвращает ссылку на получаемые данные.


Cretates a window corresponding to an object.
For more information see the GWnd::Open.

Form::RegisterMenu(refer object GMenu)

param menu;

#rus Регистрирует меню для того, чтобы использовать элементы меню.
#rus menu			Объект, представляющий меню.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Регистрировать меню следует до открытия окна, т.к. при открытии
#rus проверяется OWML спецификация на наличие органов управления и
#rus элементов зарегистрированных меню, идентификаторы которых
#rus перечислены в спецификации.
#rus Если у окна есть оконное меню или контекстное меню, то они
#rus регистрируются автоматически при создании окна.

Form::SetForm(refer any)

param obj;

Writes information from an object to a form.
obj			Object from which the information is to be written.
If EMPTY is set as the obj parameter, then all controls specified in 
the form OWML specification will be set to empty state. For instance, 
editing controls will be cleared all buttons will be depressed in 
button groups with dependent fixing, lists will be cleared (items 
operation) and will discard selection (sel, indexsel operations).

Form::SetForm(refer any, object String)

param obj, expr;

Writes information from an object to a form using only the OWML 
specification elements with the specified expression.
obj			Object from which the information is to be written.
expr			Expression used by the OWML specification.
If EMPTY is set as the obj parameter, then all controls specified in 
the form OWML specification will be set to empty state. For instance, 
editing controls will be cleared all buttons will be depressed in 
button groups with dependent fixing, lists will be cleared (items 
operation) and will discard selection (sel, indexsel operations).
You can specify the # character in the expr parameter, this character 
designates the sequence of any characters (including empty sequence).

Form::SetForm(refer any, object String, int)

param obj, expr, index;

Writes information from an object to a form using only the OWML 
specification elements with the specified expression and the items 
operation. Only the element with the specified index in a vector is 
used by setting the element of the compound control (for instance, 
list row) with the same index. 
obj			Object from which the information is to be written.
expr			Expression used by the OWML specification.
index			Index in the vector and compound control.
If EMPTY is set as the obj parameter, then all controls specified in 
the form OWML specification will be set to empty state. For instance, 
editing controls will be cleared all buttons will be depressed in 
button groups with dependent fixing, lists will be cleared (items 
operation) and will discard selection (sel, indexsel operations).
You can specify the # character in the expr parameter, this character 
designates the sequence of any characters (including empty sequence).

Form::SetForm(refer any, object String, object Vector, boolean)

param obj, expr, index;

#rus Записывает информацию из объекта в форму, используя только
#rus элементы OWML спецификации с заданным выражением и операцией
#rus items, используя только один элемент с заданными индексами в
#rus деревообразном объекте, устанавливая только один элемент
#rus сложного органа управления (дерева) с теми же индексами.
#rus obj					Объект, из которого требуется записать
#rus 					информацию.
#rus expr				Выражение используемой OWML спецификации.
#rus index				Вектор индексов элементов на первом, втором и
#rus 					т.д. уровне деревообразного объекта и дерева.
#rus toUpdateChildren	TRUE - обновлять дочерние элементы органа
#rus 					управления.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Если в качестве параметра obj задать EMPTY, то органы
#rus управления, указанные в OWML спецификации, будут установлены
#rus в пустое состояние. Например, органы редактирования
#rus очистятся, все кнопки в группах кнопок с зависимой фиксацией
#rus отожмутся, списки очистятся (операция items) и сбросят выбор
#rus (операция sel, indexsel).
#rus В параметре expr можно указать символ #, обозначающий
#rus последовательность любых символов (в т.ч. пустую
#rus последовательность).

Form::SetSetupFunc(refer func)

param setupFunc;

Sets the function which will be executed when opening a window.
setupFunc		Function that receives the following parameters:
wnd			Form of the refer object Form type.


Unbinds an object from a form.

Form::UnregisterMenu(refer object GMenu)

param menu;

#rus Убирает регистрацию меню, зарегистрированного ранее с помощью метода
#rus menu			Объект, представляющий меню.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Если у окна есть оконное меню или контекстное меню, то они
#rus регистрируются автоматически при создании окна.

Form::UpdateForm(object String)

param expr;

Updates a form according to the bound object using only the OWML 
specification elements with the specified expression. 
expr			Expression used by the OWML specification.
Though changes in a window are updated automatically in an object but 
reverse is not right. In order to update in the window the changes 
made in the bound object, an application must call the current method.
You can specify the # character in the expr parameter, this character 
designates the sequence of any characters (including empty sequence).

Form::UpdateForm(object String, int)

param expr, index;

Updates a form according to the bound object using only the OWML 
specification elements with the specified expression and the items 
operation. Only the element with the specified index in a vector is 
used by setting the element of the compound control (for instance, 
list row) with the same index.
expr			Expression used by the OWML specification.
index			Index in the vector and compound control.
Though changes in a window are updated automatically in an object but 
reverse is not right. In order to update in the window the changes 
made in the bound object, an application must call the current method.
You can specify the # character in the expr parameter, this character 
designates the sequence of any characters (including empty sequence).

Form::UpdateForm(object String, object Vector, boolean)

param expr, index;

#rus Обновляет форму по связанному с ней объекту, используя
#rus только элементы OWML спецификации с заданным выражением
#rus и операцией items, используя только один элемент с заданными
#rus индексами в деревообразном объекте, устанавливая только один
#rus элемент сложного органа управления (дерева) с теми же
#rus индексами.
#rus expr				Выражение используемой OWML спецификации.
#rus index				Вектор индексов элементов на первом, втором и
#rus 					т.д. уровне деревообразного объекта и дерева.
#rus toUpdateChildren	TRUE - обновлять дочерние элементы органа
#rus 					управления.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Хотя измемения в окне автоматически обновляются в
#rus объекте, обратное не верно. Для обновления в окне
#rus изменений, сделанных в связанном объекте, приложение
#rus должно вызывать данный метод.
#rus В параметре expr можно указать символ #, обозначающий
#rus последовательность любых символов (в т.ч. пустую
#rus последовательность).


Updates a form according to a bound object.
Though changes in a window are updated automatically in an object but 
reverse is not right. In order to update in the window the changes 
made in the bound object, an application must call the current method.


Updates a form so that it conforms to the new OWML specification.

Class FormCaptionSpec

#module root.system.windows.owml
Form caption specification.
The following fields are defined in this class:
Expr		Object access expression.
ExprType	Expression type as a string.
EnumSpec	Enumeration specification if this is an enumerated type.
Format		Control format as a string vector.


FormCaptionSpec::FormCaptionSpec(refer object String, refer any)

param expr, type;

Creates a form caption specification.
Expr			Object access expression.
type			Expression type. This is the value of 
			one of the following types:
			String		Scalar or vector type without vector 
					element type indication.
			FormVectorSpec	Vector type with vector element type 
			FormEnumSpec	Enumerated string type.


Prints the caption form specification type using the OWML language.
Returns a string. 

FormCaptionSpec::SetExprType(refer object String, refer object FormSpecSet)

param type, formSpecSet;

Sets the expression type specified in string form using the OWML language.
type			Expression type (for instance, "timedate<date>").
formSpecSet		Set of from specifications. 
			The current object is contained 
in one of them.

Class FormEnumSpec

#module root.system.windows.owml
Enumeration specification.
The following fields are defined in this class:
EnumName		Enumeration name.
Body			Specification body as strings.


FormEnumSpec::FormEnumSpec(refer object String)

param name;

Creates an enumeration specification.
name			Enumeration name.


Saves an object in text representation in the OWML language.
Returns a string.

Class FormSpec

#module root.system.windows.owml
Form specifications.
The following fields are defined in this class:
FormName	Form name.
LibName		Library name from which the form resources are obtained.
		It is equal to an empty string if resources are obtained 
		from an application.
Body		Specification body as the FormSpecItem class objects.
CaptionSpec	Form caption specification as FormCaptionSpec class object. 
		May be equal to EMPTY.
CloseSpec	Identifiers (as strings) of controls which events lead to 
		form closing.
EnableSpec	Enabling/disabling form input specification as the 
		FormSpecItemEx class objects.
FgColorSpec	Color specification of control pens as the FormSpecItemEx 
		class objects.
BgColorSpec	Color specification of control backgrounds as the 
		FormSpecItemEx class objects.
FontSpec	Font specification of form controls the FormSpecItemEx 
		class objects.


FormSpec::FormSpec(refer object String)

param formName;

Creates a form specification.
formName		Form name.

FormSpec::FormSpec(refer object String, refer object String)

param formName, libName;

Creates a form specification.
FormName		Form name.
LibName		Library name from which the form resources are obtained.
		It is equal to an empty string if resources are obtained 
		from an application.


Saves an object in text representation in the OWML language.
Returns a string.


Substitutes constant value to identifiers which are stored in the object.

Class FormSpecItem

#module root.system.windows.owml
Form element specification.
The following fields are defined in this class:
Expr		Object access expression.
ExprType	Expression type as a string.
VectorSpec	Vector specifier if this is a vector type with vector 
		element type indication.
EnumSpec	Enumeration specification if this is an enumerated type.
ID		Control identifier as string.
IsNotEmpty	Specifies whether it is forbidden to obtain EMPTY from 
Format		Control format as a string vector.
Action		Control operation. It is equal to EMPTY if this is a 
		single-operational control.
TriggerSpec	Trigger specifications as the	FormTriggerSpec class objects.
ExData		Additional data (for instance, COLUMN expression).
		This is a vector that consists of a keyword and a parameter.
		For more information see the FormSpecItem::ExPar.


FormSpecItem::AddAttr(refer object String, refer any)

param name, value;

#rus Добавляет атрибут.
#rus name			Имя атрибута.
#rus value			Значение атрибута.

FormSpecItem::FindAttr(refer object String)

param name;

#rus Ищет атрибут.
#rus name			Имя атрибута.
#rus Возвращает индекс атрибута, если он существует, EMPTY - если нет.

FormSpecItem::FormSpecItem(refer object String)

param expr;

#rus Создает спецификацию элемента формы.
#rus expr			Выражение доступа к объекту.

FormSpecItem::FormSpecItem(refer object String, refer any)

param expr, type;

#rus Создает спецификацию элемента формы.
#rus expr			Выражение доступа к объекту.
#rus type			Тип выражения. Является значением одного из
#rus 				следующих типов:
#rus 				String			Скалярный тип или векторный тип без
#rus 								указания типа элемента вектора.
#rus 				FormVectorSpec	Векторный тип с указанием типа
#rus 								элемента вектора.
#rus 				FormEnumSpec	Перечисляемый строковый тип.

FormSpecItem::FormSpecItem(refer object String, refer any, refer object String)

param expr, type, id;

Creates a form element specification.
Expr			Object access expression.
type			Expression type. This is the value of one 
			of the following types:
			String		Scalar or vector type without vector 
					element type indication.
			FormVectorSpec	Vector type with vector element type 
			FormEnumSpec	Enumerated string type.
id			Control identifier.


param index;

#rus Получает значение атрибута.
#rus index			Индекс атрибута.
#rus Возвращает ссылку на значение.

FormSpecItem::GetAttr(refer object String)

param name;

#rus Получает значение атрибута.
#rus name			Имя атрибута.
#rus Возвращает ссылку на значение.


#rus Проверяет существование атрибутов.
#rus Возвращает TRUE - существует хоть один атрибут, EMPTY - не существует
#rus ни одного атрибута.


Prints the form element type using the OWML language.
Returns a string. 


param index;

#rus Удаляет атрибут.
#rus index			Индекс атрибута.

FormSpecItem::SetExprType(refer object String, refer object FormSpecSet)

param type, formSpecSet;

Sets the expression type specified in string form using the OWML language.
type			Expression type (for instance, "timedate<date>").
formSpecSet		Set of from specifications. 
			The current object is contained in one of them.

FormSpecItem::SetTriggerSpec(object Vector, boolean)

param triggerList, isPre;

#rus Устанавливает спецификации триггеров, задаваемые в строчном
#rus виде на языке OWML.
#rus triggerList		Строки, каждая из которых задает триггер в
#rus 				функциональной записи (например, "F(.A, .B)").
#rus isPre			TRUE - задать претриггера, FALSE - триггера.


Substitutes constant value to identifiers which are stored in the object.

Class FormSpecItemEx

#module root.system.windows.owml
Form element additional specification.
The following fields are defined in this class:
Expr		Object access expression.
ID		Vector. Each element of this vector can be one of the 
		following values:
			1) Control identifier in the string form.
			2) Vector that consists of two identifiers in the 
			string form specifying control range.


FormSpecItemEx::FormSpecItemEx(refer object String, refer object Vector)

param expr, idList;

Creates a form element additional specification.
Expr			Object access expression.
idList		Vector. Each element of this vector can be one of the 
		following values:
			1) Control identifier in the string form.
			2) Vector that consists of two identifiers in the 
			string form specifying control range.


Substitutes constant value to identifiers which are stored in the object.

Class FormSpecSet : Vector

#module root.system.windows.owml
The set of specifications in OWML (Object To Window Mapping
Language) language.
This class is derived from the Vector class. 
Form specifications as the FormSpec class objects are 
stored in vector elements.
The following fields are defined in this class:
EnumSpecSet		Enumerator specifications as the FormEnumSpec 
			class objects.
The following global fields are defined in this class:
Parser			OWML language parser.



Creates a set of OWML specifications.

FormSpecSet::Insert(refer object FormEnumSpec)

param spec;

Inserts an enumeration specification to the set of OWML specifications.
spec			Inserted specification.
Returns the index of the inserted specification in the EnumSpecSet field.

FormSpecSet::Insert(refer object FormSpec)

param spec;

Inserts a form specification to the set of OWML specifications.
spec			Inserted specification.
Returns the index of the inserted specification in the object.

FormSpecSet::Load(object String)

param fileName;

Loads OWML specifications from a file.
fileName		File name that contains OWML specifications.

FormSpecSet::Load(object String, object String)

param fileName, libName;

Loads OWML specifications from a file.
fileName		File name that contains OWML specifications.
libName		Library name that contains window templates 
			for which the specifications are defined.
			It is equal to an empty string if window templates 
			are located within an application.

FormSpecSet::LoadString(refer object String)

param str;

Loads OWML specifications from a string.
str				String that contains OWML specifications.

FormSpecSet::LoadString(refer object String, object String)

param str, libName;

Loads OWML specifications from a string.
str			String that contains OWML specifications.
libName			Library name that contains window templates 
			for which the specifications are defined.
			It is equal to an empty string if window templates 
			are located within an application.


Deletes all specifications from the set of OWML specifications.


Saves an object in text representation in the OWML language.
Returns a string.


Updates all the forms so that they conform to new specifications.

Class FormTreeLevel

#module root.system.windows.owml
#rus Спецификация уровня дерева.
#rus Каждое поле данного класса является объектом класса 	FormSpecItem,
#rus который задает для всех элементов дерева на данном уровне спецификацию
#rus отображения данных в определенное свойство элементов (см. класс GTreeItem),
#rus либо равно EMPTY.

Class FormTriggerPars

#module root.system.windows.owml
These are the parameters that passed to triggers called for window forms.
The following fields are defined in this class:
Form		Form for which a trigger is called.
NotifyCode	Event notification code in a control that calls a trigger.
		This is a string.
Expr		Data access expression. Data changing leads to trigger call.
ID		Control identifier.
VectorIndex	Index of the vector data element for which (only for this one) 
		the change occurs. It is equal to EMPTY if general data change 
The VectorIndex field makes sense (and is not equal to EMPTY) only when editing 
table cells. 

Class FormTriggerSpec

#module root.system.windows.owml
Trigger specification.
The following fields are defined in this class:
Name			Trigger name.
Pars			Trigger parameters that represent expressions.


FormTriggerSpec::FormTriggerSpec(refer object String, refer object Vector)

param name, pars;

Creates a trigger specification.
Name			Trigger name.
Pars			Trigger parameters that represent expressions.

Class FormTriggers

#module root.system.windows.owml
This is a base class for objects that should support standard triggers 
called from window forms.
All standard triggers are collected in this class. Though, objects of 
the derived class can use only some of them by specifying them in the 
OWML specification .
The following global fields are defined in this class:
ErrorText_Validate		Message that is sent to a user in case 
				of unsatisfactory data when calling the 
				FormTriggers::Validate trigger.
ErrorText_ValidateRange		Message that is sent to a user in case 
				of unsatisfactory data when calling the 
				FormTriggers::ValidateRange trigger.
ErrorText_ValidateRegExpr	Message that is sent to a user in case 
				of unsatisfactory data when calling the 
				FormTriggers::ValidateRegExpr trigger.


FormTriggers::ClearNullString(refer object BaseString, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Sets a string to EMPTY if its length is equal to zero.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::FilterNotifyCode(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, object String, int)

param data, pars, filter, clickID;

#rus Фильтрует код уведомления, вызывая обработчик кнопки или элемента меню для
#rus отфильтрованных значений.
#rus data					Данные, изменение которых приводит к вызову
#rus 						триггера.
#rus pars					Дополнительные параметры триггера.
#rus filter					Значение фильтра, задающее код уведомления,
#rus 						который пропускается данным фильтрующим
#rus 						триггером.
#rus clickID					Идентификатор, с которым вызывается обработчик для
#rus 						отфильтрованного кода уведомления.
#rus Комментарии
#rus Пример использования данного триггера - вызов триггера, назначенного на
#rus кнопку ID_TEST, при двойном щелчке мышью в списке. Для этого на список
#rus назначается триггер:
trigger FilterNotifyCode("double click", ID_TEST);

FormTriggers::FilterNotifyCode(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, object String, object String, refer ...)

param data, pars, filter, anotherTriggerName, [anotherTriggerParams];

Filters the notification code calling another trigger for filtered 
data				Data whose modifying results in calling a 
pars				Additional trigger parameters.
filter				Filter value that specifies notification 
				code which is passed by the current filtering 
anotherTriggerName		Trigger name called for the filtered 
				notification code.
anotherTriggerParams		Parameters of the trigger called for the 
				filtered notification code.
One of the examples of using this trigger is calling the Test trigger 
with the .A parameter on mouse double-click within a list. For this 
purpose the following trigger is assigned to the list:
trigger FilterNotifyCode("double click", "Test", .A);

FormTriggers::Invert(refer boolean, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

#rus Логическое отрицание.
#rus data			Данные, изменение которых приводит к вызову
#rus 				триггера.
#rus pars			Дополнительные параметры триггера.

FormTriggers::PopupMenu(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, refer object GMenu)

param data, pars, menu;

#rus Отображает меню в виде всплывающего меню в позиции курсора мыши.
#rus data			Данные, изменение которых приводит к вызову
#rus 				триггера.
#rus pars			Дополнительные параметры триггера.
#rus menu			Меню.

FormTriggers::PopupMenuBelow(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, object String)

param data, pars, menuName;

#rus Отображает меню в виде всплывающего меню в позиции под органом управления,
#rus для которого задан триггер.
#rus data			Данные, изменение которых приводит к вызову
#rus 				триггера.
#rus pars			Дополнительные параметры триггера.
#rus menuName		Имя меню.

FormTriggers::PopupMenuBelow(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, refer object GMenu)

param data, pars, menu;

#rus Отображает меню в виде всплывающего меню в позиции под органом управления,
#rus для которого задан триггер.
#rus data			Данные, изменение которых приводит к вызову
#rus 				триггера.
#rus pars			Дополнительные параметры триггера.
#rus menu			Меню.

FormTriggers::ToLower(refer object BaseString, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Converts all string characters to lower case.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::ToLower(refer object Vector, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Converts all string characters to lower case.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::ToProperNames(refer object BaseString, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Converts all string words to proper names (thirst letter is capital, 
other are small ones).
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::ToProperNames(refer object Vector, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Converts all string words to proper names (thirst letter is capital, 
other are small ones).
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::ToUpper(refer object BaseString, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Converts all string characters to upper case.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::ToUpper(refer object Vector, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Converts all string characters to upper case.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::TrimLeadTrail(refer object BaseString, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Deletes space characters at the beginning and at the end of the 
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::TrimLeadTrail(refer object Vector, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Deletes space characters at the beginning and at the end of all 
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::UpdateForm(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars)

param data, pars;

Updates a form.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.

FormTriggers::UpdateForm(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, object String)

param data, pars, expr;

Updates a form using only the OWML specification elements with the 
specified expression. 
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.
expr			Expression used by the OWML specification.

FormTriggers::UpdateForm(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, object String, int)

param data, pars, expr, index;

Updates a form using only the OWML specification elements with the 
specified expression and the items operation. Only the element with 
the specified index in a vector is used by setting the element of the 
compound control (for instance, list row) with the same index. 
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.
expr			Expression used by the OWML specification.
index			Index in the vector and compound control.

FormTriggers::UpdateForm(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, object String, object Vector, boolean)

param data, pars, expr, index;

#rus Обновляет форму, используя только элементы OWML спецификации
#rus с заданным выражением и операцией items, используя только один
#rus элемент с заданными индексами в деревообразном объекте,
#rus устанавливая только один элемент сложного органа управления
#rus (дерева) с теми же индексами.
#rus data				Данные, изменение которых приводит к вызову
#rus 					триггера.
#rus pars				Дополнительные параметры триггера.
#rus expr				Выражение.
#rus index				Вектор индексов элементов на первом, втором и
#rus 					т.д. уровне деревообразного объекта и дерева.
#rus toUpdateChildren	TRUE - обновлять дочерние элементы органа
#rus 					управления.
#rus Комментарии
#rus В выражении можно задать метасимвол #, который обозначает
#rus последовательность любых символов, в т. ч. пустую последовательность.

FormTriggers::Validate(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, refer func)

param data, pars, validateFunc;

Checks whether data satisfies some function.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.
validateFunc	Function that receives data specified via the data 
			parameter and returns TRUE if this data is 
			satisfactory or FALSE if not.
In case of unsatisfactory data the message which is stored in the 
FormTriggers::ErrorText_Validate is sent to a user.
If an application needs to define another message, then it can change 
this global field or call another form of these method and specify the 

FormTriggers::Validate(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, refer func, refer object BaseString)

param data, pars, validateFunc, errorText;

Validates whether data satisfies some function.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.
validateFunc	Function that receives data specified via the data 
			parameter and returns TRUE if this data is 
			satisfactory or FALSE if not.
errorText		Message which is sent to a user in case of 
			unsatisfactory data.
In case of unsatisfactory data the message which is stored in the 
errorText parameter is sent to a user.

FormTriggers::ValidateRange(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, refer any, refer any)

param data, pars, min, max;

Validates range.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.
min			Minimum range boundary.
max			Maximum range boundary.
If a range boundary is equal to EMPTY, then it does not exist 
(for instance, (0, EMPTY) specifies the range of nonnegative numbers).
In case of unsatisfactory data the message which is stored in the 
FormTriggers::ErrorText_ValidateRange is sent to a user.
If an application needs to define another message, then it can change 
this global field or call another form of these method and specify the 

FormTriggers::ValidateRange(refer any, refer object FormTriggerPars, refer any, refer any, refer object BaseString)

param data, pars, min, max, errorText;

Validates range.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.
min			Minimum range boundary.
max			Maximum range boundary.
errorText		Message which is sent to a user in case of 
			unsatisfactory data.
If a range boundary is equal to EMPTY, then it does not exist 
(for instance, (0, EMPTY) specifies the range of nonnegative numbers).
In case of unsatisfactory data the message which is stored in the 
errorText parameter is sent to a user.

FormTriggers::ValidateRegExpr(refer object String, refer object FormTriggerPars, object String)

param data, pars, expr;

Validates a string to the regular expression accordance.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.
expr			Regular expression.
A regular expression is defined in the format which is recognized 
by the LexScanner class. For instance, the following regular expression 
can be defined via an application to enter a phone number into a control:
In case of unsatisfactory data the message which is stored in the 
FormTriggers::ErrorText_ValidateRegExpr is sent to a user.
If an application needs to define another message, then it can change 
this global field or call another form of these method and specify the 

FormTriggers::ValidateRegExpr(refer object String, refer object FormTriggerPars, object String, refer object BaseString)

param data, pars, expr, errorText;

Validates a string to the regular expression accordance.
data			Data whose modifying results in calling a trigger.
pars			Additional trigger parameters.
expr			Regular expression.
errorText		Message which is sent to a user in case of 
			unsatisfactory data.
A regular expression is defined in the format which is recognized 
by the LexScanner class. For instance, the following regular expression 
can be defined via an application to enter a phone number into a control:
In case of unsatisfactory data the message which is stored in the 
errorText parameter is sent to a user.

Class FormVectorSpec

#module root.system.windows.owml
Vectro type specification.
The following fields are defined in this class:
ItemType		Vector element type as a string.


FormVectorSpec::FormVectorSpec(refer object String)

param itemType;

Creates a vector type specification.
itemType		Vector element type.

Class Form_SendCommandToControls_Params


Class ModalForm : GModalWnd, Form

#module root.system.windows.owml
Modal window form that maps any object to window controls.



Closes a window that corresponds to an object.
For more information see the GModalWnd::Close.

ModalForm::ModalForm(refer ...)

Creates a modal form.
For more information see the GModalWnd::GModalWnd.


Creates a window that corresponds to an object.
For more information see the GModalWnd::Open.

Class ModalTabForm : ModalForm, TabForm

#module root.system.windows.owml
Modal window form that maps any object to window controls with tabs 
as in office organizer. 


ModalTabForm::ModalTabForm(refer ...)

Creates a modal form with tabs.
For more information see the ModalForm::ModalForm and TabForm::TabForm.

Class PlukExprParser

#module Root.System.Parsers
This is a class of the parser that parses and checks Pluk-expressions.
Generated on 23/04/2001.



Returns reference on a LRParserEngine object

PlukExprParser::ParseValidate(refer object String)

param expr;

Performs parsing of the Pluk-expression specified via the expr 
parameter. Checks it accuracy.

PlukExprParser::ParseValidate(refer object String, int)

param expr, start;

Performs parsing of the Pluk-expression specified via the expr 
parameter beginning with the specified position. Checks it 

Class TabForm : GTabWnd, Form

#module root.system.windows.owml
Window form that maps any object to window controls with tabs as 
in office organizer.


TabForm::GetSpec(object String)

param specName;

Gets a specification for the current window.
specName - name of specification.
Returns an object of the FormSpec class if such specification 
exists or EMPTY if does not exist.

TabForm::TabForm(refer ...)

Creates a form with tabs.
For more information see the GTabWnd::GTabWnd and Form::Form.

Class TabItemForm : GTabItem, Form

#module root.system.windows.owml
This window form maps any object to window controls and represents 
a tab as in office organizer. The objects of the current class are 
included in the object of the GTabWnd class.


TabItemForm::TabItemForm(refer ...)

Creates a tab-form.
For more information see the GTabItem::GTabItem and Form::Form.
