



Common index

Class Cell : Position, RBack, CLBorder


Cell::&(refer object Cell)

returns RECT or EMPTY

Cell::&(refer object RECT)

returns RECT or EMPTY


returns RECT


returns cell type (

Cell::|(refer object Cell)

returns RECT

Cell::|(refer object RECT)

returns RECT

Class CellEmpty

If the object of this class is within data for 
filling then the cell is not filled and 
error does not occur 

Class CellInfo

	ReportName - report name
	TableName - table name
	CellName - cell name (if set)
	x - horizontal cell index 
	y - vertical cell index 
	cell - cell pointer


Class EditReport

	The EditReport class is designed for creating an editable report 
within the modeless window.
	If the descendant class override the CanClose method, then 
it should necessarily call the EditReport::CanClose(void)
If there is a report with the DATA type in the project, then the 
virtual function is called on loading (which should be overridden 
for a descendant)
new EditReport::Callback(refer any) = <|
param str;
	str - report name
	1. If only DATA type is present (old style support)
			vector of vectors with data for DATA tables which 
must be created 
	2. If DATA type and DATA_HEADER || DATA_FOOTER type are present
		Should return 
			vector with objects of RetDataForReport type
			class RetDataForReport {
			header; //data for DATA_FOOTER table - can be EMPTY
			data;   //vector with data for DATA tables - 
must be present 
				footer; //data for DATA_FOOTER table - 
can be EMPTY
			with data for tables 
if it returns EMPTY then work is performed as for an ordinary report 
If the Callback function did not return EMPTY, then 
the following names are assigned to the created in this way tables: 
and call to the tables of DATA type by the name 
defined in the report-generator is ignored 
if a report contained the table of the NONE type, then it is drawn 
only on the first page, that is included in the header of the first 


EditReport::AddReport(int, refer any, refer object Vector, ...)

automatic report creation (header, data)
	param orient, name, data;
	orient - paper orientation 
	name - report name 
	data - vector of strings vectors 
	dop - optional parameters 
	dop[0] - TRUE report with DATA fields
	dop[1] - vector of cell sizes (by width) in pixels 
	dop[2] - vector of Boolean values for setting the not_edit 

EditReport::Callback(refer any)

If the Callback function did not return EMPTY, then the following 
names are assigned to the created in this way tables: 
and call to the tables of DATA type by the name 
defined in the report-generator is ignored 
if a report contained the table of the NONE type, then it is drawn 
only on the first page, that is included in the header of the first 


Creates an empty report 

EditReport::Load(refer object Vector, boolean)

param vect;

	vect - vector. Each element of this vector consists of two  
(three) elements 
	   vect[0] - report name, which is used afterwards in order to 
			refer to a report 
	   vect[1] - file name or an object of the SerializeReport class
		 optional parameter 
optional parameter 
	flg_resize	- if == TRUE then the size (by height) can be 
changed according to the string length 

Class EditReportWnd : EditReport, GWnd

	The EditReportWnd class is designed for creating an editable
report within the modeless window.
	If the descendant class override the CanClose method, 
then it should necessarily call the EditReportWnd::CanClose(void)
If there is a report with the DATA type in the project, then the 
virtual function is called on loading (which should be overridden 
for a descendant)
new EditReportWnd::Callback(refer any) = <|
param str;
	str - report name
	1. If only DATA type is present (old style support)
			vector of vectors with data for DATA tables which 
must be created 
	2. If DATA type and DATA_HEADER || DATA_FOOTER type are present
		Should return 
			vector with objects of RetDataForReport type
			class RetDataForReport {
			header; //data for DATA_FOOTER table - can be EMPTY
			data;   //vector with data for DATA tables - 
must be present 
			footer; //data for DATA_FOOTER table - can be EMPTY
			with data for tables 
if it returns EMPTY then work is performed as for an ordinary report 
If the Callback function did not return EMPTY, then the following 
names are assigned to the created in this way tables: 
and call to the tables of DATA type by the name 
defined in the report-generator is ignored 
if a report contained the table of the NONE type, then it is drawn 
only on the first page, that is included in the header of the first 
	Virtual function 
	EditReportWnd::Notify(refer any, int) = <|
	param name_report, page_print;
	is called by the EditReportWnd for the notification about 
printer output of a new page 
	is called before the StartPage
	name_report - report name
	page_print - page number


EditReportWnd::()(refer any, refer object String, int, int)

#rus  Получить содержимое ячейки
#rus параметры
#rus 	name_report - имя репорта которое они было передано в функцию Load 
#rus 	name	- имя таблицы определенной в репрт-генераторе или если это подтаблица 
#rus 				путь к ней типа NAME1\\NAME2....
#rus 	int i	- индекс ячейки по верикали (счет от нуля)
#rus 	int j	- индекс ячейки по горизонтали (счет от нуля)
#rus возвращает:
#rus 	Возвращает копию содержимого ячейки
#rus 	при ошибке возвращает EMPTY

EditReportWnd::()(refer any, refer object String, refer object String)

#rus  Получить содержимое ячейки
#rus параметры
#rus 	name_report - имя репорта которое они было передано в функцию Load 
#rus 	name	- имя таблицы определенной в репрт-генераторе
#rus 	nameCell - имя ячейки
#rus возвращает:
#rus 	Возвращает содержимоe ячейки

EditReportWnd::Callback(refer any)

	str - report name
	1. If only DATA type is present (old style support)
			vector of vectors with data for DATA tables 
which must be created 
	2. If DATA type and DATA_HEADER || DATA_FOOTER type are present
		Should return 
			vector with objects of RetDataForReport type
			class RetDataForReport {
			header; //data for DATA_FOOTER table - can be EMPTY
			data;   //vector with data for DATA tables - 
must be present 
			footer; //data for DATA_FOOTER table - can be EMPTY
			with data for tables 
if it returns EMPTY then work is performed as for an ordinary report 


necessarily must be called by a descendant before closing 


Deletes a union of reports for printing on one page

EditReportWnd::CreateGroupForPage(refer object Vector)

Creates a union of reports for printing on one page
	names - vector that consists of report names (that were 
previously passed via the Load function)

EditReportWnd::CreateUnionForPrint(refer any, refer object Vector, boolean)

Creates a union of tables into one large cell for printer output 
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	Vector names - vector that contains table names that will be 
joined into one table which consists of one cell 
	boolean rect_visible - draws a rectangle around the table == 
							or not == FALSE
		if the current report has the DATA type or table name was 
previously placed to the similar union then it returns FALSE
		otherwise TRUE

EditReportWnd::EditReportWnd(refer ...)

See parameters of GWnd::GWnd constructors

EditReportWnd::ExportToMetaFile(refer object String)

param name;

	metafile name

EditReportWnd::Fill(refer any, refer object String, refer object Vector, ...)

param name_report, name, vect [, Redraw];

fills a separate cell and redraws it
name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
name	- table name defined in the report-generator 
vect - vector of vectors that contain filling elements 
Redraw - optional parameter of Boolean type, if
	Redraw == TRUE, then when new information is entered the 
	update of the table to which the information was entered 
	only is performed.
	If Redraw == FALSE or omitted, then redrawing is not 
	performed. It allows to quickly perform the update for 
	many tables and perform general update of a window (for 
	instance by calling self->Invalidate(TRUE)).
Filling element String, MBmp, number.
If a string is placed to a cell marked as 'function'
it will be converted to the function and executed 
the function necessarily has to receive two parameters 
MDC pointer and RECT
If the function returns String or MBmp then they 
will be drawn within a cell 

EditReportWnd::FillCell(refer any, refer object String, int, int, refer any, ...)

fills a separate cell and redraws it
	param name_report, name, i, j, item [, Redraw];
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator or
 (if it is a sub-table)
				path to it of the NAME1\\NAME2.... type
	int i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	int j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	item	- filling element String, MBmp, number.
			If a string is placed to a cell marked as 'function'
			it will be converted to the function and executed 
			the function necessarily has to receive two 
			parameters MDC pointer and RECT
			If the function returns String or MBmp then they 
			will be drawn within a cell 
			If the cell type is sub-table then the filling 
			element represents a vector of vectors that contain 
			sub-table filling elements 
	Redraw - optional parameter of Boolean type, if
		Redraw == TRUE, then when new information is entered the 
		update of the table to which the information was entered 
		only is performed.
		If Redraw == FALSE or omitted, then redrawing is not 
		performed. It allows to quickly perform the update for 
		many tables and perform general update of a window (for 
		instance by calling self->Invalidate(TRUE)).

EditReportWnd::FillCell(refer any, refer object String, refer object String, refer any, ...)

fills a separate cell and redraws it
	param name_report, name, nameCell, item [, Redraw];
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator 
	nameCell - cell or sub-table name
	item	- filling element String, MBmp, number.
			If a string is placed to a cell marked as 'function'
			it will be converted to the function and executed 
			the function necessarily has to receive two 
			parameters MDC pointer and RECT
			If the function returns String or MBmp then they 
			will be drawn within a cell 
			If the cell type is sub-table then the filling 
			element represents a vector of vectors that contain 
			sub-table filling elements 
	Redraw - optional parameter of Boolean type, if
		Redraw == TRUE, then when new information is entered the 
		update of the table to which the information was entered 
		only is performed.
		If Redraw == FALSE or omitted, then redrawing is not 
		performed. It allows to quickly perform the update for 
		many tables and perform general update of a window (for 
		instance by calling self->Invalidate(TRUE)).

EditReportWnd::GetCellInfo(int, int)

returns the CellInfo structure
	with the following fields
		ReportName - report name
		TableName - table name
		CellName - cell name (if it is set)
		x - horizontal cell index
		y - vertical cell index
		cell - cell pointer


The number of pages received by a printer

EditReportWnd::GetRecord(refer any, refer object String, int, int)

Gets the cell content
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator or 
(if it is a sub-table)
				path to it of the NAME1\\NAME2.... type
	int i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	int j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	Returns the coy of the cell content
	returns EMPTY in case of an error

EditReportWnd::GetRecord(refer any, refer object String, refer object String)

Gets the cell content
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator 
	nameCell - cell name
	Returns the cell content

EditReportWnd::GetRectTable(refer any, refer object String)

param name_report, name;

fills a separate cell and redraws it
name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
name	- table name defined in the report-generator 


Returns a vector that consists of the objects of the SerializeReport 


Returns the string that contains text from report cells


#rus  возвращает вектор содержащий размеры мм в пикселах для репортов

EditReportWnd::GetTable(refer any, refer object String)

Gets the table content, the content of read_only cells is not returned 
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator 
	returns a vector of vectors that contain copies of filling elements 
	returns EMPTY in case of an error

EditReportWnd::Load(refer object Vector, ...)

param vect;

	vect - vector. Each element of this vector consists of two  
(three) elements 
	   	vect[0] - report name, which is used afterwards in 
		order to refer to a report 
		vect[1] - file name or an object of the SerializeReport 
		class optional parameter 
optional parameter 
	flg_resize	- if == TRUE then the size (by height) can be 
changed according to the string length 

EditReportWnd::Notify(refer any, int)

This virtual function is called by the EditReportWnd for the 
notification about printer output of a new page 
	is called before the StartPage
	name_report - report name
	page_print - page number


Window opening 


Printer output 
	optional parameter
		num_page_to_print - printed page number or a vector that
					consists of page numbers

EditReportWnd::Print(int, int, ...)

Printer output
	x, y parameters - offset on paper in mm;
	optional parameter
		num_page_to_print - printed page number or a vector that
					consists of page numbers

EditReportWnd::Print(refer object MDC, ...)

Printer output 
	Printer opening and closing must be performed in the calling 
	optional parameter
	[0] num_page_to_print - printed page number or EMPTY
	[1] (not for a union) num_page_to_print - if == FALSE whether 
the EndPage is called automatically

EditReportWnd::Print(refer object MDC, int, int, ...)

Printer output 
	Printer opening and closing must be performed in the calling 
		mdc - MDC object
		x, y - offset on paper in mm;
		optional parameter
	[0] num_page_to_print - printed page number or EMPTY
	[1] (not for a union) num_page_to_print - if == FALSE whether 
the EndPage is called automatically


#rus  Выдача на принтер 
#rus 	необъязательный параметр
#rus 		num_page_to_print - номер печатаемой страницы и
#rus 							ли вектор из номеров страниц

EditReportWnd::PrintDlg(int, int, ...)

#rus  Выдача на принтер 
#rus 	параметры x, y сдвиг на бумаге в мм;
#rus 	необъязательный параметр
#rus 		num_page_to_print - номер печатаемой страницы и
#rus 							ли вектор из номеров страниц

EditReportWnd::ResetUnionsForPrint(refer any)

deletes a union of tables into one large cell for printer output <EndComment>


executes all the functions within cells marked as R_FUNC_RES 


executes all the functions of the R_FUNC_RES type

EditReportWnd::Save(refer any, refer object String)

sets alignment of a separate cell and redraws it
	param name_report, name, nameCell, item [, Redraw];
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator

EditReportWnd::SetBgColorCell(refer any, refer object String, int, int, refer object ColorRef, ...)

#rus  Заполнение отдельной ячейки, и перерисовка ее
#rus параметры
	param name_report, name, i, j, item [, Redraw];
#rus 	name_report - имя репорта которое они было передано в функцию Load 
#rus 	name	- имя таблицы определенной в репрт-генераторе или если это подтаблица 
#rus 				путь к ней типа NAME1\\NAME2....
#rus 	int i	- индекс ячейки по верикали (счет от нуля)
#rus 	int j	- индекс ячейки по горизонтали (счет от нуля)
#rus 	color - новый фон ячейки
#rus 	Redraw - необъязательный параметр типа boolean, если
#rus 		Redraw == TRUE, то при вставке новой информации
#rus 		производится обновление только таблицы в котрую произведена
#rus 		вставка информации.
#rus 		Если Redraw == FALSE или отсутсвует, то перерисовка
#rus 		не производится. Это позволяет быстро произвести обновление
#rus 		многих таблиц, и произвести общее обновление окна (например
#rus 		вызвав self->Invalidate(TRUE)).
#rus возвращает:
#rus 	TRUE или FALSE 

EditReportWnd::SetBgColorCell(refer any, refer object String, refer object String, refer any, ...)

#rus  Заполнение отдельной ячейки, и перерисовка ее
#rus параметры
	param name_report, name, nameCell, item [, Redraw];
#rus 	name_report - имя репорта которое они было передано в функцию Load 
#rus 	name	- имя таблицы определенной в репрт-генераторе
#rus 	nameCell - имя ячейки или подтаблицы
#rus 	color - новый фон ячейки
#rus 	Redraw - необъязательный параметр типа boolean, если
#rus 		Redraw == TRUE, то при вставке новой информации
#rus 		производится обновление только таблицы в котрую произведена
#rus 		вставка информации.
#rus 		Если Redraw == FALSE или отсутсвует, то перерисовка
#rus 		не производится. Это позволяет быстро произвести обновление
#rus 		многих таблиц, и произвести общее обновление окна (например
#rus 		вызвав self->Invalidate(TRUE)).
#rus возвращает:
#rus 	TRUE или FALSE 

EditReportWnd::SetCellAlign(refer any, refer object String, int, int, int, ...)

sets alignment of a separate cell and redraws it
	param name_report, name, i, j, item [, Redraw];
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator
	int i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	int j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	int flag  - formed by alignment flags (MAT_CENTER, 
	Redraw - optional parameter of Boolean type, if
		Redraw == TRUE, then when new information is entered the 
		update of the table to which the information was entered 
		only is performed.
		If Redraw == FALSE or omitted, then redrawing is not 
		performed. It allows to quickly perform the update for 
		many tables and perform general update of a window (for 
		instance by calling self->Invalidate(TRUE)).

EditReportWnd::SetCellAlign(refer any, refer object String, refer object String, int, ...)

sets alignment of a separate cell and redraws it
	param name_report, name, nameCell, item [, Redraw];
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator
	nameCell - cell name
	int flag  - formed by alignment flags (MAT_CENTER, 
	Redraw - optional parameter of Boolean type, if
		Redraw == TRUE, then when new information is entered the 
		update of the table to which the information was entered 
		only is performed.
		If Redraw == FALSE or omitted, then redrawing is not 
		performed. It allows to quickly perform the update for 
		many tables and perform general update of a window (for 
		instance by calling self->Invalidate(TRUE)).


sets paper orientation when printing

EditReportWnd::SetReadOnlyAttribute(any, object String, int, int, boolean)

param name_report, name, i, j, read_only;

Sets the ReadOnly flag for a separate cell.
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator
	i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	read_only - new flag value
	old flag value.

EditReportWnd::SetReadOnlyAttribute(any, object String, object String, boolean)

param name_report, name, nameCell, read_only;

Sets the ReadOnly flag for a separate cell.
	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function 
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator
	nameCell - cell name
	read_only - new flag value
	old flag value.


param size_mm;

#rus  устанавливает размеры мм в пикселах для репортов
	size_mm либо число, либо вектор чисел



EditReportWnd::VisibleTable(any, refer object String, boolean, boolean, ...)

param name_report, name, visible, glue, repaint;

	name_report - report name that was passed to the Load function
	name - table name 
	visible - whether to display table or not (TRUE/FALSE)
	glue - whether to raise/lower underlying tables (TRUE/FALSE)
optional parameter :
	Redraw - optional parameter of Boolean type, if
		Redraw == TRUE, then when new information is entered the 
		update of the table to which the information was entered 
		only is performed.
		If Redraw == FALSE or omitted, then redrawing is not 
		performed. It allows to quickly perform the update for 
		many tables and perform general update of a window (for 
		instance by calling self->Invalidate(TRUE)).

Class ListTempFile


Class MComCtrl : MRControl


Class ModalEditReportWnd : EditReportWnd, GModalWnd

	The ModalEditReportWnd class is designed for creating an 
editable report within the modal window.
	If the descendant class override the CanClose method, 
then it should necessarily call the EditReportWnd::CanClose(void)


ModalEditReportWnd::ModalEditReportWnd(refer ...)

See parameters of GWnd::GWnd constructors.

ModalEditReportWnd::Open(refer object Vector, ...)

param vect, [flg_resize];

	vect - vector. Each element of this vector consists of two  
	   vect[0] - report name, which is used afterwards in order to 
			refer to a report 
	   vect[1] - file name or an object of the SerializeReport class
optional parameter 
	flg_resize	- if == TRUE then the size (by height) can be 
changed according to the string length 

Class ModalReportWnd : ReportWnd, GModalWnd

	If the descendant class override the CanClose method, 
then it should necessarily call the ReportWnd::CanClose(void)
Virtual functions that should overridden for a descendant
new ReportWnd::Callback(int, int)
param direct, num_strok;
 This is a virtual function which is called by a report in order to 
fill a table
num_strok - the number of filled tables of the H_DATA type
returns a vector of vectors with table data or EMPTY 
new ReportWnd::Notify(refer object String) = <|
param message;
This is a virtual function which is called by a report in order to 
notify about performed report fillings
"RP_BEGIN"  //set to the beginning for printer output
"RP_START_PAGE" //it is sent before page calculation, if it is 
necessary to perform 
enable, disable for the ("REP_FOOTER", "REP_AUTOGLUE", "REP_HEADER") group
if the flag for the "REP_HEADER" is set to disable then the DATA tables are printed beginning with the 
HEADER tables position
"RP_START_FILL"	// starts filling with data
"RP_END_FILL"  // ends filling with data


ModalReportWnd::ModalReportWnd(object String, object SerializeReport, int)

param WinName, Report, NumbData;

WinName - window resource name
Report - serialized report object
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type

ModalReportWnd::ModalReportWnd(object String, object String, int)

param WinName, ReportName, NumbData;

WinName - window resource name
ReportName - path to the loaded report
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type

ModalReportWnd::ModalReportWnd(object String, refer object GWnd, object SerializeReport, int)

param WinName, parent, Report, NumbData;

WinName - window resource name
parent - parent class
Report - serialized report object
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type

ModalReportWnd::ModalReportWnd(object String, refer object GWnd, object String, int)

param WinName, parent, ReportName, NumbData;

WinName - window resource name
parent - parent class
ReportName - path to the loaded report
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type

ModalReportWnd::ModalReportWnd(refer object String)

WinName - window resource name

ModalReportWnd::ModalReportWnd(refer object String, refer object GWnd)

param WinName, parent

WinName - window resource name
parent - parent class

Class RCheck : RStr


Class RCheckBoxCtrl : RFixCtrl


Class RComCtrl : RStr


Class RFixCtrl : MRControl


Class RRadioTable : GRadioGroup


Class Report : Position

The Report class is designed for displaying and printing a report 
it has:
	the member of the orient class contains a constant from the PR_ group


Report::()(refer object String, int, int)

#rus  Получить содержимое ячейки
#rus параметры
#rus 	refer object String name - имя таблицы определенной в репрт-генераторе
#rus 	int i - индекс ячейки по верикали (счет от нуля)
#rus 	int j - индекс ячейки по горизонтали (счет от нуля)
#rus возвращает:
#rus 	Возвращает копию содержимого ячейки
#rus 	при ошибке возвращает EMPTY

Report::()(refer object String, refer object String)

#rus  Получить содержимое ячейки
#rus параметры
#rus 	refer object String name - имя таблицы определенной в репрт-генераторе
#rus 	refer object String nameCell - имя ячейки
#rus возвращает:
#rus 	Возвращает содержимоe ячейки

Report::BgShow(refer object GWnd)

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)

Report::BgShow(refer object GWnd, int, int)

param wnd, x, y;

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)
	refer object GWnd wnd;
	x, y - report offset 

Report::BgShow(refer object GWnd, number)

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)
	param wnd, scale;
	refer object GWnd wnd;
	scale - scale from 0  to 1.0

Report::BgShowCell(refer object String, int, int, refer object GWnd)

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)
	param name, i, j, wnd, scale;
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	int i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	int j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	refer object GWnd wnd;

Report::BgShowCell(refer object String, int, int, refer object GWnd, int, int)

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)
	param name, i, j, wnd, scale;
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	int i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	int j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	refer object GWnd wnd;
	x, y - report offset 

Report::BgShowCell(refer object String, int, int, refer object GWnd, number)

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)
	param name, i, j, wnd, scale;
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	int i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	int j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	refer object GWnd wnd;
	scale - scale from 0  to 1.0

Report::BgShowCell(refer object String, refer object String, refer object GWnd)

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)
	param name, nameCell, wnd, scale;
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-generator 
	nameCell - cell name
		refer object GWnd wnd;

Report::BgShowCell(refer object String, refer object String, refer object GWnd, int, int)

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)
	param name, nameCell, wnd, scale;
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	nameCell - cell name
	refer object GWnd wnd;
	x, y - report offset 

Report::BgShowCell(refer object String, refer object String, refer object GWnd, number)

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)
	param name, nameCell, wnd, scale;
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	nameCell - cell name
	refer object GWnd wnd;
	scale - scale from 0  to 1.0


Returns an object of the SerializeReport class 
for the following write to disk or a database.
(for more information see the SerializeReport)

Report::CreateUnionForPrint(refer object Vector, boolean)

Creates a union of tables into one large cell for printer output 
	Vector names - vector that contains table names that will be 
joined into one table which consists of one cell 
	boolean rect_visible - draws a rectangle around the table == 
							or not == FALSE
		if the current report has the DATA type or table name was 
previously placed to the similar union then it returns FALSE
		otherwise TRUE

Report::Fill(refer object String, refer object Vector)

param name, vect;

	name - table name defined in the report-generator 
	vect - vector of vectors that contain filling elements 
	Filling element String, MBmp, number.
	If a string is placed to a cell marked as 'function'
	it will be converted to the function and executed 
	the function necessarily has to receive two parameters 
	MDC pointer and RECT
	If the cell type is sub-table then the filling element 
	represents a vector of vectors that contain sub-table 
	filling elements 
	If the function returns String or MBmp then they 
	will be drawn within a cell 

Report::FillCell(refer object String, int, int, refer any)

param name, i, j, item;

Filling of a separate cell 
	name - table name defined in the report-generator 
	i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	item - filling element String, MBmp, number.
			If a string is placed to a cell marked as 'function'
			it will be converted to the function and executed 
			the function necessarily has to receive two 
			parameters MDC pointer and RECT
		If the function returns String or MBmp then they 
		will be drawn within a cell 
	If the cell type is sub-table then the filling element 
	represents a vector of vectors that contain sub-table 
	filling elements 

Report::FillCell(refer object String, refer object String, refer any)

param name, nameCell, item;

Filling of a separate cell 
	name - table name defined in the report-generator 
	nameCell - cell or sub-table name 
	item - filling element String, MBmp, number.
			If a string is placed to a cell marked as 'function'
			it will be converted to the function and executed 
			the function necessarily has to receive two 
			parameters MDC pointer and RECT
		If the function returns String or MBmp then they 
		will be drawn within a cell 
	If the cell type is sub-table then the filling element 
	represents a vector of vectors that contain sub-table 
	filling elements 

Report::GetRecord(refer object String, int, int)

Gets the cell content 
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	int i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	int j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	Returns the copy of the cell content 
	returns EMPTY in case of an error 

Report::GetRecord(refer object String, refer object String)

Gets the cell content 
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	refer object String nameCell - cell name
	Returns the cell content 


Returns the RECT of a report

Report::GetRectTable(refer object String)

Returns the RECT of the named table 

Report::GetTable(refer object String)

Gets the table content, the content of read_only cells is not returned 
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	returns a vector of vectors that contain copies of filling elements 
	returns EMPTY in case of an error

Report::Load(refer object SerializeReport)

Reads a report from an object of the SerializeReport class

Report::Load(refer object String)

Reads a report from a file 


Output to a printer

Report::PrintPage(refer object MDC)

Output to a printer

Report::PrintPage(refer object MDC, int, int)

Output to a printer

Report::PrintPage(refer object MDC, int, int, any, refer int, ...)

Output to a printer

Report::Report(boolean, int, refer object Vector, ...)

Creates an automatic report on basis of the vector of cell elements 



Report::Report(refer object Report)


Report::Report(refer object SerializeReport)

Reads a report from an object of the SerializeReport class

Report::Report(refer object String)

Reads the filename (report) from a file 


Creates an empty report 


deletes a union of tables into one large cell for printer output <EndComment>

Report::RunFuncRes(refer object GWnd)

Executes all the function of the R_FUNC_RES type

Report::SetBgColorCell(refer object String, int, int, refer object ColorRef)

param name, i, j, item;

#rus Заполнение отдельной ячейки
#rus 	name - имя таблицы определенной в репрт-генераторе
#rus 	i - индекс ячейки по верикали (счет от нуля)
#rus 	j - индекс ячейки по горизонтали (счет от нуля)
#rus 	color - новый фон ячейки
#rus возвращает:
#rus 	TRUE или FALSE 

Report::SetBgColorCell(refer object String, refer object String, refer object ColorRef)

param name, nameCell, item;

#rus Заполнение отдельной ячейки
#rus 	name - имя таблицы определенной в репрт-генераторе
#rus 	nameCell - имя ячейки или подтаблицы
#rus 	color - новый фон ячейки
#rus возвращает:
#rus 	TRUE или FALSE 

Report::SetCellAlign(refer object String, int, int, int)

sets alignment of a separate cell 
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	int i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	int j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	int flag  - formed by alignment flags (MAT_CENTER, 

Report::SetCellAlign(refer object String, refer object String, int)

sets alignment of a separate cell 
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	refer object String nameCell - cell name
	int flag  - formed by alignment flags (MAT_CENTER, 

Report::SetReadOnlyAttribute(object String, int, int, boolean)

param name, i, j, ReadOnly;

Sets the ReadOnly parameter for a cell 
	name - table name defined in the report-generator 
	i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	ReadOnly - new flag value.
Returns the old flag value.

Report::SetReadOnlyAttribute(object String, object String, boolean)

param name, nameCell, ReadOnly;

Sets the ReadOnly parameter for a cell 
	name - table name defined in the report-generator 
	nameCell - cell name
	ReadOnly - new flag value.
Returns the old flag value.


draws dots in empty cells 

Report::Show(refer object MDC)

Output to a window 

Report::Show(refer object MDC, int, int)

param mdc, x, y;

Output to a window, redraws only the cells contents (for background 
modification of cell values)
	x, y - report offset

Report::Show(refer object MDC, number)

Output to a window 
	param mdc, scale;
	scale - scale from 0  to 1.0

Report::VisibleTable(refer object String, boolean, boolean)

param name, visible, glue;

	name - table name 
	visible - whether to display table or not (TRUE/FALSE)
	glue - whether to raise/lower underlying tables (TRUE/FALSE)

Class ReportWnd : Report, GWnd

	If the descendant class override the CanClose method, 
then it should necessarily call the ReportWnd::CanClose(void)
Virtual functions that should overridden for a descendant
new ReportWnd::Callback(int, int)
param direct, num_strok;
 This is a virtual function which is called by a report in order to 
fill a table
num_strok - the number of filled tables of the H_DATA type
returns a vector of vectors with table data or EMPTY 
new ReportWnd::Notify(refer object String) = <|
param message;
This is a virtual function which is called by a report in order to 
notify about performed report fillings
"RP_BEGIN"  //set to the beginning for printer output
"RP_START_PAGE" //it is sent before page calculation, if it is 
necessary to perform 
enable, disable for the ("REP_FOOTER", "REP_AUTOGLUE", "REP_HEADER") group
if the flag for the "REP_HEADER" is set to disable 
then the DATA tables are printed beginning with the 
				HEADER tables position
"RP_START_FILL"	// starts filling with data
"RP_END_FILL"  // ends filling with data


ReportWnd::Callback(int, int)

param direct, num_strok;

 This is a virtual function which is called by a report in order to 
fill a table
num_strok - the number of filled tables of the H_DATA type
returns a vector of vectors with table data or EMPTY 


necessarily must be called by a descendant before closing 

ReportWnd::Enable(refer object String)

	String name - can be table name or
	TRUE - enable
	FALSE - disable

ReportWnd::Enable(refer object String, boolean)

	String name - can be table name or
	if the flag for the "REP_HEADER" is set to 
disable then the DATA tables are printed beginning with the HEADER 
tables position
	boolean flag -	TRUE - enable
				FALSE - disable

ReportWnd::FillAndShow(refer object String, refer object Vector)

For tables that do not have the DATA type
	Filling and redrawing within a separate cell
	(only value is redrawn)
	param name, vect;
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator 
	vect - vector of vectors that contain filling elements 
	Filling element String, MBmp, number.
	If a string is placed to a cell marked as 'function'
	it will be converted to the function and executed 
	the function necessarily has to receive two parameters 
	MDC pointer and RECT
	If the function returns String or MBmp then they 
	will be drawn within a cell 

ReportWnd::FillCellAndShow(refer object String, int, int, refer any)

For tables that do not have the DATA type
	Filling and redrawing within a separate cell
	(only value is redrawn)
	refer object String name - table name defined in the report-
	int i - vertical cell index (counting from zero)
	int j - horizontal cell index (counting from zero)
	refer any item - filling element String, MBmp, number.
			If a string is placed to a cell marked as 'function'
			it will be converted to the function and executed 
			the function necessarily has to receive two 
			parameters MDC pointer and RECT
			If the function returns String or MBmp then they 
			will be drawn within a cell 

ReportWnd::FillCellAndShow(refer object String, refer object String, refer any)

For tables that do not have the DATA type
	Filling and redrawing within a separate cell
	(only value is redrawn)
	param name, i, j, item;      
	name	- table name defined in the report-generator 
	nameCell - cell name
	item	- filling element String, MBmp, number.
			If a string is placed to a cell marked as 'function'
			it will be converted to the function and executed 
			the function necessarily has to receive two 
			parameters MDC pointer and RECT
			If the function returns String or MBmp then they 
			will be drawn within a cell 


Returns the number of tables filled with data 


returns the report size

ReportWnd::Load(object SerializeReport, int)

param Report, NumbData;

Reads a report from the object specified via the Report parameter.
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type.

ReportWnd::Load(object String, int)

param ReportName, NumbData;

Reads (report) from the file specified via the ReportName parameter
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type.

ReportWnd::Notify(refer object String)

This is a virtual function which is called by a report in order to 
notify about performed report fillings
"RP_BEGIN"  		//set to the beginning for printer output

ReportWnd::Print(refer object MDC)

Printer opening and closing must be 
performed in the calling function
The old value of DATA tables is restored 
when redrawing after printing


The old value of DATA tables is restored when redrawing after printing

ReportWnd::ReportWnd(object String, object SerializeReport, int)

param WinName, ReportName, NumbData;

WinName - window resource name
Report - serialized report object
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type

ReportWnd::ReportWnd(object String, refer object GWnd)

param WinName, parent;

WinName - window resource name
parent - parent class

ReportWnd::ReportWnd(object String, refer object GWnd, object SerializeReport, int)

param WinName, parent, ReportName, NumbData;

WinName - window resource name
parent - parent class
Report - serialized report object
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type

ReportWnd::ReportWnd(object String, refer object GWnd, object String, int)

param WinName, parent, ReportName, NumbData;

WinName - window resource name
parent - parent class
ReportName - path to the loaded report
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type

ReportWnd::ReportWnd(refer object String)

WinName - window resource name

ReportWnd::ReportWnd(refer object String, refer object String, int)

param WinName, ReportName, NumbData;

WinName - window resource name
ReportName - path to the loaded report
NumbData - the number of records of the DATA type


When output is performed to a window
scale - scale from 0 to 1.0


When output is performed to a window
scale - scale from 0 to 1.0


param drect;


Class RetDataForReport

		header - data for DATA_FOOTER table - can be EMPTY
		data - vector with data for DATA tables - must be present 
		footer - data for DATA_FOOTER table - can be EMPTY

Class SerializeReport

The SerializeReport class is designed for report writing and reading 


SerializeReport::Load(refer object String)

param name;

Reads the SerializeReport object from the file 
specified via the name parameter

SerializeReport::Save(refer object String)

param name;

Writes the SerializeReport object to the file 
specified via the name parameter

SerializeReport::Save(refer object String, refer object Vector)

param name;

#rus Записывает объект SerializeReport в файл name


Copies the SerializeReport object


Creates an empty object

Class tmpMetaFile : Position



	param  orient, vect;
#rus 	orient - ориентация бумаги
#rus 	rep - object Report


param orient, vect;

	orient - paper orientation
	vect - report vector ("Report" type)
